
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasi
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35 Chs

The bloody wedding

The morning of the long-awaited wedding of King Darwin and Lady Zulema arrived, and the atmosphere was alive with excitement and anticipation. All the kings of the various kingdoms had gathered at the grand venue to witness the union of two powerful realms. Levander, the King of Freljord, exuded an aura of icy authority; Lord Santes Durbin, the King of Zion, radiated a sense of wisdom and diplomacy; Lord Aphelios, the King of Shurema, carried an air of mystique; and Garvan 4, the Lord of Verodonia, emanated a regal grace.

However, the King of Neville was notably absent, leaving a lingering sense of curiosity among the guests. Despite this, the festivities commenced, and joy filled the air as the guests reveled in the celebration. The grand table was adorned with lavish decorations, and the feast was a sumptuous display of delicacies from all six kingdoms.

As the merriment reached its peak, King Darwin stood up, a wicked smile playing on his lips. The music softened, and all eyes turned towards him, expecting an announcement of joy and unity. But his words were far from what anyone anticipated.

King Darwin: (in a sinister tone) My esteemed guests, I promised my council a promise is to gift Lady Elsa Legolasa a gift, and today, I shall fulfill it. (He handed her a small bag.)

Expecting a token of kindness, Lady Elsa opened the bag, only to find something horrifying within. Her face turned pale, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she clutched the bag in anguish.

Lady Zaher, seated beside her husband, was filled with fear and concern for Lady Elsa. She couldn't fathom the cruelty behind this act.

Lady Zaher: (whispering to King Darwin) Why would you do this? This is heartless!

King Darwin: (with a cold smile) She deserves to know the truth. This is a reminder of her family's treachery.

As laughter echoed through the hall from the other guests, Lady Zaher felt a mix of sorrow and sympathy for Lady Elsa. She understood that this was not just a twisted game but a way for King Darwin to assert his dominance and control over those around him.

Meanwhile, the singer, wearing a mysterious mask, continued to captivate the guests with his soulful song.

he start sing the song

"In my life, I was Noel Gruber who worked at Taco Bell

In Uranium City, Saskatchewan

But, in my dreams, I played a different role

I was Monique Gibeau in post-war

(While everyone was engrossed in the singer's song, King Darwin took the opportunity to slip away to his chamber. He wanted to change his clothes, which had somehow become soiled during the festivities. )

A hooker with a heart of black charcoal

I write poems to burn by firelight

Drink champagne and guzzle gin

Good girls call me "The Town Bicycle"

Don't knock it 'til you've tried my life of sin

(Guard: (nodding) Indeed, Your Grace. The festivities are grand, but my duty is to ensure your safety. May I accompany you to your chamber to change your clothes?

King Darwin: (dismissively) Nonsense! There is no need to fret, my loyal guard. We are in the heart of my castle, surrounded by my trusted subjects. Nothing can happen to me here.

Guard: (concerned) Nevertheless, Your Grace, it is my duty to protect you at all times. I cannot leave your side, especially during such a crowded event.

King Darwin: (laughing) Oh, you worry too much, my friend. The singer's mesmerizing voice has everyone enthralled. No one would dare cause a disturbance at such a joyous occasion.

Guard: (hesitant) I understand, Your Grace, but I still feel uneasy leaving you alone.

King Darwin: (placing a reassuring hand on the guard's shoulder) I appreciate your dedication, but I insist you stay here and enjoy the festivities. This is a rare moment of celebration, and I don't want you to miss it.

Guard: (reluctant) Very well, Your Grace. But if you need anything, please don't hesitate.

King Darwin: (smiling) I promise,. For now, let us revel in the music and the company of our guests. There's nothing to worry about.

The guard reluctantly nodded, torn between his duty and the King's request. He took a step back, keeping a watchful eye on King Darwin before joining the guests in enjoying the singer's soul-stirring performance. As the night continued, the guard's apprehension began to ease, trusting that the King's words were true, and the festivities would proceed without any trouble.)

Oh, Claude, my pimp, knows never mess with me

Last prick did that faded quick to black

I have no idea where to find him, Lords

But if you do, please mention that I'd like to have returned

The pretty knife that I stuck ten times in his back

For I sing songs until the break of dawn

I embrace a new man every night

My life's one never-ending carnival

A whirl of boozy-floozy flashing light

I want to be that fucked-up girl

(As the vibrant melodies of the singer's song echoed through the grand hall, King Darwin slipped away from the revelry, heading towards his chamber to change his clothes. Unbeknownst to him, Sir Lores, torn between his loyalty to his family and his own moral compass, had noticed the King's departure and decided to follow him discreetly.

