

In the enchanting tale titled "BRIDAL BANGLE," an exquisite and pure-hearted young lady by the name of Ella finds herself on a quest to captivate her dear friend Rex Johnson's affection. Longing for him to perceive her not merely as his faithful companion, but as a woman yearning for love from a man, Ella will stop at nothing to achieve her desire. Fortuitously, her wish materializes when Rex's girlfriend, Julia, departs from their lives, thus allowing Ella to effortlessly assume the role of the woman she had always aspired to be in Rex's eyes. Regrettably, Ella's elation is momentary, as Julia unexpectedly returns and promptly reclaims her rightful place, relegating Ella to the sidelines. Julia fails to comprehend the fact that during her absence, Ella artfully found her way into the depths of Rex's heart. Though Rex remains emotionally connected to Julia, his heart exclusively recognizes an insatiable longing for Ella, who, in a loveless union, selflessly chooses to utter the words "I do" to a man named Max. Caught in a perplexing dilemma, Rex discovers that his body, heart, and soul unequivocally belong to Ella, his cherished confidante, who is resolute in her determination to wed another while he remains entangled with Julia. As fate would have it, Ella becomes entwined in a dire predicament within Princess Maya's tribe, where her closest friends reside. Meanwhile, Rex, utilizing a fictitious matrimony as a pretext, wholeheartedly immerses himself in Ella's life, with the sole intention of safeguarding her. However, he struggles to disentangle himself from the love triangle within his own heart. Determined to convince Ella that he is the one meant for her, rather than Max, Rex fervently endeavors to sever ties with Julia. Overwhelmed by a series of heartaches, Ella's heart has inadvertently turned to stone, as she fearfully constructs a barrier to ward off love, treading a path from which no return seems plausible. Will Rex successfully manage to bewitch Ella's stony heart and liberate himself from the clutches of Julia? The answers lie within this mesmerizing masterpiece, aptly named "BRIDAL," as we witness the tapestry of their lives intricately woven together, filled with passion, desire, and an unyielding quest for true love.

Daoistwd0TxN · Sejarah
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Ella had forgotten to lock the door when Rex came and now the repercussion of that simple mistake is evidence in the anger of Julia. Rex immediately let go of Ella and shift from her as Ella can't stop herself from noticing the change of character of Rex immediately Julia step in. this is a man that was almost at the break of tears, begging her to stay and few seconds later he treat her like an  airborne pandemic disease. Ella immediately understands Rex wants her as his site chick, a woman that will be there for him when Julia have manifest the worst in him. 

Julia walking towards Ella, "I was gone for 2 years and you had no time to waste then to occupied my space but now," walking over to Rex and touching Rex's Arm, I'm back to occupied what had been mine from the beginning. Julia is known to be a proud, arrogant girl who hate Ella with passions, she don't know how to pretend if she doesn't like you. Ella use to wonder what Rex saw in her. Her mare presence can make a girl lost balance, she is known to walk like she own the place, talk with authority, she command respect even when she doesn't deserve it. Her beef with Princess Maya in those days in the university have never seemed to end. Ella the link between Princess Maya and Julia because of her obsession to Rex is what many people in school can't seem to understand, the two girls are not fighting over a man but they are fighting because of the presence of Ella in the life of Rex. Innocent Ella is always caught in the middle either to share fight or to hold one of them to leave the scenario, at least they all agree on one thing, for Ella to leave Rex alone.

  Julia, place both hands on the neck of Rex, drawing him closer and kissing him in front of Ella. "How can you leave me on your bed to come and exchange words with her" Julia said as Rex separated from her? "Let go home" drawing her out of the room and Julia turns around to wave goodbye to Ella, who is shocked at the way the man who was just from kissing her, holding her and making her feel all kinds of things have just changed to the real person she used to know. Even after dating her for the past 2 years, nothing has changed about Rex when it comes to abandoning Ella in the presence of his Girlfriends. Ella finishes packing her bag and checking the windows, the kitchen, and bathroom. Shye changes to a more comfortable outfit and carries her bag out of the house. 

