
Chapter one

I slowly walked through the cold, dark, moist woods. It was a little after night fall, so I couldn't be seen as easily. As I neared an old abandoned dirt road, I felt a sharp pain on my left side. I slowly looked down to my abdomen. It was bleeding. Those damn rogues.

Yes, I'm a rogue myself, but I'm pretty peaceful. It's the others I mostly worry about. The rogues in this part aren't too kind to most. I might have accidentally walked into a meeting of some sort. We'll just say that they weren't very happy about that.

I got out alive thankfully. Not without my share of injuries though. My head was starting to feel fuzzy and I felt like I could pass out at any given moment. My throat felt scratchy. My lungs felt heavy almost and my ribs were definitely bruised.

I started violently coughing. Soon, coughing up blood. Next thing I knew, I had stumbled over a rock and it all went down hill. Literally. The ground beneath me gave way and started going down the hill.

Right before I blacked out, I felt water splash onto my hand and the sound of a rushing river. I really hope that I don't fall into that river.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the river rushing ever so slightly. I fluttered open my eyes and attempted to sit up. After struggling with the pain for a bit, I finally did manage to sit up.

I grunted as I touched to still tender wound on my side. I got slashed pretty good. I ripped a strip of cloth off of my sleeve and began to make a make shift bandage. It stung like hell but it was totally worth it.

I knelt down by the river. Cupping my hands into a bowl, I scooped some water into my hands and gulped it down. The feeling of cold fresh water running down my throat. I stood up and began to look at my surroundings.

There was no way I was going to be able to climb back up the hill because now it had turned into a crumbly cliff of a mess. Selene must really not like me. I continued to look for another escape. I realized that the river was actually pretty shallow, I could definitely walk through it.....right?

The water was warmer towards the shore, but the further out I got, the colder it was. I eventually had to give up on that idea. I went back to the shore to put my sneakers on and look for another way out.

I became clear that I was going to have to walk the length of the cliff. I started to walk on the rocky shore of the river for a while. Honestly, it felt like forever. I came upon a dirt trail that lead back into the woods. Maybe Selene decided to have a little mercy on my poor soul. Ha, who am I kidding.

I began to walk the dirt trail, kicking stones every now and then. I heard the rumbling of wheels in the distance. It was close. I could sense it.