
Brought to a Xianxia World with My Friend's System

Ryker Hartavia was just an ordinary teen, helping out at his family's restaurant at the beachside town of Greyson Shores. Each passing day was the same as the last; that is, until he suddenly gets sent to a world filled with Immortals and Ancient Martial Arts. Now he's got to find a way back home, with nothing but the clothes on his back and his friend's magical AI to help him along the way. On that note, Ryker may not be so ordinary, after all...

Mistah_Meowmerz · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs


Back at the junction where Hu Long had split from the expedition team, Wang Mang stood before the Bone Breaking Miasma cloud, tapping his foot with knitted brows.

"Brother Wang, why the anxious face? Don't tell me you're regretting your decision, already."

He turned at the sound of Yao Chen's voice behind him, to see the plain-faced disciple strolling leisurely to his side.

"Brother Yao, you didn't tell me that we would be using something like the Bone Breaking Miasma," Wang Mang began, a trace of annoyance in his tone, "I agreed to keep Hu Long trapped for a few days, not kill him. What if he's been affected?"

Yao Chen just shrugged, that same, gentle smile on his face.

"He's much more competent than you give him credit for. Besides, it's a little late to be worrying about his safety after scheming against him like this, don't you think?"


Wang Mang frowned, unable to retort.

It was true; when he'd been given the opportunity to get into Elder Jiang's good graces by sabotaging Hu Long, he jumped at it. There was a little bit of guilt, but Hu Long wouldn't have gotten very far in the Inner Disciple competitions anyway, would he?

Now, however, faced with his hypocrisy, Wang Mang felt that guilt return full force. He remembered the young boy who used to jump with excitement when practicing martial arts, a lump settling in his stomach as he clenched his fist.

Yao Chen, on the other hand, noticed the subtle shift in Wang Mang's demeanor, and a sudden inspiration turned his gentle smile into something sinister.

"If you're really that worried, Brother Wang, why don't you go accompany him?" he suggested, placing a hand on Wang Mang's shoulder.

"Elder Jiang won't care how it's handled as long as he's delayed."


Wang Mang thought it over for a long while. Eventually, he nodded, a solemn look on his face.

"Okay, then I will regroup with Hu Long and delay him for a while longer."

With that, he crossed his arms and waited for the miasma to disperse. Yao Chen just bowed once more, his expression returning to its usual calm before he turned and walked away.

As he left, though, a trace of sadistic glee could be seen in his slightly upturned eyes.

'Wang Mang and Hu Long, killing each other after a heated confrontation... That should wrap things up nicely.'

Yao Chen congratulated himself for his own quick thinking. Of course, Wang Mang and Hu Long didn't actually have to fight; it just needed to look like they did.

The Assassination Squad could easily arrange for such a thing.

And as for whether or not Xia Qingge would approve, well, she didn't have to know. Even if she were to find out, would she really punish him for making things easier for the Sect?

'Hmph, better to ask forgiveness than permission.'

He hummed to himself, the corners of his mouth creeping upwards in a twisted sneer.

Anyone who might get in the way of the Great Void Sect… should perish!

Meanwhile, Hu Long was hunkered down behind an outcropping of rocks, observing the situation with eyes wide open.

'Amazing. So this 'compad' can make up for Ryker's lacking spiritual sense to this extent.'

If he were to be honest, he was worried when he saw that their opponents' stealth technique was even more sophisticated than the Steel-Back Wraith, but Ryker was able to perfectly deal with the hidden danger as soon as he arrived.

It seems this was also out of the Great Void's expectations, judging by their current hesitance in continuing their assault.

'... Foolish disciple, this is no time to be impressed. What that Ryker brat used just now was the Divine Sight.'

His master materialized beside him, a grave look on her face. Hu Long raised a brow before activating his own Divine Sight, faintly making out a golden aura shining around Ryker's eyes, which he assumed was indicative of the technique.

'I knew this brat was suspicious, but this just confirms it. Foolish disciple, you should cut ties with him at the soonest opportunity, he's definitely hiding some big secrets!'

Hu Long contemplated his master's advice for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders.

'Well, isn't it fine? All cultivators will have their secrets. I'm keeping you a secret from him, as well, aren't I?'

