

In the enchanting tale titled "BRIDAL BANGLE," an exquisite and pure-hearted young lady by the name of Ella finds herself on a quest to captivate her dear friend Rex Johnson's affection. Longing for him to perceive her not merely as his faithful companion, but as a woman yearning for love from a man, Ella will stop at nothing to achieve her desire. Fortuitously, her wish materializes when Rex's girlfriend, Julia, departs from their lives, thus allowing Ella to effortlessly assume the role of the woman she had always aspired to be in Rex's eyes. Regrettably, Ella's elation is momentary, as Julia unexpectedly returns and promptly reclaims her rightful place, relegating Ella to the sidelines. Julia fails to comprehend the fact that during her absence, Ella artfully found her way into the depths of Rex's heart. Though Rex remains emotionally connected to Julia, his heart exclusively recognizes an insatiable longing for Ella, who, in a loveless union, selflessly chooses to utter the words "I do" to a man named Max. Caught in a perplexing dilemma, Rex discovers that his body, heart, and soul unequivocally belong to Ella, his cherished confidante, who is resolute in her determination to wed another while he remains entangled with Julia. As fate would have it, Ella becomes entwined in a dire predicament within Princess Maya's tribe, where her closest friends reside. Meanwhile, Rex, utilizing a fictitious matrimony as a pretext, wholeheartedly immerses himself in Ella's life, with the sole intention of safeguarding her. However, he struggles to disentangle himself from the love triangle within his own heart. Determined to convince Ella that he is the one meant for her, rather than Max, Rex fervently endeavors to sever ties with Julia. Overwhelmed by a series of heartaches, Ella's heart has inadvertently turned to stone, as she fearfully constructs a barrier to ward off love, treading a path from which no return seems plausible. Will Rex successfully manage to bewitch Ella's stony heart and liberate himself from the clutches of Julia? The answers lie within this mesmerizing masterpiece, aptly named "BRIDAL," as we witness the tapestry of their lives intricately woven together, filled with passion, desire, and an unyielding quest for true love.

Daoistwd0TxN · Sejarah
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15 Chs


"Princess Maya said "Rex should have done your findings by now to know the law, how come you don't know that after consummation of marriage in Sanilar City it takes five to seven years for divorce. Yes, I knew about this when I asked both of you to get married, but fit was on my site when my father said both of you are to consummate the marriage. I don't want you to end up with Julia. I want you to end up with Ella. Maybe as a form of revenge to Julia for humiliating Ella all these time anyway. 

Princess Maya walking away, Rex standing in the garden confused. He hasn't decided whether to end up with Ella for pity or For Love, or to be with Julia for passion, or for lust. But now if he gets the marriage consummated he will be with Ella for 5 to 7 years with all the connections of Princess Ella. She can obtain a divorce, but because she doesn't want me to end up with Julia, she will never help me and right now, I am at a crossroad. I can't allow Ella to get married to the king or fall under the wrath of the Nkwifon. 

He walks towards the chamber of Princess Maya. Ella is leaving the guest chamber from talking to Martha, walking towards him. When she sees Rex, she bends her head on the ground as if she's angry or confuses or ashamed. A maid walks up to them and said, "the suits for your honeymoon are ready, let me guide you and take you there". Ella and Rex, without a word, follow the maid to the suits for their honeymoon. Princess Maya stands not far away from them, watching at them and smiling at what she has done. "I'm sorry Ella, but you must stay with the one you love even if it means me forcing you into it. Enough of Rex choosing others over you, he must choose you for once. This is my gift to you for being my unconditional friend for edges" she turns and is leaving the place.

 Deep down, Princess Maya knows that with her connections she can get the divorce in no time and at the same time, she knows that getting into that room it will take five to seven years for them to get divorced. Princess Maya refuse to let them know that she can do that.

 Ella enters the room with Rex. It has really been arranged with beautiful flowers. The beds are well-designed, a white bedsheet with red flowers in the center, white curtains on the wall. There's food on the table and besides the is have champagne on ice. There are some traditional dresses hanging on a stand for them to change. It's like they prepared everything for them. They don't need to come in with anything else it's down. 

Rex noticed the silent nature of Ella, "what is the problem Ella, aren't you happy that we are going to consummate our marriage", said Rex. 

Ella, still staring at the beautiful room. "I never pictured my honeymoon looking this beautiful. The King has gone extra miles to make sure I enjoy a day like this. No, this must be Princess Maya's doing. Women of my type, in this part of the kingdom, don't get marriage more than once because divorce is difficult. I just found out that if we consummate this marriage it will take five to seven years for divorce to be granted, are you sure you want to let Julia stay and wait for you for that long? Remember, she left you two years ago and came back. Currently you are trying to build something out of nothing with her and right now, I'm jeopardizing that situation.

