
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

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35 Chs

The Vanquished Legacy

The Razhall chamber in the castle was an ancient and mysterious place. Its walls were adorned with fading tapestries, depicting scenes from a time long past. The room itself was dimly lit by the soft glow of ancient lanterns, casting eerie shadows across the stone floor. A large, ornate wooden table dominated the center of the chamber, covered in dusty scrolls and parchments. The air was heavy with the scent of aged books and the weight of centuries of knowledge.

Elder Suma, a wise and ancient figure with a long white beard, His eyes held the wisdom of centuries as he gazed at Robin, curious who had sought him out to unravel the mysteries of the past.

Elder Suma: Orsted, Ariel Asura, and Eisuke. these gods once lived among humans, and their close friend was none other than Drakaroth, a mere mortal

Robin: (confused) Elder Suma, I still can't wrap my head around it. These gods, Orsted, Ariel Asura, and Eisuke, and their human friend Drakaroth... I've never heard of them before. Who were they?

Elder Suma: (leaning forward) Ah, young Robin, these beings were unlike any other. Orsted, Ariel Asura, and Eisuke were gods, but they lived among humans as friends. They shared a bond of love and harmony that transcended their divine nature. this friendship ended with Drakaroth fight Orsted.

Robin: (intrigued) But where did these gods come from, Elder Suma?

Elder Suma: (stroking his beard) That, my dear Robin, is a question that has eluded even the most learned scholars throughout the ages. The gods, as far as we know,They simply appeared among us humans and they have always lived alongside humanity. It is their very nature to possess incredible powers, which is why they are called gods.

Robin: (curious) What about these powers? Can you tell me more?What were they capable of?

Elder Suma: (shrugging) I'm afraid not, young one. The extent and origin of their powers remain a mystery. Their powers were as diverse as their personalities, and the extent of what they could do remains a mystery.They are unique to each god, a part of their divine essence that sets them apart from mere mortals.

Robin: (intrigued) But why did Drakaroth and Orsted end up fighting each other?

Elder Suma: (nodding sagely) Ah, young Robin, the gods and their motives are as enigmatic as the depths of the cosmos. Orsted desired a world of absolute peace,to end all conflict.In pursuit of this goal, Orsted believed the only way to achieve it was to eliminate everyone in the current world and then resurrect them in a new world of his own making, a world that he envisioned as a utopia of tranquility.On the other hand, Drakaroth, his human companion, disagreed with Orsted's extreme methods. He saw the flaws in Orsted's vision, recognizing that forcibly ending lives and creating a new world through such means would only lead to violence and bloodlust masked as peace. and it's a fake peace Their differing ideals set them on a collision course.The conflict between Orsted and Drakaroth, fueled by their fundamental differences in ideology, eventually escalated into a battle involving the powers of the gods.

Robin: (curious) But how could a mere human like Drakaroth challenge a god like Orsted?

Elder Suma: (nodding) Drakaroth was no ordinary human. He had trained alongside these gods and had attained a level of power equal to theirs through his dedication and the bonds they shared.

Robin: (inquisitive) Elder Suma, you've told me about Orsted, and human freind Drakaroth , but what happened to the other gods,Ariel Asura, and Eisuke.

Elder Suma: (somber) . They were killed by their own brother, Orsted.

Robin: (shocked) Orsted killed his own siblings? Why would he do such a thing?

Elder Suma: (sadly) It is a dark and painful chapter in their history. Orsted believed that by eliminating the other gods, he could fulfill his vision of a perfect world. He saw his siblings as obstacles to that vision and, in his pursuit of peace, he committed an act of unimaginable violence.

Robin: (sympathetic) That's... that's truly heartbreaking. What drove him to such extremes?

Elder Suma: (reflective) The nature of gods is complex, young Robin. Their motivations and desires are often beyond our comprehension. Orsted was consumed by his vision of a world free from conflict, and he was willing to do anything to achieve it, even if it meant sacrificing his own family.

Robin: (thoughtful) I see. power can be drive to extreme actions.

Robin: (intrigued) And Cerberus,is he a descendant of these gods?

Elder Suma: (nodding) Yes, Cerberus is believed to be a descendant, though the details of his lineage remain shrouded in mystery. He possesses some of the powers that these gods once wielded.

Elder Suma: (leaning in closer) Robin, I must share something else with you. There have been whispers, faint rumors, that Orsted, against all odds, may still be alive.

Robin: (astonished) Alive? After all this time?

