
Breaking Down The Closet

Tina loved her mother and was her world. A love she had not counted on, throws everything she thought she knew about herself out the window. A forbidden love, a life-altering love. Will she be able to choose between her mother and the promise of a whole new world?

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2 Chs

Final Destination

Chapter 2

Tina was conflicted. Should she go to Becca tonight? Maybe she should just take a long soak in the bath and curl into bed with a book after. Back and forth Tina agonized before settling on bath and bed. She picked up her cell and messaged Becca.

Tina: Hi Becca. I'm not coming tonight. Not a good time. Rain check?

She selected some tunes on her cell for her bath time and prepped. Tina later slid into the bath with the music playing away. She lounged in the bath with her eyes closed and sang along.

The next week flew by quickly. The routine of daily chores was soothing to her unsettled mind. At least it was weekend again and she was free from her chores for the day. Nothing like a Saturday morning filled with hours of possibilities. She could sketch, write poetry, read, listen to music… or…visit friends. Tina picked up her cell and dialled Becca's number. While it connected and rang, Tina sat biting her nail. I should just hang up, she thought. Tina was about to do just that when Becca answered the call.

"Hello, T. What's up?", answered Becca.

"Hey Becks. Nothing much. What are you doing today?", asked Tina.

"I have to go to the mall this morning, but I will be home this afternoon?"

"Ok, wanna hang out?", asked Tina pinching her eyes closed.

"Yeah sure. We can cash in last week's rain check? Movies and snacks?"

"Cool bananas. Let me know when you get home."

"Sorted then. Catch you later."

"Bye, T."

"Bye", said Tina as she ended the call. Her heart leapt in anticipation. We are just going to hang out. Maybe Abe won't be at home. It's ok. Danny looks like the bad girl biker type, that's all. You just think she's cool because of that. You love the biker style, that's all it is, thought Tina. She went to greet her mother and have a bit of a general chinwag. She sat at the kitchen table with her cup of coffee warming her hands. Tina listened to her mother's monologue of the latest in the family affairs. Cousin's she could barely recall and their misbehaviours. An hour later, Tina left her mother clattering about in the kitchen. She threw herself on her bed and could not prevent excitement from creeping up in her.

It was after twelve in the afternoon when Tina stood in front of her cupboard, totally undecided as to what she should wear: jeans, sweater, sneakers and jacket…no. Black jeans, form fitting black top, black sneakers and zipped black fitted jacket. Yes. My hair, what to do with my hair…, she thought. Maybe I should take a quick shower, yes. It was decided. As Tina exited the shower, her cell which she had placed on the shelf, rang. She almost slipped at the sound and hurried to answer.

"Hi… ", answered Tina beathing a bit heavily.

"Hi T. I am home. Just give me about an half an hour, then come through", said Becca.

"Ok, no problem. See you in a bit then", Tina replied smiling to herself like a Cheshire cat. Oh, get a grip, she reprimanded herself.

Tina stood appraising her reflection in the mirror. Some eyeliner wouldn't hurt. That's better, she thought after applying a thin layer. She applied conditioner onto her damp hair and ran her fingers through it. Tina checked the time and decided to delay leaving for another ten minutes. Tina went looking for her mother and found her sitting on the couch in the living room, knitting needles clicking away as she worked on her latest project. If memory serves, a baby shawl for the neighbour.

"Mom, I'm going to Abe. His sister, Becca invited me to a movie night," informed Tina.

"Ok, you haven't visited them in ages."

"Yes, I don't know how late I will be", said Tina.

"But don't-", started her mother.

"Yes, mom. I know. Abe always brings me home and they are just two blocks away," interjected Tina before picking up her keys. She placed a kiss on her mother's forehead before heading out the door. Becca's parents always made her feel welcome, and tonight was no different. Hugs accompanied greetings before Becca walked into their kitchen.

"Scold her for staying away so long, ma", teased Becca before pulling Tina to the room. That conversation could have lasted another hour easily.

"I got us some cooldrink and chips with just a few packets of sweets", commented Becca as she upturned the plastic bag that it was in.

"Geez Louise, Becks. Do you think you got enough?", squealed Tina. She suddenly sobered and looked down at her sneakers.

"Don't you do that. It's on me… well, on my tab at my father's tuck shop. Here check out the movies I got for us," said Becca shoving the movie cases into her hands. 'Blade', one of Tina's favourites, 'The X-men' and 'Final Destination'.

"Blade, you know is my fave but I haven't seen any of the others yet. So, which one of the two will be first?", asked Tina with her eyes still focused on the movie cases.

"How about 'Final Destination'?"

Tina froze at the question. That was not Becca's voice. She slowly looked up, her heart pumping. A playful smile accompanied with a gleam in the light brown eyes greeted her. Danny. There she stood clothed in her black sneakers, black jeans, dark blue top and jacket. Tina felt a flush rise through her entire body and her face.