Rex is driving back home with Julia in the car in silence. "Why was I pleading for Ella to stay? What is happening to the control, understanding, and breathtaking second son of the Johnson family? What will people say if they heard that I was deprived of sex by my best friend? I have really underestimated Ella to be the innocent naïve little girl I used to know, even when Princess Maya have been painting a terrible picture of me to her, Ella have never rejected my advances and what pains me was the fact, that I almost went down on my kneels to plead for mercy. Engulf in his though, Rex did not hear Julia speak as he turned to her "what did you say?" asked Rex. Julia replied 'why are you absent-minded since we left Ella, do you still love her or was what you told me last night all lies?". Rex is confusing , "what are you talking about Julia?" Rex asked. 'Oh my God have you forgotten so soon, you promised me last night Rex, and before I could digest the prophesying of your undying love you were already in the arms of another woman." Rex remembers the discussion he had with Julia yesterday when he was growing in passion. How can she believe every word he was saying at that moment, Julia is not stupid, and she was just looking for a way to blame me for every little mistake of hers? "You don't expect me to abandon her after being by my side for the past two years in your absence, did you know what I went through when you abandoned me and left to God knows where? What were you thinking, Julia?" Rex shouted, forgetting that he was misdirecting his anger to the wrong person. He is angry for been rejected by the least expected person of all people, and who will could ever through the first girl to have said no to Rex will be Ella?

  "Why are you getting woke up over your deeds, I found you prophesying love to Ella after vowing to me last night that you will break up with her" Julia confuse, she should be the unhappy one here not the other way around. "I did that at the break of passion, you are not dump to understand that a man will say anything in that state," Rex replied calmly and quickly realized the meaning of his words. He drives the car to an empty place and pack there. Turns and faces Julia, "I'm sorry Julia, I did not mean it like that. I'm just torn out from shifting from you to her and back to you. I do have a conscience and you know how obsess Ella is when it comes to me and all I wanted was to make her feel better". Holding the hand of Julia, so she can look into his eyes and who is he convincing Julia or him. As per the scene that Julia has just witnessed , she will be a fool to have believed Rex, but she let it go because at least Ella is leaving. Julia said: "I will let it go for now but the next time I see you doing anything funny with that thing; I will deal with you before finish with her". Shaking her head; "you do know what I can do". 

Ella arrives at the junction of her village as she drops from the bus with her bag. Standing and feeling the fresh air of purity in the countryside in Watts Kingdom, the place is a beautiful scenario with captivating landscape that she had enjoyed on the bus why coming. The purity of the air with undiluted pollution, unlike the city, is breathtaking, Ella will never forget the first time she came to this Kingdom with her parents, they had stayed only for a week, but it sounded like it was a day. The people are nice, understanding, and willing to help each other. Not like the city where everyone is in a mad rush to go somewhere or catch up with time. While breathing the air, a little child standing at the window of their house waved at Ella and she waved back at her smiling. "Wow! Princess Maya is right; the countryside can bring out the best in you in the worst situation. This is the first time she had smiled since she came down the stairs of Rex three days ago".

  Ella can still remember the direction of her grandmother's house. Things in the countryside don't just change overnight like the City does. She is walking and sees women cooking in a house like there is a celebration. Ella, realizes she has forgotten to buy something for her grandmother. But is not too late, she walks down the road and cut some flowers for her. Her problems have overshadowed her unplanned journey, and she forgot to purchase something for her grandmother. She will love the flowers, and she bends down to cut some beautiful flowers for her, arranges them in a buckeye form and cuts a leave to use as a rambling paper under the flowers. She walks a few meters and can sport the small old gates leading to the house of her grandmother's. Her grandmother's house is small but very attractive and built on a vas piece of land, sounding it. There are all kinds of trees planted in the backyard and on both sides of the house which depict a scenario of a little forest protecting small huts within. 

  Ella opens the gate to see her sitting at the front of the house with another middle - age man, dark in complexion, tall but appear to have been suffering from poverty of some kind, and she can't recognize him. Immediately Martha sees's Ella, she puts the tray of beans she is selecting, "Eh my beautiful granddaughter is here". She gets up and runs towards Ella who allow the valise on the ground to embrace her grandmother Martha "Hello Grandma". The middle age man is staring at them with a canning look on his face. "How are you, my daughter? It's has been long I lastly heard from you" the overjoy grandmother did not give Ella time to reply as she turned to carry her Valise.

