
Chapter One

*Brixton (Brix)*

I pull into the parking lot and park my bike on the side of my uncle's bar. He called me a couple of days ago, his cancer was back, and he could no longer keep up with the demands of running the bar. He wanted to see if the club would be interested in buying it from him and continue running it to make clean legal money; he knows I'm working on getting the club clean and out of the illegal shit. I told him I would come to check it out on a Friday night, see if I felt it was something we would be interested in, and then bring it to the table for the rest of the guys to vote on.

I pull the front door open and step inside; I'm surprised with how big it actually is inside. To my right is a big bar with four girls already behind it cleaning and preparing for tonight. There's a big square dance floor almost taking up the whole middle of the building; there's a second-story balcony where I see a DJ booth, and I can see a big tinted window that I'm guessing leads to an office. Along the back wall and the open area under the floor where the DJ booth is are hightop tables for people to stand at and put their drinks down if they wanted. It's a country bar, so it has a rustic feel. It's not horrible; it's just not my style.

"Brix!" I hear my uncle call my name from the balcony as he walks down the stairs.

"What's up, Jay?" We are only like eight years apart, so we never used the usual "uncle" formalities.

"Not much. I'm glad you came in to check out the place. Now I know Country isn't your jam, but this place has a lot of potential." Jay says as he looks around, with a sad expression across his face.

"Yeah, it's a lot bigger than I thought it was, definitely a place you could do a lot with. You could split this big ass dance floor and put a nice seating back there…"

Jay's laughing cuts my sentence short, "Yeah, you think that, but this dance floor seems to start shrinking around 11 pm because it has so many people on it. Come on, I'll introduce you to the bartenders that are here so far."

Jay and I walk over to the bar; I see the four girls still setting up, eyeing me and giving me what, I think they think, is sexy eyes. I'm used to it by now. It's the leather cut, every girl seems to think she can tame a biker, but it takes a different breed of woman to catch our attention.

"Ladies, this is my nephew Brixton; since you all know my health situation, he is going to be here tonight checking out the place to see if his MC wants to buy it from me and run it, so I don't have to shut the doors for good."

"Ladies," I say as I nod towards them.

"JAY! They aren't going to come in and clean house, are they?" The fake redhead, with way too much makeup on, asks, slightly panicking.

I step forward and point at her with a questioning expression.

"Sky," she says, telling me her name.

"Sky, I have no plans of coming in and cleaning house. I know Jay has a good judge in character, so if he thinks you are a good, loyal, and dedicated employee, I have no reason to let you go."

I see her and the other girls relax, thinking their jobs were on the line since Jay is leaving. I take a step forward, moving down the line of bartenders. I point at the girl just past Sky, with long black hair and looks like the female lead in Tokyo Drift.


I nod and move on to the next; she was a tall, beautiful woman with light hazel eyes that really stood out against her smooth, light brown skin.


I give her a small smile that she returns, and I nod, moving on to the next girl; she has light brown hair, pale skin, and freckles scattered across the bridge of her nose and cheeks.


I give her a quick nod as I take a few steps backward towards Jay.

"Ladies, if the club decides to take over the bar, nothing will change except for the name signing your checks at the end of the week. If changes are to be made, you will be notified and given the opportunity to voice your thoughts and opinions."

They all smile and nod their heads, letting me know they understand, then separate to different sections of the bar.

Jay steps up beside me, slaps his hand down on my shoulder, "Dani, can we have two bottled waters, then if any of you need something, we will be in the office. Last 30 minutes till opening ladies, hurry up and quit slacking."

Jay picks up the two bottles in one hand and points with the other at each of the bartenders with a teasing expression on his face. We turn and start making our way towards the stairs when the front door flies open, hitting the wall behind it with a loud bang. I instinctively reach for my piece that's tucked between my back and the waistband of my jeans and wrap my hand around the handle.


I see a blonde running across the middle of the bar towards a door against the wall under the stairs, pointing at the bartenders as she yells, and they cheer in response.

"You better hurry that sexy ass up!" I hear Novah yell from behind the bar

"What the hell was that?" I ask a laughing Jay as he shakes his head,

"That was a Lauryn."


I was running so late for my shift at the bar. I pushed the elevator button, but it was taking forever for it to open, so I turned and bust through the door under the exit sign leading into the stairwell to run down the three flights of stairs to the main floor. I jog through the hospital's lobby, waving at the old lady at the information desk, out the front door into the parking lot, and up to my motorcycle. I pull my helmet out of my backpack, not even bothering to put on my jacket, hop on my bike, crank it up and take off like a rocket out of the parking lot towards the bar. I know Jay and the girls understand my first job and don't mind me being late, I just hate feeling like my responsibilities get thrown on them.

