
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


When I was a kid, I had an outer view of the world than others, when people thought of the their future, growing up, working hard, getting married, having children, building up a family and so fort, I my view of the future was blank.

I had no ambition, no motivation, no will, it was boring, everyday I saw my parents quarrelling over me and what they should do, I was sure I was the cause of their conflict, but I did not care.

My mother left, she did not turn back, the day she left, my dad cried, and started drinking a lot, I grew up not caring about the world and his people.

I ended up being an ordinary office worker in a small company, had an ordinary life, not married and no background, my days after work, was just browsing and eating snacks trolling on the Internet.

"I am tired" This life was boring, everyday was the repetition of the day before, dry and empty.

A month later, he received a call announcing that his dad has pass away and he needed to finalize certain documents in the hospital, time passed and kept flowing and before he could realize what was going on, he was old and he died alone in his hospital bed.


"Hmm... Where am I?" The vast ocean of stars that spiraled around him, was mesmerizing to watch, it was the first time he showed an expression different from boredom and tiredness.

His hand moved towards the twinkling stars and tried to hold on to them, the galaxy converged towards him in a spiral form and was absorbed.

He once again open his eyes in a hall, people surrounding him, they all murmured praises and glory, calling him hero, he looked around and saw a summoning ground, he was taken to the king where a monologue of demon kings and so what had to destroy the world and he was here to save them.

From there on, he embarked himself in an adventure of saving the world, formed a party and build up relationships, but his feelings where still barren, something was odd, he felled like a worker doing his job and build a background, what was this?

After defeating the demon king, the world went back to peace, but in his adventures, he studied the history of the world and discovered, after every time skip, of decades and sometimes millennium, a demon lord shall emerged and the world shall fall once again in chaos, as auto defense, the world shall summon a hero to save the world, and this would repeat and repeat and keep going on in an endless loop.

"Boring " He thought, this was pathetic and stupid, this particularly annoyed him, why doing all this, abducting people from other worlds to solve their miserable problems, why can't they solve it themselves, what was the use of the gods of this world.

He abandoned everything behind him, and left for the world's end, he wanted to meet the gods and ask them to stop and deal with their problems alone, his friends tried stopping him, but he did not listen, going to the extent on trampling on their bodies, he killed the person he loved, he could not turn back any more and one billion centuries later, he succeeded.

Nobody knew how this once hero did to prolong his life to such extent, but his existence became a threat to the world's development, demons lords and kings where destroyed, heros were no longer summoned, he absorbed and ate on the world's existence itself, he became a threat beyond the understand of the world and his existence pushed the hidden beings to show up and a war broke out.

The world's order was shattered and destroyed and extinction was at doorstep, he killed the gods one by one, hunting them one after another without resting, his view of the world after a long life twisted and became ugly, a mad hero.

After taking down the last god, he had reached the realms of divinity and was like a god himself, he willed the powers who no longer had a owner, with all gods dead, he took control of the world.

After all his journey, he reached immortality, he could no longer die, but he still did not reach the answer he wanted, so he thought of dead, but he could not kill himself nor could he die and ordinary dead, he needed someone to replace him, so he started a long project of disassembling of the world and creation of new.

He summoned and destroyed lifes as easy as ever, he got tired of the repeating failure, no ordinary human hero could go to that extend and some gave up and either committed suicide or leave old and died before reaching the last world.

So he change his plans and summoned dead souls in new body forms, dragged out entities from other alternate dimensions and realities, and it worked, he was happy, this being different from humans live longer and could travel the world, they couod get stronger.

He observed them traveling around the world and waited for their arrival, he was at the point of closing when he saw a soul lingering around the empty world.

Without much thought, he dragged the soul and realized it was a human soul, he rapidly loose interest in it, but he did not destroy it, he looked down at the deepest world, a world he gave up and which could no longer birth a strong person.

