

The intertwined lives of Reina and Justin, two individuals grappling with shattered dreams, broken promises, and the daunting challenge of rebuilding their lives. Reina, once a beacon of hope, now struggles with the aftermath of a devastating personal loss. Her journey toward healing takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Justin, a man desperately trying to escape the clutches of a tumultuous past. As fate weaves their destinies together, Reina and Justin discover that their scars may be deep, but the possibility of redemption lies within each other. Justin, haunted by the consequences of his choices, is determined to break free from a life marked by shadows. However, an unexpected phone call thrusts him back into a world he thought he had left behind. As he grapples with his own demons, Justin finds an unlikely ally in Reina, a woman fighting her own battles but harbouring a strength that might just be the catalyst for his own transformation. Amidst the wreckage of their pasts, Reina and Justin embark on a journey of self-discovery, confronting painful truths and forging an unexpected connection. Together, they navigate a landscape of challenges, deceit, and the murky waters of redemption. As their stories unfold, "Broken: Beyond Repair" explores the resilience of the human spirit and the possibility of finding solace and strength in the most unexpected places. Will Reina and Justin find the courage to confront their brokenness and build a future together, or will the weight of their pasts prove too much to bear?

Sylvia_E_Kay · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

#6. Came

The bell rings, indicating the end of class and the time for a break. I barely make it past these three classes without feeling suffocated. But he is here to help every time. I almost gave into my fear, leaving me wondering, about his genuine intentions.

I plan to find a quiet place and stay there until the break ends. But unfortunately, Justin doesn't leave my side for a second. Here I am, sitting in the cafeteria.

"If you feel uncomfortable, we can go somewhere quiet." He says as soon as we sit on one of the tables.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Why are you doing this?" I ask sceptically.

"I mean we don't even know each other. Just because we've seen each other once doesn't automatically make us friends. Do you pity me?" My words sting him. He looks hurt for a second but replaces it with a carefree smile.

He sighs "Nope. I do not pity you, and all I see is a girl who has been hurt but is trying to fight to survive." He says, watching me intensely.

Feeling overpowered under his gaze, I lower my head and take a bite out of my bread.

"By the way, why were you trying to jump out the window? Weren't you scared you might die if you landed on the wrong foot?" He asks, mouth full of bread.

"That should be none of your concern," I reply coldly. There's no way I'm going to trust or let him into my life.

"Ouch. Cut me some slack, will you? You know, I liked you better this morning." He responds.

I scoff. So, he liked seeing me vulnerable and at my worst moment. That's why he'd been clinging on to me ever since I got here.

"Sorry. That wasn't what I mean-" He is interrupted by my sob.

Getting on my feet quickly, I race out of the cafeteria, drenched in milk, with him running after me.

"Serves her right. How dare she have the guts to come back after all we've done to her." I hear Stella say.

I knew it. I shouldn't have come back here. I can't do this. I was a fool for letting my parents convince me into believing that I could still fight and win.

Not seeing or knowing where I'm going, I bump into everyone along my path. It's just Stella and I'm already this terrified! What will happen if I come face to face with him?

"Reina." I hear Justin yell, but my mind drowns every single noise around me, trapping me in my world of torment.

"Reina!" This time, someone grabs hold of my hand and pulls me into the nearest classroom and locks the door.

Letting me go, I fall to the ground and try my best to breathe but it only gets harder. Tears keep streaming down my face and I'm choking on my own spit. I start hitting my chest with my hand.

Justin lowers himself to the ground, grabbing my hand tightly, stopping me from hitting my chest. My vision goes blurry, his words muffle and my world keeps spinning.

"Breathe Reina, Breathe." That is all I keep hearing.

Shaking me hard, my vision comes back into focus. I can see him kneeling before me, holding my hand.

"Breathe, okay? In and out. Slowly. Focus on me, okay?" He says attempting to calm me down.

Soothingly rubbing my back, air slowly begins to fill my lungs. My tears seem to stop pouring.

Relieved, he falls right beside me, sitting on the bare floor with me, whilst still rubbing my back.

"Why do you always have to see me like this? I don't like it all." I manage to say in a croaked voice.

"Shh. You shouldn't be talking." He tells me.

Suddenly, his countenance changes; he looks rather angry. "Stella, she did this to you? She made you like this?" He lets out a bitter laugh while biting his lips.

I turn to look at him. "Why? Does it bother you? I mean, you don't even know me?" I say harshly in a small voice.

"I hate it too. I hate it so much, that I bother about you. I hate it that I see, myself in you." He spews out without thinking. Saying whatever comes to his mind.

"You see yourself in me?" I whisper to myself, absent-mindedly.

"I don't want anyone to ever suffer as much as I did. And it hurts me to see someone going through the same thing I did." This time, he speaks, with raw emotions in his eyes and, I see who he is. I seem to understand why he knows what to do when I'm having a panic attack.

I start regretting why I judged him wrongly and thought he had ill intentions in showing concern for me.

He places both hands on my shoulder and makes me look him in the eye. "Don't let them get to you. They've had their way with you for too long. It's high time you show them you're not to be messed with. I hadn't transferred to this school until recently, so I don't know what they did to break you this bad."

"Even if what they say breaks you, don't ever let them know they get to you. Never lower your head in front of them, fight back and you'll see they'll back off. You're the only one who can put an end to all this." He continues.

Lowering my head and wringing my hands, I say, "You make it sound so easy."

He places his right hand on my chin, forcing me to look up at him, "It's not going to be easy, but you need to. I'll be there with you. Have you started seeing a therapist?"

I nod and he chuckles. "You did listen to me after all. I'm proud of you." He says ruffling my hair.

I whack his hands away, "I didn't do it because of you."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He retorts, playfully and I wonder where the boy a few minutes ago went.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He says dusting himself off the floor.

He stretches out his hand to help me up and this time I take it.


"We found her unconscious in the alleyway. We're sorry to inform you, that your daughter has been sexually and physically abused for quite a long time. Are you aware of this?"

I hear the doctor say, as I slowly regain my consciousness.

Mum lets out a sharp howl and falls to the ground. Even when I tried running away, why did I have to be found? It would've saved my parents so much pain.

"Do you have relatives or close family friends who often visit and are unnecessarily close to her?" This time the cops ask my parents.

I let out a laugh. I laugh so hard to the point I'm crying. They wouldn't believe it if I told them my classmates did this to me.

I would only get into more trouble if I told anyone. I keep on laughing and crying at the same time. Leaving my parents, the doctors, the cops, and every other person watching confused.