The old crone opened her mouth to say something, but found she couldn't refute her disciple's words. Still, she wouldn't let it go so easily.

'Just be careful, it's strange that he was able to learn the Divine Sight. It's one of my original techniques, and you've never used it in front of him before, have you?'

Hu Long fell silent. Indeed, Ryker should have never seen him use the technique before, and if it was his master's original creation, how would he have been able to learn it?

There's no way it was just an extremely similar looking technique, was there?

'... I understand, master. Still, I don't think he has any ill intent.'

The old crone didn't say anymore, shooting Hu Long a disapproving glare before withdrawing back into the ring. Hu Long, on the other hand, kept a vigilant eye, staying on guard for any sudden attacks and watching for an opportunity to escape.

This matter was in Ryker's hands, now.

On the side of the assassins from the Great Void Sect, the gentle-voiced assassin stared impassively at their target below, hovering stock-still on the side of the sheer canyon walls using the Great Void's special stealth technique.

Her name was Tian Xiaofan, and she was the leader of the Assassination Squad.

'The enemy was prepared. Second Brother is down, and the initial strike of the Three Petals Formation was thwarted. Adding on to that, the target is much more formidable than previous intel suggested…'

By all accounts, this mission should be considered a failure, and they should withdraw posthaste.

But she couldn't accept it!

'We, who successfully killed Yan Ping of the Exalted Lightning Pavillion, can't even take down this Foundation Establishment whelp?'

They would become the laughingstocks of the Great Void Sect!

Their reputation in the sect that was painstakingly built up from nothing, the prestige they had attained from killing the Exalted Lightning Pavillion's Nascent Soul stage elder, it would all go up in smoke if they failed, here.

Even if word of their failure never got out, the sect leader was not a forgiving woman; no matter how powerful they reported Ryker to be, she wouldn't be so understanding.

How could someone in the Foundation Establishment realm possibly survive ten Soul Wandering realm assassins?

Tian Xiaofan could feel the hesitant gazes of her squadmates. They, too, probably recognized that retreat was the best option.

Still, she couldn't accept it!

She let out a series of sharp trills, silent to the ears but crystal clear to the spiritual sense of those practicing the Great Void's stealth technique, signaling the others to continue the assault.

A brief moment passed before she heard their reluctant trills in response, and turned a solemn expression towards the center of the clearing.

Throughout all this, Ryker stood relaxed, leisurely resting the Sturdy Iron Cudgel on his shoulders. With the help of the Divine Sight, he could see the traces of each assassin like wisps of smoke on his peripherals, so he'd be able to tell immediately when they next made their move. However...

'... This *is* kinda giving me a headache, though.'

His head was throbbing right behind his eyes, the natural drawback of utilizing this technique for extended periods of time.

[You'll just have to deal with it, unfortunately. Hu Long's spiritual sense is strong enough to only need the Divine Sight as a supplement, but you'd be blind without it,] Mini C chimed in.

Ryker nodded, ignoring the distracting pain as he waited for the assassins to make their move. Although 'borrowing' from Hu Long also gave a slight boost to his spiritual senses, it was far from enough to see through their stealth with it.

The moments ticked by in silence.

His eyes shifted to the left before he struck out with his staff, sparks flying as it intercepted the wickedly curved blade heading straight for his heart. At the same time, he jumped back and ducked to avoid the cuts coming for his stomach and the back of his neck, pulling out Gao Shun's black sword and spinning around to slash at the assassin behind him.

The assassin leapt backwards, gravel crunching under their feet as they slid, while Ryker shot towards them in pursuit with the Profound Wind Walking Technique, swinging his staff down full force. All he got for his efforts, however, was a burst of gravel to his face, as the Sturdy Iron Cudgel blasted a crater in the ground.

His target had disappeared completely, having vaulted to the canyon walls in the instant it took Ryker to catch up.

"Hm, not quite fast enough, huh?"

Ryker stowed his sword back in his dimensional pocket as he brushed some dust off of his jacket, turning back to face the lone assailant left on the field. The unconscious body of the one he'd first knocked out was now gone, probably recovered by the others during that last exchange.

If only he could borrow from multiple people at once; the Void Crossing Steps would be pretty useful, right about now.