Only weak individuals where trapped there, he bound the soul with a weak system and threw the soul, looking at the sinking soul, he wondered how a human soul could survive in the body of stronger creatures.

"It's more of a curse than a blessing " He left for the higher grounds and the world cracked to pieces and disappeared.


Nine open his eyes, it was still to early and the morning sun hasn't showed up, he woke up and look at his hands, he clench and realized.

He was a little excited, the werewolf evolution gave him the possibility to shift between human and a wolf, and the was even a function [beast battle mode] Included, he thought of testing it immediately, but the system gave him a warning on it's use, just the sight of the warning made him give up.

Most importantly, the usually quiet and limited panel had strangely updated, the panel having nice decorations and drawing, the straight line writings had changed to a stylish one, and the greatest of all the changes was...

"Deca" Nine called out, he heard a 'ding!' and a materialize ball of fur showed up, [how many I be of help?] As the ball of fur called Deca, it's red ruby eyes stared at Nine waiting for instructions.

"Show the Decadence system " He asked, the fur disappeared and a panel showed up, show casting Nine's new form evolution in details, this was a full rebirth to a new species.

An electronic sound was heard as digital blogs sprouted out of nowhere, all shining in night blue, digits and letters formed and class showed up, for it's first new appearance, it really made up a show for the eyes to watch.

[Candidate's ID: NINE]

[Age: 01 year]

[level: 01 werewolf ]

[Race: The Winter werewolf ] [option: Semi- human wolf form] [partial transformation ]

(new) The warlock beast] (unequipped )

{Natural Attributes skills}

_Eye of the wolf (Advanced red)

_Black slash (Advanced (red)

_wind slash(Superior purple)

_Hyper shift (Basic purple)

_ Air step

_Bite (Advanced red) ]


[Agility: Superior] (Green)

[Strength: Superior] (Green)

[Speed: Superior](Green)

[Dexterity: Superior][Green]

[Craftiness: standard](Green)

[Intelligence: Advanced](Red)

[Stealth: Superior][Red]

{Magic Establishment}


_Snow step


_Mountain Call

_Beast battle mode, warlock berserker.

_ Dark snow Reinforcement spell

{Inherited skills}

_Hand to hand Combat.

_Martial style Combat.

_Weapon style Combat

_Beast style Combat


_Body Transformation spell.

_Enhancement spell.

_healing spell

[Inventory (New)]


[Threat level: 2]

Nine read the new panel carefully, taking note of new, and unchanged, and certain things he did not understand with the old format of the system, they were certain things he could now do, like equipping which title to use, he also saw his spells and skills displayed, he glance at the bar, 'inherited skills' for a moment, a slight moment, he thought of his parents.

Nine stood up and left the room wearing on him a pant and a shirt, the morning cold air entered his lungs the moment he stepped out of the building, he started jogging.

"From the moment I showed up in this world, I don't know how many times I have missed dead, I had to think and fight my way out over dangerous situations " He thought of the beginning, went he landed here, too went he escape dead, ate the bird and snake and embark in hunting beast bigger than him, a month only passed, and here is him, in a newly build body, he stopped and look at the far Horizon, beyond lies the Abyss of the three zones, the red zone, I am coming, he thought, "outburst!" His muscles contracted.

Note, he was actually in a semi human form with wolf ears, he shot out like a bullet, towards the rising sun.

Authors note.

My apologies, went noting out the volumes, I thought of putting volume 1 as a means of introducing the mains character beginning departure, and starting vol2, but the WN system is too complicated, so, I would just add it as vol 1part 2.

Vol 2: Beyond the Boundaries

Authors note.

My apologies, went noting out the volumes, I thought of putting volume 1 as a means of introducing the mains character beginning departure, and starting vol2, but the WN system is too complicated, so, I would just add it as vol 1part 2.

NB: if you know how I can modify the vol please leave a comment below.

next chapter is the official beginning of vol2.

Vol 2: Beyond the Boundaries

Poker_moncreators' thoughts