
Brothel owner rules the kingdom

In the historical world of ancient China another power lived with humans, which they were completely unaware of, they were spirits. As a test they were sent to earth and there they take control of human body and suffer tribulations in their place. But the host for its body should surrender it willingly and also that person could ask anything to the same spirit. Though the human will die, it becomes duty of spirit to continue the owner wishes. Lee Su Mi stood at the impasse with the same spirit " my body is young, beautiful, without any sickness and virgin, do you expect me to hand it over with just one wish. I want three, if you are willing my body will be yours". Spirit became curious with this bold woman who was selling her virginity and not hesitant to demand more. To appease her interest and curiousity the spirit started its journey as Lee Su Mi, a young girl sold to the brothel and her wishes were "revenge against King and evil prime minister who destroyed her whole family, killing her parents and taking her new born brother captive. But they didn't stop at that. They sold the girl to a brothel and now for the protection of her younger brother and last to salvage her body from the beasts at the brothel. She wanted the spirit to give her justice and rightful position to her brother while salvaging her body from getting ruined". Accepting the challenge, now the new Lee Su Mi entered the same brothel but she will not sell her body there. Though she will ravage this kingdom to the same ashes that the original Su Mi was burning on. Smiling she said , "no problem I will own this brothel and no one would dare to take it from me". But why is the crippled Prince Lee Jong Hyun want to buy her and keep her in his black palace. No I will not go there. But how did I myself go there every night. What compelling power this man has. Why can't she control his mind and he is controlling her body with all that pleasure. Why being human has so many tribulations and what she as future Brothel owner has to do to take the revenge on highest authority of this kingdom and corrupt prime minister. Art work belong to the original creator...It does not belong to me

Notorious_doc · Sejarah
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24 Chs

Entry to dark palace 1

Next morning before sunrise Su Chen opened his sleepy eyes, he looked at the running men outside the room and swiftly jumped up.

As he has not made any contacts here noone cared to wake him up. Hastening his pace he was last among the group of men that stood in front of the steward.

Steward Mu looked at the standing men his brows furrowed, with a bellow he spoke " five lashes to last second and third who joined the line and ten to the last one".

Su Chen had not even opened his eyes before he was standing in front of the steward and suddenly he was jolted to lie down straight on the punishment bench, first five lashes happened so fast he felt burning pain all at once and a cloth was stuffed on his mouth became red as he bit his tongue and last five was even more excruciating but previous pain made him fall in daze. Blood dripped from his back and worst of all his clothes were ripped from the back. it was the bandage that was wrapped around his chest that made it possible to hide his white skin.

Su Mi wanted to curse this steward because after this test the other job at brothel waited for her and the injured and scarred back would be questionable in the eyes of many people.

Su Chen quickly arranged the clothes and slowly turned back to return but steward Mu was not satisfied, he wanted to establish more importance among the new employees.

"Su Chen, from today you will serve food in dark palace along with your garden duty" spoke Steward Mu in loud voice, gasp echoed everywhere dark palace was full of bad omen in eyes of normal public and any employee ran in the name of dark palace and not only that many servants were hanged outside the same palace in the name of small grievances and crippled nephew of king was a devil reincarnate in front of other servants.

Su Chen felt his steps lightened down when he heard the punishment he wanted nothing but hug the arrogant steward Mu though gardening was tiring work but there was scope for him to vanish for few moments and spy inside the dark palace and working as food delivery made the job much more easier.

With a crying pitiful face Su Chen accepted the punishment, steward Mu when saw the sad face of the young lad, he felt his heart move, so he said " as you are punished today you can rest till breakfast is served, it willl give you two hours which would be enough and be careful of the dark palace and report of anything unusual happened".

With grateful look Su Chen limped back to now empty resting area and took rest for next two hours what he was unknown was that a figure was watching everything happened as ordered by his master Lee Jong Hyun. Jong Joon was surprised when given order to watch an unknown servant Su Chen.

He saw despite blood seeping on the back of his clothes Su Chen had weird smile on his face, the satisfaction he could see there was as if steward Mu gave her reward rather then punishment.

Su Chen saw that the time was seven thirty, after dusting his clothes he happily hummed as he made his way to kitchen. He bowed to kitchen head and asked in polite manner " mam, I am here from dark palace I am here for breakfast of Prince Lee Jong Hyun".

Kitchen head looked at him from head to toe and then ignored him, her head moved continuously over some fragrant curry that was being cooked for probably some hours.

A small maid working alongside her cleared her throat and pointed her head to backside of kitchen and there lay a tray filled with brown broth and four boiled egg.

First thought in Su Chen's head was it was some servant's food but when that little woman placed the tray on his hands, he couldn't help but ask " is this for prince Lee Jong Hyun?".

That woman nodded and returned back to her. work, other servants ignored him and Su Chen became dazed at first he was happy to get entry at dark palace but looking at the food he grimaced it was probably a preparation for guillotine.

But Su Chen was not anyone, he was unwilling to serve this rubbish to Lee Jong Hyun and get punished again. He looked at the maid working at the side dishes for breakfast at other prince table. He slowly went to her "sister, can I ask you to place some side dishes at this tray also. This is for Prince Lee Jong Hyun".

If someone asked Chen Chen the same question she would have ignored him but the voice speaking to her was so hypnotic that without her knowing her hands moved and she place bowl of dimsum, a bowl of meat , tofu pudding, fried dough and soy milk on the plate.

Satisfied Su Chen quickly made the escape to dark palace, thanking higher power for her mental manipulation.

As this part in the novel Su Mi is acting as male to avoid confusion I am using male pronoun and in few places if required I will also use female pronoun..please understand and review if possible..

Notorious_doccreators' thoughts