
Broken bonds

This is my very first story so sorry if it's bad, A boy named Liam who Lives in a suburban town, Lives a pretty basic life until terror strikes his town at the coffee shop early in the Morning!! Along the way to class he meets a little ball of good looks and anger, Too! And not so long after he's met with a curse after a terrible discovery on what has been doing the attacks! This story filled with adventures, Fantasy, And maybe some romance along the way is all's a gigantic mystery story too! How is Liam gonna survive these crazy event!? Find out in the next episodes

Evergeen_Stories · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Embarrassing Encounter

As Liam bumped the good looking, blonde teenager, The blonde teenager glared at Liam and basically yelled "Watch where you going, Idiot!!".This surprised Liam, He was too surprised that he ended up saying "Sorry, Blondie.I honestly didn't see you there", This made the situation worse cause the blonde teenager ended up slapping him! Then suddenly, Of course the most meanest teacher had to be walking through the halls and spotted them "Mr.Light and Mr.Steel, Go to he principal's office immediately!" Me.Loke roared in the hallways stopping every student, teacher, And custodian in their tracks to gaze upon Blondie and I doing The Walk of Shame towards the principal's office. The whole walk there Blondie stayed quiet, Liam noticed he hint of fear on his face so he spoke kindly "Sorry for provoking you...I'm Liam Steel, What's your name?" Blondie gazed at Liam, replying, " It's fine, I honestly shouldn't have slapped you..I'm Kyle Light". Liam smiled at Kyle as Kyle smiled back at Liam, Once they reached the office all the principal did was leave them off with a warning and ordered them to get to class at once since there classes were going to start soon. After they left, They went to their lockers, got their stuff and hurried to class, Before Liam walked off though Kyle asked "Could you show me town after school..I'm kinda new here and never really gotten to explore!" Liam feeling relieved he wasn't mad answered "Sure, You, Karla and I can go on a little trip through town later." Kyle smiled brightly at Liam and finally headed to class.

End of chapter 2