
Ch. 29 Valentine's Day Special

(Note that none of the events in this chapter will effect the actual story line and take place in a parallel reality- this episode is just for the laughs and the love :) hope you all enjoy)

Lila woke up and stared at the ceiling. She looked over at her clock before sighing at the time. It was just a few minutes before her alarm would go off anyways. She turned off the alarm clock accordingly and dragged her tired body out of bed. She went and took a shower. As she exited the bathroom, rubbing her hair with a towel to dry it she heard the familiar PING of her phone. She walked over and checked it curiously.

A text from Marcus read: "Meet me at Panda Springs for lunch- Casual talk only."

She replied with an okay and set her phone down. As she brushed her teeth her phone went off once more. She ignored it thinking it was Marcus once more. She moved onto brushing her teeth when another two PING's interrupted her. Frowning she picked up her phone once more to read the new text messages.

Dr. Yangkei- "Hey this is Jay, just wondering if you could stop by the office for a check-up today. Plus I've got a surprise for you."

Spencer- "Hey, it's Spencer, I thought maybe I could take you on that Ice cream date today?"

Isaac- "Hey it's Isaac! Just thought I would offer to show you the chocolate factory in our area today. I thought maybe we could make chocolates together for the people we love, like Japanese tradition. Text me if you would like to do so."

Lila smiled to herself. Four dates in one day? Okay. Lila responded with yes to all three and designated times for each of them. They weren't all dates after all just... Hanging out and meeting new people in town Lila thought to herself. Lila got dressed in a cute white summer dress and small white flats. She put a cropped white wash jean jacket over top as well. She curled her hair and did a natural makeup look as well. When she was ready it was only 7:00 and her first appointment for the day was to stop by Dr. Yangkei's office at 8:00. She sighed to herself and decidedly left the house anyways. She drove listening to a popular summer song on the radio with the window's rolled down. She parked in front of her usual little cafe.

She walked in the cafe to find it was filled with heart shaped balloons and the smell of chocolate. There were two barista's behind the counter who were swamped by the female customers. The two were dressed up with teddy bear ear head bands and painted faces. The two were shirtless as well for the holiday. As they served an order they hugged the customer. Lila smiled at the festive feeling in the small shop. She looked at the chalk board behind the counter to read the specials when something caught her attention. One of the chalk boards read,

"The barista's have a bag of home made chocolates to give to a lucky customer! That customer shall receive a photo with the barista and the lovingly made chocolates." Lila smiled at the idea, what a cute special. Lila picked out the best looking special drink called, "Love potion" and waited to order. As she did so she observed the two baristas. Both were young guys, the blonde one she had met before, but the other she didn't recognize. His hair was galaxy colored with a few white locks in the curled mess. His green eyes matched the other barista. He was slightly buffer than the other barista and slightly taller as well. Both looked great shirtless, but Lila assumed it was part of their job today.

She stepped up to order and the multi-color haired barista took her order smiling at her. Lila smiled back with charm. The guy was cute. A small name tag was stuck on his chest. It read Francis with a heart over the I. Lila smiled and after she finished paying she put a twenty in his tip jar saying,

"Thank you, Francis!" The barista smiled and laughed softly at her enthusiasm. Joshua, the other barista Lila remembered, had just finished taking another order and stepped up beside Francis and made a drink. They talked with smiles on their faces. Lila had stepped aside to wait for her coffee and couldn't hear them as the cafe was loud with feminine chatter. She couldn't hear what they said, but when Francis pointed at her she felt heated embarassment creep up her neck. Joshua looked at her, then back at Francis, and excitedly told him something. Francis frowned and their conversation became slightly heated. With that they walked over to the counter together and called the names.

"Lila!" Red faced Lila approached the counter. Francis leaned over the counter and hugged her and before she could leave with her coffee he grabbed her hand. Lila pulled away with something pressed into her palm. Confused she looked at the small pink bag with the label,

"You WON!!!" the label said. She looked up at Francis' smile. With Joshua's frown, Josh handed her another bag, that was red. That one read,

"You WON!!! <3" as well. With a blush Lila looked up at the two boys again who were smiling at her with excessive charm. Francis pushed up the counter and came through while Josh jumped over it. The two boys turned her around and each put an arm around her and the flash blinded her. Blinking she opened her eyes and before her, Isaac smiled holding a camera. Astonished, Lila walked over to him. Isaac smiled at her and pointed to the door. Lila nodded, and swam through the crowd of jealous female customers to the door, careful not to drop her drink. In the fresh summer air Lila waited outside the cafe.