Rex walks up to her and places his hand over Ella's hand. "Look at me Ella" said Rex, "do I look like I care about who is right, and why are we discussing people on our honeymoon? Forget about the world, forget about whatever is happening out there. For once in our life let's take this opportunity and pretend like the world doesn't exist. Let's enjoy each other's company and consummate this marriage like it is our last day on earth. 

Yes, I never intended to get married to you but following the circumstances I'm happy I never said no either "touching her chin, "look at me Ella" said Rex. Ella raises up her head and looks at the man she loves. This is a man she has dreamed so many times of having sex with but in all her life, he hasn't seen her as a girlfriend with everything she has done for him. Presently, he's pleading for her to make love to him like his life depends on it. Ella doesn't feel is all right, she believes it's wrong. 

Ella said "Hello I love you and this feeling of me like I am taking you from somebody, feeling like I am stealing you from another woman. I know that for you is nothing, but for me, this right here is everything. This is me offering my body, my life my heart to you, it's means eternity for me. If I go ahead and do this, I'll build a bond with you, and we are going to enter a road of no return, do you want that for yourself? Sex for me is more than physical contact, it is a woman handing over her life to the man she loves. It was easier for me to walk away before because, I don't have any bond with you". Ella separate from him and walks away and Rex realizes she is right.

"What are you saying, we should forget about the world, what about tomorrow when we get up and face the people we have hurt?" Said Ella

 "Who do you think will get hurt? Said Rex, 

"Julia, the same girl who left me without thinking twice".

 Ella turned to face him and said, "but you choose her over me, over and over again". Your heart beat for her, you loved her, not for once, did you ever pick me over any other person",Said Ella? Rex turns and faced her "now I am picking you presently I am letting my heart out to you" Shouting. "I am putting you first. I want to earn you. I want you to take me as your lover. Why do I feel like I have to beg you to do what we must do to save you? You are my wife, and right now, am going to have to consummate a marriage between me and my wife, we are not doing anything wrong. I am not taking you from another, and you are not collecting me from anybody. Removes that thought from your mind right now, please Ella". Walking towards Ella and stands behinds her. "Look at me, Ella" said Rex.

 "I want this, I am not obligated to explain myself to anyone. You have been there for me for the past 7 years, patient, persistence, and understanding. You are my companion and if for one night I can forget about the problems we are having in this situation. Dame tomorrow because I want to be with my wife, and it will take care of itself.

 If for one night I intend to be selfish to the world, to the people, to you, then you have to walk that part with me. He holds her hand and Ella staring at him "Ella kiss me" said Rex, "I know you want to kiss me". Going closer to kiss her. "For the first time, let it not be me doing it for you, kiss me", holding her closer and waiting for her to move closer. Rex touched her chin and raised it up to look at him, in his eyes.

 Ella, looking at the eyes of this man, her husband. Rex said again, "kiss your husband, Ella, show me you want me, you need me. For once, stops thinking and forgets about reasoning"

 Ella raised her feet up and kissed Rex, sending her hands behind him to hold him closer. Rex placed both hands around her neck, kissing her with passion. Rex holding Ella firm, keeping the kiss and demanding her to give him more access to her body. Ella raises her hands towards his neck and bends her head behind, so he can kiss her neck, as Rex goes and places his tongue on her ear. Ella freeze, holding tight and trembling with passion.

"Stop being afraid and let your body go", said Rex. Ella realizes she is still afraid of him. She stops the romance, pushes Rex and walks away from him. "This is not right". Rex shock her resistance, "how can one girl keep resisting him over again and still claims she loves him", Though Rex.

"This is not how I pictured it to be", Trying to catch her breath, calming down from the passion that grows in her, and adjusting her dress.

The love she has for him, the manner he just kisses her is breathtaking, but reasoning is stopping her from going further. 

Rex walks behind her and holds her from behind, "Ella" speaking to her, "I need you, not because I want to make love to you, or because I can't get another but because, you bring out the man in me. I can't do anything without you, when you were living in the village, remember I tried so hard to stop you, think. Ella, why would I want to stop you if I don't have feelings for you? Why did I get married to you, without thinking? Ask yourself why am I hiding from Julia?

Make me yours, Ella, reminds me how it feels to be held by you". Rex turns her into his arms for her to face him.