Stepping softly, Sir Lores trailed behind King Darwin, making sure not to make a sound that would betray his presence. He knew that this might be his best chance to confront the King, to put an end to his reign of terror and protect his beloved sister, Lady Zaher.

As they walked through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, the flickering torches cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding an eerie ambiance to the scene. The tension in the air was palpable, and Sir Lores could feel his heart pounding in his chest with each step he took closer to the King's chamber.

Finally, they reached the door to King Darwin's chamber. Sir Lores paused, taking a deep breath, trying to steady himself for what lay ahead. This moment would define the fate of his family and the six kingdoms.

Carefully, Sir Lores peeked through the slightly ajar door, ensuring that he remained unnoticed. Inside, the chamber was dimly lit by candlelight, casting a soft glow over the opulent furnishings and decorations.

King Darwin, unaware of the shadowy figure observing him, began to change his clothes. The King's back was turned to the entrance, providing an opportunity for Sir Lores to act.

The weight of the decision bore down on Sir Lores, torn between his duty to his family and his own principles. He knew that killing the King was a dangerous and drastic step, but he believed it was the only way to protect Zaher and the six kingdoms from King Darwin's cruelty.

Yet, as he stood there, Sir Lores couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt. He hesitated, his hand on the hilt of his sword, unsure if he could go through with the act of regicide.

In that moment of hesitation, memories of happier times with King Darwin, before his true nature was revealed, flashed through Sir Lores' mind. The weight of the decision intensified as he wrestled with conflicting emotions.)

He said, "I think I am in love with you"

I've heard that lie a million times before

Oh, tonight I give in to the fantasy

Take love when you can, when you're a whore

(After complete calm in front of the door of the king's room . Suddenly, a distant echo of the singer's haunting song reached Sir Lores' ears, a poignant reminder of the sorrow that permeated the joyous occasion. It brought him back to his purpose, to the need to protect his family and the kingdom.With renewed determination, Sir Lores steeled himself for what he had to do. He couldn't let his personal feelings cloud his judgment. This was for the greater good, for the safety and wellbeing of all those he cared about.Taking a deep breath, Sir Lores stepped forward, ready to confront King Darwin and put an end to his tyranny once and for all. As he crossed the threshold into the chamber, with a heart filled with determination, his gaze fell upon a scene that left him stunned. There, lying lifeless on the floor, was King Darwin, his body punctuated with the cruel wounds of a gruesome attack. A beautiful yet sinister knife, stained with blood, protruded from the King's back, evidence of the deadly force that had been unleashed upon him. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Sir Lores absorbed the shocking sight before him. His initial intention to confront the King and put an end to his tyranny was now rendered futile, as someone else had already taken justice into their own hands.)

So now I sell my love for opium

In some rat-infested Chinese dive

At night I burn myself with cigarettes

Just to somehow prove I'm still alive

Eight months later, I catch typhoid flu

Kicked out, I see the ugly light of day

Dying in an alley, a priest kneels down to me

My king, do you have any final words to the Golden devil you'd like to say?

Oui, tell him that, like him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!

(As Sir Lores stood there, taking in the shocking sight of the lifeless King Darwin in his chamber, a rush of conflicting emotions washed over him. He couldn't believe what he had stumbled upon, and the weight of the situation felt overwhelming. However, he knew that he couldn't afford to dwell on this discovery at the moment.With a steely resolve, Sir Lores quickly composed himself and made a split-second decision. He couldn't let the chaos of the King's death disrupt the grand wedding celebration and put Zaher and the guests in danger. Taking a deep breath, he hurriedly left the chamber, his mind racing with the implications of what he had seen.Once back in the grand hall, he put on a façade of composure, masking the turmoil inside him. He greeted the guests with a smile, pretending as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. He couldn't afford to raise any suspicions or draw attention to himself.)

For I sing songs until the break of dawn

I embrace a new man every night

My life's one never-ending carnival

A whirl of boozy-floozy flashing light

For I sing songs until the break of dawn

I embrace a new man every night

My life's one never-ending carnival

A whirl of boozy-floozy flashing light

I want to be that fucked-up girl

If I could have just one dream

(If he could have just one dream)"

the song end. the Kings Darwin's life end here