Isaac came out after her still holding the camera he looked at her and smiled.

"Isaac! I didn't know you worked here!" Isaac smiled sheepishly and looked slightly away.

"Actually... I own this cafe..." Isaac mumbled softly. Lila giggled and with a smile said,

"Well you sure are making my Valentines day better! Good idea with the chocolates, specials, and everything!" Scratching behind his head in an awkward manner Isaac smiled looking up at her.

"Actually Josh came up with that. He made the chocolates and Francis came up with the decorations and their costumes. They love working this shop." Isaac handed her the picture that she had won and before going he said one last thing. "Have a good day Lila, See you at 5 o'clock!" Lila smiled and waved her coffee drink. Looking down her arms were filled with two chocolate bags and the photo.

She looked at the picture. Francis had his arm around her waist to her left with a bright smile across his face. Joshua who was to her right and had his arm around her shoulders and a matching smile as he looked at the camera. Lila wasn't smiling in the photo with an expression of shock on her face. She looked back up at the cafe to see Isaac bragging about their date to Joshua and Francis who glared at him in jealousy. Lila smiled and with a light heart skipped to her car sipping on the sweet strawberry flavored iced coffee. She ate the cherry on top and licked the whip cream with relish.

Next she left for the doctor's office. When she arrived at the hospital she had already finished her delicious coffee. She walked into the hospital lobby which wasn't decorated at all. She went up to the grey haired receptionist and asked,

"Is Jay here?" The receptionist glared at Lila and went into the back. Lila waited patiently at the counter for a few moments before Jay burst through the doors. In his arms he held a small bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. With a bright white smile he handed Lila the gifts.

"This is just a thank you for being my favorite patient! Please get hurt and come back so I can care for you some more!" he said with a laugh. Lila looked at the gifts and giggled.

"You're the third person to give me chocolates today. Does that mean I'm loved?" she looked up at Dr. Smiles. His face morphed into a slight frown. He put his stethoscope in his ears and professionally pressed it against her chest. He listened quietly for a moment before backing away.

"Looks like you're clear of heart break!" he said with a smile. The receptionist glared at him and checking his watch he said "shoot!" below his breath. Jay leaned forward and gave her a sturdy hug before backing away.

"Thanks for stopping by Lila! I hope next time I see you it's on a date and not at this hospital again! Bye!!!" he shouted as he went back through the glass doors returning to his work. Lila smiled to herself and left with the roses and chocolates. She placed the gifts Jay had given her into the back along with Josh's and Francis' chocolates and photo. The back seat was already full. Lila checked her watch to see it was already 11:00 am. Her eyes widened and she clenched her teeth in slight panic. She hopped in her car and set off to Panda Springs.

She arrived at the elaborate restaurant and followed the hostess as she led her to the back. Again they went to a special room -but no elevator this time. Lila followed the hostess through the stuffed restaurant to a booth in the back. The first thing Lila noticed was a large teddy bear in the booth, larger than a person. Next to the teddy bear Marcus sat in a red suit with a heart printed tie. A gold box sat on the table in front of the teddy bear. The bear wore a matching heart print bow tie that complimented his white and red colored fur. Lila sat across from the handsome and festively dressed Marcus. Marcus smiled and together they enjoyed lunch. Lila tried not to order too much food, but by the end she was stuffed. Marcus helped her carry the gifts to her car after the lunch date and helped her stuff 'Mr. Loving-ton' into the back of her car. She placed the large golden box of chocolates beside the others.

"You're popular today, Ms. Peaks?" Marcus asked with slight tones of jealousy. Lila looked at the back seat of her car and past it where the giant teddy bear's big butt was stuffed in. The gifts were taking up a lot of space in her car.

"All from friends." she replied with a smile. As she was about to tell Marcus good bye she found her self enveloped in his arms.