Elder Suma: (nods) It is merely speculation, but if you wish to uncover the truth, there is a source that may hold the answers you seek – the elusive tome known as "The Lost Gods."

Robin: (determined) The Lost Gods? Where can I find this book, Elder Suma?

Elder Suma: (regretful) I wish I knew, young one. The book's location has been lost to time, much like the gods themselves. But it is said that within its pages, you may find everything you desire to know about Orsted, Ariel Asura, Eisuke, and their extraordinary lives, as well as the secrets of their deaths.

Elder Suma: (whispering) Robin, there is another way o uncover the past, a way that does not involve finding the lost tome to uncover the history of the past. It involves the rightful heir of the throne.

Robin: (intrigued) What do you .....?

Elder Suma: (leaning closer) When the rightful heir sits upon the throne, they gain access to the memories and history of all the rightful heirs who came before. You see, the throne itself holds the memories of the rightful heirs who have sat upon it. It is a sacred and ancient connection to the lineage of kings.

Robin: (hesitant) But, Elder Suma, Cedric is the current king. I can't just take his place on the throne.

Elder Suma: (smiles knowingly) My dear Robin, you know that, you know that Cedric is no true king . not the truly heir of the throne, but you.

Robin: (shocked) What? i know that .

Elder Suma: (calmly). The throne belongs to you by bloodline.my son 

Robin: (concerned) If I were to claim the throne, I'd have to confront the king and all his supporters. It would lead to chaos and bloodshed.

Elder Suma:Chaos is a momentary trial. Nothing more, without order the universe is nothing.

Robin:The universe is nothing without chaos. anarchy. Chaos, destruction, bloodshed.This is life, Order is a shepherd. Calling the lambs to slaughter you.

Elder Suma: (wise) There is another path, Robin. You don't have to force your way to the throne. Let the world know who you are, and they will bow down to you.

Robin: (hesitant) But if people find out who I am, they may hunt me down to eliminate the threat.

Elder Suma: (gentle) That's why you must learn to control your power. And to do that, you must sit on the throne. I am a teacher of the wind style, and I can help you harness your abilities.

Robin: (curious) Elder Suma, how old are you?

Elder Suma: (smiles mysteriously) I have seen 3600 years pass, my dear Robin.

Robin: (astonished) 3600 years? Are you a Cerberus, Elder Suma?

Elder Suma: (pauses) You could say that, but no, I am not.I have learned their ways over the millennia and can pass that knowledge on to you.

Robin: (with a mix of sadness and anger) Elder Suma, do you know how they died? How did my parents meet their end?

Elder Suma: (grimly) Yes, Robin. I know the tragic tale of their demise. They did not meet their end by accident or natural causes. It was a cruel and orchestrated act that took them from us.

Robin's fists clenched as he braced himself to hear the painful truth about his parents' fate.

Elder Suma: (continues) Your parents were betrayed, my boy. The orchestrator of their downfall was Michael Gladrell, who, with the support of the Salvador Vaultwood and Edwardo Legolasa families, launched a sinister plot to crush your family's clan.

Robin: (eyes narrowing) Michael Gladrell? Salvador Vaultwood? Edwardo Legolasa? Why would they do such a thing? You mean to say that my parents' clan was destroyed because of a tragic incident involving Michael Gladrell and a member of the Legolasa family?

Elder Suma: (nodding gravely) Yes, Robin. It was a tragedy that ignited a chain of events leading to the rebellion and the destruction of your family's clan. Michael Gladrell's love for a Legolasa girl named Alia. and Michael think that terrible act committed by Vayu Cerberus he Rape Alia and murdred her led to a feud that escalated beyond control.

Robin's mind reeled at the complexity of the situation. The interplay of love, revenge, and betrayal had set in motion a series of events that ultimately led to the downfall of his family's clan.

Robin: (reflective) So,thinking? he just thought? it all began with a tragic misunderstanding and a thirst for revenge. What a terrible cycle of violence. Elder Suma, I can't fathom the pain and anger Michael Gladrell must have felt upon losing someone he loved in such a tragic way. But that still doesn't excuse the destruction of my family's clan.why he didn't just kill Vayu?

Elder Suma: (nodding in agreement) You are right, Robin. While we can empathize with the depth of his emotions, the path he chose to seek vengeance resulted in great suffering and tragedy for many.

Robin: (determined) I want to understand more about what happened, Elder Suma. who is Vayu in the first place?