"I'm ok, grandma, but please allow the valise for me. Take these flowers as a present from me; I did not have time to purchase something for you." "You are the greatest gift God has ever given me", Achefor please come and welcome your cousin's daughter from the city". Achefor admiring Ella and had a cunning smile on his face, "hello Ella", said Achefor smiling at Ella.  Ella greets him, "nice to meet you uncle". Immediately, Achefor turns to Martha, "I will be on my way for you to have time to discuss with your granddaughter". "Ok my son" said Martha as she holds Ella, ushering her to sit on the chair that Achefor left. Achefor is walking away but keeps turning back and looking at Ella talking to her grandmother. He walks almost out of the compound and turns and looks again at the innocent Ella. 

Achefor is known for his canning attitudes and will do anything for money. He is the son of Martha's death brother and inherit the only land left to him by his father, but has been putting his eyes on the properties of Martha. The only person standing on his way was Martin Asufor, Ella's father, but now is Ella. Martha had just a son, Asufor and his death was a breakthrough for Achefor. Since Ella is a woman that has never stayed in the village, Achefor is hoping to collect everything upon her death, but the arrival of Ella is a threat to that mindset. Achefor walking on the road thinking about what to do to remove the only human standing on his way of owning the property of Martha. 

  Martha talking to Ella, asking about her life in the city, and she is an old woman who lost her only son and will do anything to protect his only daughter. Martha has never trusted Achefor and has been worried about her properties. So what about your job? Inquire Martha, "actually Grandma I have a month's leave given to me by my boss" reply Ella. She would rather not inform the old woman that she had problems at her job site so she will start been worried. Martha getting up, "let me prepare something for you to eat." Walking away as Ella collects her valise to the room while staring at her grandmother.

The loss of Martin Asufor, her only son, has taken a torn on her, and she has really been depressed. Time to time, Ella will call her to assure her that she is here for her and the arrival of Ella is really something great for this old woman. Her manner of happiness and respects she had for Ella has made Ella regret why she has not been visiting her often. Her reasons for not visiting frequently was because of Rex and the highest reason she had been hurt was because of him, and it was still because of Rex that she got suspended. If he had not abandoned her in the middle of love making and leaves the house. Ella would have to sleep earlier and go to work early. Mr. Tamutan wouldn't have any reasons to start insulting her. Ella is unpacking her things when her phone rings and Princess Maya calling her. Ella picked up the phone and answered the call, placed the phone on her ear 'hello' said Ella. 'Are you in the village already because one of my maids told me someone saw someone like you' Princess asks. News, they say, do travel very fast in the countryside, since everyone knows someone. "I am at my grandmother's house" said Ella. "I am on my way" replied Princess as she off the call. 'I can't just wait to meet Princess Maya', Ella's, though.

  Princess Maya has never seen Ella as a peasant or middle class, even though Princess Maya is royalty. The one person in the world that treats Ella like a sister that Ella doesn't have is Princess Maya, in her presence, Maya feels like family and Princess Maya loves Maya more than her steps siblings in the palace. When it comes to Ella, Princess Maya doesn't joke and has made Ella feel at home with her, and she can share anything with Princess Maya. 

Princess Maya is not that kind to other people, but Ella is her weak point. Princess Maya will do anything to make sure no one maltreats or belittles Ella. She will buy the problem and pour the weight of the Wattu kingdom on you. She is well-connected because she is very intelligent and has been the best daughter to her father. Not only that, but she has no scandal link to her name and has always brings respect to the throne. Because of her authority and demanding ways, her father could not recognize the other children of the other concubine as princess, since her mother is the only legal wife to the throne; all the other kids are illegitimate children. Is a known understanding in the Wattu Kingdom that Princess Maya doesn't want to share her position with any other female child that doesn't come from the womb of her mother? 

Even the king's concubine knows better than to touch anything that belongs to Princess Maya.  In the university, many try to belittle and insult her authoritative ways of doing things. depriving other girls from being called Princess or been recognized as the princess of Wattu Kingdom is wickedness but because Princess Maya is very intelligent and graduate with first class honor on her name, none can go against her and even the king at times is scare of Princess Maya. Princess Maya walks out of the palace with her guard and the driver already waiting for her, Princess Maya enters the car and the guards sit in front. They drive out of the palace. The palace is an epitome of gorgeous architectural piece of art. Its designs depict the old colonial form of building merged with modern technology. The palace is large, and you can picture 3-story building on the left and the main chamber at the front as a building on its own. The frontage is covered with attractive, well, designed caves flowers of names of people of the old. There are pictures of the king's predecessors on each wall of the story building, almost at the top of the building. That is the first thing that will catch your eyes when you visit the palace for the first time. If you stand from afar, the whole palace will form a work of Art.