"Happy valentines day, Lila." He said before stepping back to let her go. Lila dumbfounded looked at him as he walked away to his car in his red suit. Lila checked her watch once more. It was already 2:00!!! Lila jumped in her car and drove to the park Spencer had said to meet her at.

Lila arrived and heard the soft sounds of an Ice cream truck approaching. Lila followed the sound to a cherry blossom grove in the middle of the park. Beneath the falling pink petals was Spencer dressed in all white with a heart on his t-shirt. He sat relaxed on a bench and beside him was a pink vase filled with white roses and a red heart shaped box filled with chocolates. Across the grove a white ice cream truck was parked and running its signature tune. Spencer stood when he saw her and smiled as he casually strode over to her. He greeted her with a smile, and with his hand placed carefully on the small of her back he guided her to the Ice cream truck. The Ice cream guy was someone with grey eyes and green hair whom she didn't recognize but he wore an all black outfit with a pink bow tie around his neck. Spencer addressed him casually as he ordered.

"Hey Cole, can I get a cherry and a strawberry please?" Cole made the ice creams and handed them to Spencer. Spencer paid and then started licking his cherry ice cream with a smile. Together they went over to the bench and ate their ice creams and talked as the cherry blossom petals fell serenely around them. They stayed like this for a seeming eternity until finally they finished their ice cream. Spencer carried the vase of roses as he walked with Lila to her car. Seeing it already filled with gifts Spencer's brows shot up in slight shock.

"Someone's feeling the love today, huh?" he said in a joking tone. Embarrassed Lila stammered excuses as Spencer put his arm past her and leaned against the car trapping her between him and the car. He smiled impishly at her, and feeling devilish he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"It's okay, I'm the jealous type usually, but whoever gave you the teddy bear must be really overcompensating for something." He said laughing as he backed away. "Happy valentines day Lila!" He shouted as he walked away. Lila got in her car and leaned her head against the wheel with a sigh. She looked up and turned on her car the clock catching her attention. Four o'clock already???" Lila started driving to her next destination, a chocolate factory across town.

She got there as the sun was setting turning the sky pink and red. Lila sighed as she stared at the beautiful sky.

"Everything is so festive today."

"Beautiful isn't it?" Isaac said beside her looking up at the sky along with her. Lila looked at him and took in his outfit. He wore black jeans and a light pink shirt. His hair was already the needed red tones. In his hand he held a single blue rose. He handed it to her while blushing sheepishly. Lila looked at the unique and beautiful rose. She breathed in its strong scent and sighed in joy. As she was distracted Isaac took her hand and guided her into the chocolate factory. Together they went through the beautiful shop with displays filled with delicious looking chocolates. As they went into the back Isaac put an apron over her head and tied it for her from behind as well.

For the next few hours Lila learned from Isaac how to make truffles and chocolates of every type. They made hearts, fruit flavored truffles, caramel, and marshmallow filled chocolates of all shapes and types. By seven o'clock when they had finished, their aprons were covered in chocolate and flavoring, and before them were 100 some chocolates. Lila turned towards Isaac and smiled. He smiled back and grabbing a large white box he put down some pink tissue paper and together they placed all the chocolates inside. The box barely closed with all the chocolates inside. Helping her Isaac followed her out of the chocolate factory carrying the white box with the blue rose placed neatly on top of it. He helped her put it in her car and before saying good bye he took her hand and kissed it gently. Smiling he waved her off as she drove away.

Lila got home and it took her six trips to unload the car. The chocolate boxes and bags were piled atop her counter and Mr. Loving-ton stared at her with unblinking bead eyes as he slouched on her couch. Lila sighed and she took all the boxes up to her bed room. She buried herself in blankets after getting ready for bed, and watched her yearly tradition romantic comedy film by herself. She ate all the yummy chocolates and was surrounded by the smell of roses from the three different vases in her room. She smiled and enjoyed the rest of her valentines day by herself.

By midnight she had barely tried a couple chocolates from each package. She sighed at her bulging belly and groaned.

Was valentines day a holiday just to make a girl fat?!? she thought to herself. THE END!

Hope you all enjoyed this special and thank you for all the rates and views! Happy Valentines day everyone!