Ella staring at the eyes of Rex. They are so passionate, so tender, filled with love for her. Ella holds his head and kisses his forehead, goes down to kiss his nose and then, kisses his mouth. Rex, holding her, drawing her closer and break the kiss. Staring at Ella with demanding eyes, he starts unbuttoning her blouse to expose her beautiful body. Ella places her hands on his chest to feel his heart beat.

Ella goes up to kiss Rex as he places his hand on her breast, touching it lightly under the shirt while sending the other hand behind her blouse, holding her for stability.

Ella can't contain herself, the passion growing inside her. She loved him, "let it out" though Ella, with that mindset. Ella, place, her hands on his chest and starts unbuttoning the suit, why kissing Rex. Rex's hands are creating magic in her.

Rex carry her in his arms, staring at her. He gradually puts her on the bed. Ella raises up to touch him. He stopped her by holding both her hands and said "don't touch me Ella, let me worship you for one night. Let me show you passion, let me satisfy my wife. Allow me to the work why you lie and enjoy. 

Rex places her hands on her head, goes down and places a kiss on her mouth. "Allow me to do what I know best". Smiling at her. Ella staring at him as he finished unbuttoning her bra, exposing her demanding breasts. Rex still staring at her and taking his time, using his kneel and touching her womanhood, while his left hand touching her ear, Rex goes down and carry her breast in his mouth. Thereby touching 3 sensational organs of Ella simultaneously making Ella to go wild with passion. 

"Aaah" Ella screamed "I'm going crazy". Rex stops the sucking of her breast and claim up to kiss her mouth. While romance her breasts with his hand, and the other hand goes down insides her skirt. Immediately, Rex touches her womanhood, he can feel the impact he is creating and Ella screams" aaah" and opens her legs for him to go deeper with his finger while gluing to him. Ella removes his hand from touching her womanhood and raise up the bed, fighting to unzip his trousers. She wants to go wild, but Rex said, "no Ella, calm down". Stoping her from unzipping his trousers. "I said calm down I wish to romance you, touch you, imprint this moment in my mind", said Rex. "But it takes both to attend maximum pleasure" said Ella. Rex kissing her neck going towards her ear, "it's taking me to satisfy my woman". Ella opens her legs and rap Rex thighs in between her womanhood, holding his buttocks to feel his manhood. Rex allows her to unbutton his suit, as he helps her removes it. Ella goes to unbutton the shirt and Rex, trying to distract her, lay his hand on her nipple and twinkle it, making Ella to fall back to the bed while releasing her holds on his thighs. Rex keeps twinkling her nipples and places his kneel at her womanhood, while his left hand goes to draw her back closer to him. "The man does know how to unbalance someone" though Ella. Rex stops everything and smiling as Ella opens her eyes to see him staring at her while unbuttoning his shirt. 

Ella sends her hand to remove his trousers and this time Rex allows her to naked him and see the demanding regid straight manhood waiting to devolved her. Immediately the trousers are down and Ella sees what Rex is made of, she breaks. Staring at it like it is her first time to see the nakedness of a man. 

Rex touches her chin to look at him as he collects her hand to touch his manhood. Ella didn't know what to do with it. Rex is surprised by her reaction the moment she sees his nakedness, "what is happening to Ella", Though Rex. He lay her back on the bed, touching her neck and allowing his body to touch every part of her, especially her womanhood. Ella grooms in needs for more.

Rex field satisfied knowing that what he's doing to her is satisfactory to the woman under him, he kisses her going down to her tummy. Rex hands are torching her breasts while he's kissing her down to the hairs around her tummy. Ella raise and finishes undressing by removing her skirt and pants. Holds him tight. "Don't stop me, please let the romance be mutual, I want to touch you. I can't take this anymore, said Ella. "Do as you please", reply Rex. Ella removes his hand from her breast and turns him to lie on the bed while she bends to kiss him, romancing Rex the same way Rex has been doing. Sucking his breast, touching his manhood and sucking his ear until Rex pushed her away trembling with passion, "She can make a man lose it", though Rex. 

 Rex takes over to make love to Ella like never with another woman. He felt satisfied just touching her. It felt like this is the first time he's been with a woman. it's just like he is a child and it's his first time of lovemaking

After touching the woman under him. He can't hold back, and they are completely naked he decides to enter her. He opens her legs to make way, immediately he places his manhood on her womanhood to push in. Ella closed her legs and shouted, "Is painful". Rex freezes and can't continue. "What do you mean, is painful", said Rex? "I'm a virgin, Rex". Rex is shock and confuse about what to do next.

To be continued 

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