
Bride's From A another World

Man, I cannot wait for our flight to the Bahamas tonight, said” Amari. “Yes, me too. I got my things packed just for this trip tonight, we leave soon for our flight in just 2 hours said,” Caitlyn. “We know Cat you have been saying that for a while now, "Sage has said. “Come on girls we must go to the lab to make sure everything is okay before we head on to the jet," said Skylar. To let everyone know this cover isn't mine, just something I found on pinterest, but credits to the real creator.

Violet_Harper · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Portal

"Man, I cannot wait for our flight to the Bahamas tonight, said" Amari. "Yes, me too. I got my things packed just for this trip tonight, we leave soon for our flight in just 2 hours said," Caitlyn. "We know Cat you have been saying that for a while now, "Sage has said. "Come on girls we must go to the lab to make sure everything is okay before we head on to the jet," said Skylar.

"Yeah, all right," said the three with a sigh. Skylar and the girls went down to the lab to find everything was fine and in their place, till they stumbled upon a giant object under a grey tarp.

"What is under the tarp said "Amari. "I do not know, my brother during his trip to Brazil found it inside a cavern, so he brought it here so he could research it," said Skylar. "Can we look said Cat.

"No, we should not touch things we do not know about, plus we do not know if it is safe or not," said Sage. "Come on Rose we are just peeking," said Amari as she took off the tarp.

As the tarp fell with a thud, it created a dust cloud, leaving the four coughing in its presence, "ah hack the four "said, as they looked up, what was revealed was a giant ancient golden ring in the center of the room, covered in rocks and dust.

"What is it called Cat? I do not know, my brother said it might be an artifact long ago but let us go back up, everything looks okay down here," stated Skylar.

But suddenly, the ring glowed up, what is happening and why is it suddenly turning on, I thought it was just an old piece of junk Amari voiced out. As Amari said, the ring had opened a portal and sucked the girls in.

"Guys let us hold each other's hand," Caitlyn remarked. "Splash, where are we" Sage spoke. "A type of forest Cat had" declared. I cannot believe it, no this cannot be happening, my vodka, my champagne, my good-looking hunks, and they are all gone now" Amari cried.

"Well, none of that matters now, let us get changed otherwise we will get sick if we do not change out of these wet clothes Skylar" announced. "Cat, you already know what to do Sage" replied.

Just now Cat opened her space storage to reveal four suitcases. Not long after, the girls immediately opened the suitcases to change their soaked clothes in the forest and had to find a water source nearby to make up, settlement for what was to come not noticing the group of men near them.

Well, that was interesting, not every day to see a couple of beauties, even ones that came out of that strange portal stated Yu Lingyun. Now is not to admire Yu Lingyun we must focus on Minister Shu Junfeng and his plan to revive the Demon God Apophis, so that he can take over the continent of Shang, replied to Qin Qianfan.

Qin Qianfan is right. We have figured out how to stop him from reviving Apophis, and we can also send Xuesong and Xiyang to spy on those Misses and have them report back to us if there is something suspicious about them Lu Tianyu voiced. "Now Xuesong and Xiyang, you know what to do," said Zhan Zhiyuan.

Yes, Masters, we will not fail you," both Xuesong and Xiyang declared. Like shadows, the two of them had faded into the darkness and went to follow, Amari, Caitlyn, Sage, and Skylar inside of the beast forest of Okihara.


…...Inside The Beast Forrest of Okihara........


Ugh, so tired, just long do we have to keep walking, Amari exclaimed. Yeah, Cat how much walking do we have to do, and Ari just be patient I am sure we are close, Sage voiced.

 After a few more minutes to the waterfall, I heard Caitlyn reply. It is soon because my leg is going to give up because, of all this damn walking, we are doing Amari remarked. Okay let us stop here, the waterfall is just a 10-minute walk away, Skylar announced.

Thank God because I could not, anymore since we did that 3-hour walk Amari spoke. Yes, that walk was a lot of walking, my feet are burning but anyway, I need you guys to get out of way so that I can use my creation ability Caitlyn says.

Poof, instantaneously a 3-story house appeared in the middle of them. "Wow, I did not think it could be possible to have a house in a forest with Wi-Fi but Cat you have just changed my mind" stated, Amari.

"Wait a minute, we have discussed something about how we did not come across not a single wild animal in this forest. "Sage replied. "Now that you think about it, it is strange that nothing came to attack us," Amari said.

"Oh, that Cat voiced, well that because I let out a tiny weeny amount of my bloodlust to scare the animals so they would not dare attack us." "Oh, so we have nothing to worry about then, I think we should head on inside since it is close to night and it's getting cold," said Skylar.