
Spiritual gymnastics : stellar nova

Sidy watched the last traces of the smoke and Sulphur fade out of sight, she sighed with great relief.. It was finally over and they were free at last.

The spiritual monster that had held them ransom for all those years had been defeated finally. Now for the first time there was hope on the horizon and one could actually live, move, breath and enjoy the time that heaven had allocated them. She looked at shuttered glass and burnt ruins of what used to be a magnificent manor. She could hardly believe the transformation of the long spacious corridors, the beautiful open plan sections that had been given to host those extravagant parties and family gatherings. The lavishly furnished dining rooms, powder rooms, chatting rooms and lounging lobbies that caught the vivid slash that the morning sun dished to the west wing and the orange sunset skies of the west wing. The northern whistles of tall cedar trees sung to the world the secrets that the manor contained, whilst the Eastly breeze from the lake hummed like a humming bird testimony of the many many destinies that were affected, effected, delivered , and refracted by the victory that had been attained this day.

She celebrated the possibility of rebirth and recreation of the Manor with well manicured gardens, a living fountain filled with all manner of exotic fish and surrounded by all manner of beautiful, colorful roses grown especially to give character to the zen garden that had been built 800 years ago as a sanctuary for the family whose secrets to the ordinary ear, were but fictional stories created by overly imaginative minds of idle, illiterate women. The manor stood on 200 acres of prime, lakeside land with access to the private golf course and hotel facilities designed to afford the non conventional guests that flocked the manor at Christmas, Easter and Spring break- an unconventional, undocumented holiday that was only observed by those who were linked to the lineage of the manor family by blood.

There was a great mystery that surrounded this most beautiful home that shorn through the chandeliers every night. Could there had been a little truth in the stories about special activities and abilities that were gained by the correct interaction with the manor. For thousands of years people had read about and observed in silence, the ability of man to tap into the realm of the supernatural to change time and correct catastrophic outcomes of mankind's recklessness but to imagine that a house could hold the secret corridors between the frabics of time and that there was a bloodline with the ability or gift of access into this realm was mind blowing.

As Sidy sat exhausted from the fight, she was greatly relieved that the manor would begin to heal and transform in early morning, at dusk to be precise and that the secrets that had been made common knowledge would again gain the power of being hidden in between fact and fiction and that old man Bandy would once again roam the grounds of the manor as a trusted custodian that had nursed, dressed and manicured the gardens of Brentwood Manor for hundreds of years.

He, Bandy was affected by the mysterious events of 1377 that transformed the manor from being an ordinary house into Brentwood Manor. The ancient writing had prophesied of a gateway coming to mankind from heaven. It was believed that since Eden was a spot in time, in the presence of God, then from time to time other moments or spots in time would manifest in a time relavant manner and as long as the predestined leanage of priests served God according to the secret instructions that were written on the ancient scrolls the house would be a great place of refuge for the people. However in the early 1300s, a bastard son was born to master of the manor and upon the death of the Master, the bastard son took on the son of promise, the rightful heir. When Ethan overthrew, Malvern he brought with him the heathen practices of his mother's family. It was was from that time the house began to change from Being Bethel House to the event that saw it named Brentwood manor.