Ruby was so shocked, that she could not speak for a few seconds.
“Are you still there?” Ferrel’s mother asked.
“Yes I am,” Ruby answered. “What happened to him?”
“He was alright when he arrived from the airport, but afterwards he complained about pain and then collapsed suddenly,” Ferrel’s mother replied. “He is in hospital for tests, but I think it would be good for him if you could come, because you have a really good influence on him. He’s always talking about you.”
“Alright, don’t worry. I will book a ticket for the earliest flight, then you can send me your address in Spain,” Ruby promised, suddenly sensing a need to reassure Ferrel’s mother.
When Ruby knocked on the door of Chris’ home, she did not have the energy to fire the questions she had prepared anymore.
“Hi Ruby, how wonderful to see you,” Chris’ mother said happily as she gave Ruby a big hug.
“Hello, how is everyone?” Ruby asked with a smile.