  Julia checks the wardrobe of Rex and sees some dresses of Ella. She removes them and packs them inside a bag, goes to the dressing table and mirror removes anything that concerns Ella and puts them inside the bag. She walks to the shoe stand,  checks the shoes stand and removes her shoes with anything that concern Ella.  She wants them gone or better still burn. Julia, discover that the Rex she used to know is no more the same person she came back to meet. She was the alpha of their relationship and Rex was at her bag and call. She can remember the first time she saw him when, he walked into the canteen with her shirt half bottom, Julia was drinking with her friends and had just transferred to the university. All the girls were talking about him, and the truth is, the girl did not do justice to his description. Julia was captivated by his walking style, his broad shoulders, shining red lips, tinted jawline and pointed nostrils. His brown determines eyes are so sexy and can make a nun forget her calling, his thighs inside his trousers expose the degree of his manhood which made Julia gasp for air. He is tall, handsome and breathes taking which made the girls to smile at him whenever he stars at anyone. 

The moment Julia falls in love with him was when he smiled at Ella, who walked into the bar carrying two cups of juice. From that moment, Julia knew either she gets Rex or none ever will occupy her position. Julia was told about the relationship between Rex and Ella right away.  Ella can't even stand to be comparing to the likes of Julia concerning a boy. The day she finally made love to Rex it felt like a dream come truth, the gentleman is not only handsome, but he can take a woman to the extreme. "I wonder how Ella could be beside a man like that and still not make use of him all those years" though Julia. The reason for her coming back was because she has been finding Rex in all the men that she had dated.

  They are either handsome but not good at sex to bring her orgasm, or they are ugly but can make a woman go wild. She dated 4 men in less than two years, and none was up to Rex in handling her sexual desires and providing for her the way Rex was doing. But since she came back, something has changed in the manner in which Rex used to make love to her. She didn't feel wanted, or needed. all she could feel was a man's struggling within and the last thing she needs to know is whether Rex is in love with Ella. That can't happen. But the pasture in which she had seen Rex holds her yesterday, the way he protected her from Julia, Julia is sure Rex feels something for Ella, in those days when Ella and Rex were just friends, Rex will not touch or hold Ella as such, the highest was and embrace and that's it but now telling her 'I can't lose you". Even when Julia is back, Rex is telling Ella he can't lose her. What will prompt a man to leave a girl like Julia to visit the likes of Ella, is something Julia is not ready to face, but is eating her up.

  Even though he walks out of her, but Julia can still feel the presence of Ella in the life of Rex, not just as a friend but as a man in need of a woman. 'His woman' Julia though, then she confirmed it, when she remembered last night, at the epic of their love making Rex called her Ella instead of Julia. 

Julia was shock but because she didn't want to spoil the fun and complaints will only make her look bad in front of Rex for leaving him to follow her dream, she stays quiet and gets up this morning to eradicate anything that can remind Ella in the heart of Rex. She is determining to separate them. Rex walks into the room seeing Julia holding the bag containing the belongings of Ella 'what are you doing with the thing of Ella?' ask Rex, I want to send them back to her' reply Julia. Rex walks over and collects the bag from her; 'I will return them to her myself' reply Rex and places the bag beside the cupboard. Julia picked up the bag, but Rex seize it from her, 'don't touch her belonging Julia' Rex shouted. Julia knows that Rex is confused about both of them, but she doesn't wish to give him time to make a decision than to make the decision for him. Julia shouting, 'I can't share the same room with the belonging of your ex-girlfriend'. Rex turns and face Julia "that ex-girlfriend was here; when you abandoned me, you send her into my bed, into my life and if you can't stand her belongings in my house, you should have stayed with me and not allow me at her mercy". Rex is blaming Julia for his confuse states, and Julia understands his line of thinking. Something that has always been a plus for her when dealing with Rex and Ella, but the behavior of Rex towards Ella, calling Ella's name while inside of her during sex is something she can't just let go. The only one who can sideline Julia about her method of handling things is Princess Maya, she can smell fake miles and mile away before it reaches her. Julia decides to face the truth once and for all. She faced Rex, "Do you love Ella Rex". 

To be continued 


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