Elder Suma: (smiling) Vayu Cerberus is quite the enigmatic figure, Robin. He is a man of remarkable charisma and charm. His handsome appearance has a way of captivating the hearts of those who meet him, making him quite popular among both men and women.

Robin: (intrigued) He sounds like a charismatic individual, but what else can you tell me about him?

Elder Suma: (thoughtful) Beyond his charm, Vayu Cerberus possessed incredible strength and mastery over the wind style. His control over the elements was nothing short of astounding, and he could harness the power of the wind in ways that few could match. He was a true force to be reckoned with. Vayu Cerberus Being known as "The Last Windcaller".Vayu Cerberus was indeed a figure of legend, and his fate is a mystery. There are whispers and tales about his adventures, but as for what became of him, that remains unknown. He disappeared from the annals of history, leaving behind a legacy of unparalleled power and charisma.

Robin: (curious) Do you think he might still be alive somewhere, perhaps living in seclusion or pursuing some hidden quest?

Elder Suma: (with a hint of mystery) It's possible, Robin. The world is vast, and there are many hidden corners where one could hide away from prying eyes. Vayu Cerberus was a man of mystery, and his disappearance only adds to the legend that surrounds him. michael gladrell Killed all The Cerberus but he didn't kill the disired man .

Robin: (curious and intrigued) Elder Suma, I've been meaning to ask, how is it that you've lived for 3600 years? It's quite an extraordinary span of time.

Elder Suma: (regretful) My longevity, Robin, is a result of a forbidden technique, one that comes with a heavy price. It grants the bearer the gift of a nearly endless life, but at the cost of many sacrifices.

Robin's eyes widened as he absorbed the gravity of Elder Suma's revelation.

Robin: (concerned) What kind of sacrifices, Elder?

Elder Suma: (with a sigh) The price is the separation from one's own humanity, the loss of personal connections, and the weight of witnessing the passage of time without end. It's a lonely existence, my boy, and one I would not wish upon anyone.

Robin: (sympathetic) I'm sorry to hear that, Elder Suma. It sounds like a heavy burden to carry.

Elder Suma: (nods) It is indeed, Robin. And to make matters more complicated, there is only one way for me to die and release from this immortal existence. Only a Cerberus, one of your lineage, has the power to end my life.

Robin: (empathetic but conflicted) Elder Suma, I understand your deep desire to witness my journey and see me take the throne at the royal capital. It's a noble wish. But I must admit that I'm still struggling with the idea of taking a life, even if it's to grant you peace.

Elder Suma: (softly) I understand your hesitation, Robin. The choice to end a life is never an easy one, and it should never be taken lightly.

Robin's thoughts were mired in the complexity of the situation. He considered the weight of Elder Suma's eternal existence and the pain he endured, juxtaposed with the moral dilemma of taking another's life.

Robin: (contemplative) If I were to do this, Elder Suma, would it truly grant you peace? Or would it be a never-ending cycle of suffering for both of us?

Elder Suma: (reflective) It is a difficult question, my boy. But sometimes, the greatest acts of mercy come in the form of difficult decisions. Think it over, and when you've found your answer, I'll be here.

To illustrate his point, Elder Suma gently pinched Robin's left hand once more, emphasizing the feeling of pain and suffering he endured in his endless existence.

Robin: (deep in thought) I will give it the consideration it deserves, Elder Suma. This is not a decision to be made lightly, and I want to make sure it's the right one, for both of us.

As the discussion between Robin and Elder Suma came to a close, the night descended upon the Razhall castle. The flickering torches and candles cast dancing shadows on the ancient stone walls, giving the chamber a mystical and serene ambiance.

With the decision made to begin his training tomorrow, Robin felt a sense of anticipation and nervous excitement. He knew that the journey ahead would be arduous, but it was also a path to self-discovery and growth.

As Elder Suma and Robin parted ways, they bid each other goodnight. The castle's inhabitants, each with their own responsibilities and tasks, retired to their respective chambers to rest and prepare for the challenges of the following day.

Robin's room was a simple yet comfortable space, with a canopy bed and a window that overlooked the moonlit courtyard. He couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day and the mysteries and revelations that had unfolded in the castle.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Robin settled into his bed, knowing that the dawn would bring a new chapter in his journey. The night was filled with the soft whispers of the wind outside, a gentle reminder of the power he sought to harness.

In the quiet of the night, Robin closed his eyes, his thoughts filled with dreams of training, discovery, and the potential for a brighter future. Tomorrow held the promise of growth, and he was ready to embrace it with open arms.