The assassin before him stood stock still, seemingly sizing him up in silence. He could sense the others shifting their positions around him, and he planted his feet, slowly bringing his staff up into stance.

"You... are you really in the Foundation Establishment realm?" the gentle-voiced assassin, Tian Xiaofan, finally spoke. Ryker just gave a cheeky grin, shrugging his shoulders noncommittally.

"What, you can't tell?"

The only answer that came was another flurry of movement as another three flashes of steel descended upon him. He was already prepared for another three-pronged attack, however, utilizing the Whirling Leaf Footwork to quickly slip past his attackers and strike out with his staff as he went.

As expected, though, the target of his strike was able to evade quite easily, and as soon as the exchange was finished, the assassins disappeared from sight, once more. Ryker clicked his tongue, wondering what he could do to break this stalemate.

'It's too late to strike after I dodge. I need to be able to dodge and attack them at the same time...'

Although there was only a fraction of a moment's delay between his movement and his strike, that was all it took for the enemy to evade when they were this fast. If he just swung his staff without trying to circulate the Fierce Yaksha Cudgel Technique, he supposed he could get the timing right...

But why let go of this perfect opportunity to practice? It was over once his sister got here, anyway.

"Okay, so Fierce Yaksha is under the 'Earth' element, and if I want to use it with the Whirling Leaf Footwork... was 'Earth' weak to 'Wind'...?"

Ryker muttered under his breath as he went through the qi circulation and footwork pattern for the Whirling Leaf Footwork. The strange thing was that, now that he focused, he could clearly understand the inner workings of the technique, as if he'd had a sudden enlightenment.

Rather than getting hung up on the details, like before, his brain seemed to see through to the essence of the technique, his qi moving freely like the breeze he envisioned. Was this how geniuses saw things?

So engrossed was he in this sudden epiphany... that he almost didn't notice the dagger flying straight for his neck.


A flick of his wrist was enough to get his staff up to deflect the dagger, the metal ringing from the impact. Tian Xiaofan was behind him the moment he blocked, but before she could swing her blade, Ryker had already launched himself backwards, sending her flying with a full body slam.

The assassin quickly recovered, somersaulting mid-air before landing gently on the ground.

Ryker, meanwhile, was back to working on his footwork, hopping back and forth in a choppy circle while looking down at his feet.

"... You're really looking down on us, aren't you?"

Although Tian Xiaofan was quiet, a trembling undercurrent of anger seeped through her silky voice.

"Hold up a sec, I almost got it," Ryker said in response, ignoring his opponent and continuing his footwork exercises. Tian Xiaofan's grip on her short sword tightened, before letting out another imperceptible trill, causing all of the assassins lying in wait to shift positions.

Ryker glanced to the side, taking note of the hidden assassins maneuvering to surround Hu Long. Rather than worry, however, he simply grinned, carrying on with his practice without hurry.

After a moment's delay, the field once again exploded into action.

Three assassins rushed Hu Long from different angles, while Tian Xiaofan slipped in to engage Ryker at the same time.

However, while the assassins going after Hu Long used the same three-directional attack as before, the speed was greatly slowed, as if to allow Ryker to assist if he was fast enough.

Tian Xiaofan lingered just outside Ryker's reach, waiting for his response. As soon as he turned to help…

As expected, Ryker immediately rushed towards Hu Long, and Tian Xiaofan lunged forward, her blade thrusting straight at Ryker's heart from behind.

What she didn't expect, however, was for Ryker to turn around right after, a surge of wind bursting from his feet as he spun to the inside of her thrust, swinging his staff at her head using the spin's momentum.

Tian Xiaofan quickly brought her free arm up to block, and a searing pain shot up her shoulder as the staff slammed into her, breaking several bones and sending her flying.

"Ha! Got it!" Ryker shouted, as Tian Xiaofan flew back with a confused expression under her mask. Was he really sacrificing his friend just for a chance to take her out?

This man was more ruthless than they had realized!

Meanwhile, on Hu Long's side, his eyes were closed tight in concentration, all of his focus on the mechanical sphere now in his hand even as the assassins bore down on him.

"I'm counting on you, Sir Caelus!"

He grit his teeth and slapped the sphere with his other hand, before a blinding, blue light erupted from the sphere and engulfed him.