I turn into the bar parking lot, pull to the side of the bar, and see another bike already parked on the side of the building. I really want to stay and admire the beautiful bike next to mine, but I don't have time. I cut off my bike, put the kickstand down, hop-off, and take off, running up the side of the building around the corner, finally reaching the front door. I grab the handle, throw the door open so hard I hear it slam against the wall behind it, and sprint across the bar as I yell my usual apologies on my way to the female locker room to change out of my scrubs, then fix my face and hair.

I shimmy my hips, hop around and do weird wide-leg squats to just get my lowrider blue jeans over my shapely thighs and butt. I grab my brown leather racerback crop tank top, "Alright, you going to play nice tonight?" I sarcastically say out loud while looking at the top I know will be an adventure to put on. I put my hands through the armholes, lift them straight up, and make the shirt slide down my arms till it sits on the top of my head. I move my arms around, trying to get the top far enough over my head I can bend my arms to pull it down.

"You look like one of those dancing inflatables tube men that are on the side of the road." I hear Novah say as she is dying laughing behind me,

"Come on Nov, a little help here, I put pasties on so the ladies are covered."

I hear her sigh, then footsteps coming closer; she grabs the two sides and pulls it down while I move back and forth, helping get it down.

"I love it when you wear this outfit; you remind me of Daisy Duke from Dukes of Hazards. Sit down, let me fix this rat's nest."

Novah points to the chair in front of the mirror, and she starts quickly curling my hair as I start my eye makeup. I had put on light makeup for work, so I was mainly touching up and adding eyeliner and more mascara.

"Whatever, Jessica Simpson is a way hotter Daisy than I could ever be."

"Girl, please, you have a flat as hell stomach and some very delicious curves. Most girls like myself have to work their asses off in the gym for a body like that… but you, nope, you're over here walking around all modest saying, 'I just have good genes'…"

Novah says the last part in an awful version of how I would sound saying it as she looks at me through the mirror. I toss my makeup back in my bag as Novah puts my long white-blonde hair in a slick back ponytail letting all the curls flow and bounce behind me.

"Thanks, Nov, I'm going to hit these pits, brush my teeth, and I'll be out there."

"Yes, please extra hit those pits because you are looking so hot right now, and I don't want to be smelling you halfway through the night," Novah says, wiggling her eyebrows as she slaps my ass really hard.

"Oh! Hey, girl, do it again," I say, laughing as I scoot backward, poking my ass out at her, earning me another hard slap on the ass, and Novah laughing as she walks out the room.

I slide on my brown cowgirl boots, put deodorant on, brush my teeth, and sprint out of the room. I race across the dance floor towards the bar, passing Jay and some biker dude, and slide through the entrance behind the bar where the bartenders serve from.

*Brixton* (Brix)

Jay is in the middle of telling me about all the equipment behind the bar that he has upgraded and replaced for new, also what still needs to be repaired when this blonde bombshell comes sprinting by and slides back behind the bar.

"Jesus Christ," I murmur, unable to take my eyes off the goddess behind the bar, getting hugs and making her way down the back of the bar.

"That's a Lauryn,"

I hear Jay say, chuckling beside me as I feel his eyes on me.

"You got a little drool on your chin there," Jay says, laughing as he points at my face. "She's way out of your league, come on let me show you the finance books.

"Yeah… we'll see about that," I say, chuckling as we make our way up the stairs, I steal one last glance at the blonde beauty before walking into Jay's office and closing the door behind me.

It has taken a good two hours to review all Jay's financials, cost, and profit; I'm shocked to see how much he brings in every week. I see Jay glance at the clock on his phone, then push his chair out from under his desk.

"Come on, the best part of the night is about to start,"

I open the door, motion with my hand for Jay to walk out first, and follow out behind him. He walks up to the balcony railing, leans against it, then points downstairs. I lean against the railing next to him to see he's pointing towards the bar. I see one of the bouncers walk behind the bar and starts helping the five ladies up onto the bar top.

Once Dani was standing on top of the bar with the other four, the only country song I think I know, The Devil Went Down To Georgia, starts playing. I see Lauryn walking down the bar top pouring shots right into people's mouths as she passes by. The bouncer stops behind her, stands there waiting till she's done pouring shots; then he takes the liquor bottle from her, and sets it on the counter.

Everyone in the bar is absolutely losing their minds right now; the girls start clapping and walking up and down the bar getting people even more excited. I see Lauryn pass Novah, and they slap each other on the ass as they walk by, once the music picks up, all the girls start doing some fancy line dance on the bar.

"Is this some kind of Coyote Ugly shit?"

"Brixton, there is nothing ugly about what is happening on that bar right now," Jay chuckled, never looking away from the bar.

"It's a movie, jackass," I snap back at him as I keep watching them dance on the bar.

All of them were gorgeous women, and hot damn, did they know how to dance. Lauryn was hot as sin up there; the way she is moving her body dancing up on that bar top, is making my jeans more and more uncomfortable by the second. I can't take my eyes off her, and I sure as hell want to put more than just my eyes on her.