
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 10

Scarlett's POV

The water dripping echoed in the room. I instantly recognized this place. No, I don't want to be here. I was in my nightgown. A hand on my shoulder stopped me in my tracks. I turned around and looked at the people whom I once called friends and blindly trusted them.

They all had this not so innocent smirk. I backed away, terrified of what's going to happen. I took some steps back until I felt someone bump into me. I quickly turned around to see him. No no no, it can't be happening.

Sam said, "well, now we are gonna have some fun."

Hannah snickered and said "what did you think? That we will accept who you are. You are just a piece of shit. I have always wanted to do this. Here you go, bitch." She slapped me across my right cheek. It felt like everyone was trying hard to make me reach my breaking point. Everyone cackled like mad people when she slapped me.

I can't believe these were the people I was friends with. Cole and his friends came to me.

"No, don't do this. Stay away from me. "

I tried to run away but they all tackled me and I fell to the wet ground. They held my hands and legs tightly. I thrashed around to get out of their grasp but they kept tightening their grip on me. I know, once you are caught by these monsters, they will only leave you once they are satisfied. They have done a lot of horrible things to me. I don't want to experience it again.

Adrian, one of Cole's friends, muttered by keeping his hand on the back of my neck ." I have missed you. Let's begin our fun, shall we?" A sharp stab in my back made me scream in pain.

How did they even take my shirt off? How did they even have a knife? He kept carving words. The pain was so unbearable that I was about to lose consciousness. The carving stopped and I somehow knew the word he wrote. He carved lit a big 'WHORE '. That's when I let my tears decorate my cheeks. My hair is still wet due to sweat and wet ground.

They turned me around so that my eyes were on them. I was breathing heavily due to the stunt they just pulled on me. Why do they hate me so much? This question came but never left my mind and to answer that, I am unwanted. I am the target. I'm just a toy to play around with.

I felt pure rage. Why is it always me? Why should I only suffer? Why does it always have to be like this? I began kicking around and said in a cold tone "Fuck you all!!!"

Kat kicked me in the stomach. I groaned, clutching my stomach, wishing that the pain would go away. Soon, they all began kicking and punching me. I put my arms around me to protect myself from them but I know it wouldn't help me much.

The pain never really left me. I'm talking about my emotional pain. I thought, after Javier and I became close, I wasn't in pain anymore. But, it was always there. I just forgot about my past. Why God, why? I feel something other than empty after a long time and it just had to been taken away from me. Thick tears escape from my eyes.

My vision blurred but I felt every kick and punch rip my skin apart.

My back ached. I opened my eyes and I knew something was different this time. I was sprawled on the floor and I had a book in my hand. I remember reading a book called "If I stay ". The corners of the book were crumpled as I held tight when I was having a nightmare.

I got up feeling dizzy. My head was throbbing but I got ready for school. I got to school while I was listening to music. Music did make me feel better.

As I entered the hall, I was overwhelmed by the crowd. I struggled to get to my class and sat at the back. Finally, Javier came in and instantly looked at me. He was relieved? He walked up to me fastly and sat down next to me. What surprised me is that he hugged me tightly, like he was afraid of letting me go. I slowly put my arms around his neck and played with his hair. I'm so jealous of your hair. His hair is so soft and I love curls.

He broke the hug and watched me in concern. He said " I was so worried about you. I wanted to pick you at your house. But when I reached there, you didn't open the door. So, I came looking here for you. " I grinned but didn't say anything.

"Can you say something? Are you okay? And why are you grinning like that? It's creepy, Lettie. Stop smiling like crazy." He looked at me as if I was the patient who escaped from the mental asylum.

This time, I hugged him because nobody cared about me as much he does.

"Thank you for looking for me!"

He smiled and said, "No need to thank, that's what friends are for, right?". Hearing the word 'friends', I felt disappointing but I don't know why.

I turned around to look at every one. They were staring at us. And then, they turned around and continued whatever they were doing. I finally took a breath. Lately, everything has just been so overwhelming.

As soon as the class started, my head started to throb again. I heard a 'psst' and I looked at him, he was staring at my index finger. Oh yeah, when I was making a sandwich this morning, I wasn't focusing much. So, I accidentally cut my index finger. I gave him a " explain to you later " look. He nodded and turned back to the teacher. My mind has been restless since I woke up from the nightmare.

We walked out of the class. I was explaining to him about how I cut my finger. I suddenly felt dizzy. A sense of nausea hit me and black dots appeared in my vision. I couldn't see anything but I could hear. Arms were wrapped around me as he held me right against his chest. I could hear the heart beating fast against his chest. Finally, I let myself go to sleep. I was tired. I was exhausted.

Javier's POV

I carried her in my arms as I tied her hands around my torso. I sped off to her house. I opened the door with lock picking techniques. I put her on the bed. She has a high fever. That's why she was looking so weary and she looked tired.

I went to her bathroom to find some medicines but there were none. There was no time. She is shivering right now. I took her to the bathroom and I turned on the cold shower to let her soak.

Changing her clothes was harder than I thought. But I made her change her clothes without looking. I tucked her in and went outside to buy some medicines.

Cooking is not my thing but I made her hot soup which tasted fine. I fed her the soup and the medicines. Now, it's time for the miracle to happen.  I was feeling tired from all the tension. I got in her bed and put my arms around her. I slept so comfortable with her and she was a cuddler. When I hugged her, it felt like I was hugging a teddy bear. I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, barely even noticing her room.

Please be okay, my love.

I will never let you suffer anymore. 


And the evening turned into night, their world which was in chaos now was in peace. They felt complete while embracing each other. It's as if they have embraced their scars, flaws, and even their broken hearts.


Thank you for reading. Vote and comment on what you think about it. Treat people with kindness.

Love y'all 🥰