
The Beginning

"I can't believe I am here right now. I in shock." I told my parents Thomas and Donna Quarter-Maine, we were at the Break Point Battle Tournament Head store located downtown of Illarin City. The city is only 100 years old and comparison to other cities this is relatively new city.

"How may I help you this evening?" the female clerk spoke softly as she made her way over to us, she had holo-pad with her as she motioned us to follow her. We sat down in office space away from the rest of loud commotion coming from the other shoppers.

"Im looking to joing the VIP status and I wish to put this on my battle-net account for Break Point." I broke the silence with my shaky voice due to nervousness for I had never done anything like this before. I waved my wrist and 175,000 kreditz were added to my battle-net account. The female clerk had a nervous and shocked facial expression as she nervously swiped through and two security guards with black uniforms came in joined by two other people who looked like tech-support.

"Mr. and Mrs. Quarter-Maine your son will be here for a while. You two should go get something to eat and there's a spa an relaxation hotel adjacent from this Mega store, as compliments of your sons account size this is our little treat to you the Quarter-Maines." the female clerk passed out champagne and I took a fizzy juice because I was too young to drink.

"Are you sure Tom?" my mother asked my father what he thought as she sipped on the champagne.

"Its free Donna. Let's go and Kolton, thank you." my father responded to my mother before hugging me and taking my mother on the way out being escorted by one of the stores sercurity guards to glorious spa and relaxation hotel.

I turned around and took a deep breathe before I followed the female clerk further into the Mega store. We came to an glass elevater, we got in and so did the two security guards as well along with two that looked like tech-support.

"Mr. Quarter-Maine this is your security guards, they will be stationed with up until you get Mega-Base built, I need your thumb print please before we continue." the female clerk gave me a holo-pad to put my thumb print on, I did it after I looked it over quickly for time was of the upmost importance.

"Perfect, now you been awarded a loft, a vehicle of your choice, style of furnishing you want for your loft, one choice out of five jobs working for the Break-Point Net Corporation, a new wardrobe plus gear for your new outfit, bonus 20 packs full of pwers plus weapons, Speacial plus Ultimate Break-Point combos and blasts. You are given the option for an experimental procedure to give you and your character the best possible chances to reach each victory. It will cost an extra 100,000 kreditz, if you wished to know." she spoke to me, we got off the elevater, she showed me my new loft that was completely empty and colored with a grey mixed with white.

"Let's do it." I answered the female clerk an followed her out of my loft and back to the elevater.

"Anybody got a smoke?" I asked quickly because my nervs werent letting me relax, so I figured why not ask for one now because I just ran out on the way up here with my folks.

"Aren't you a bit young for such a bad habit?" the female clerk answered while have a look of disappointment on her face.

"Aren't a bit old to be budding your nose into other people's business?" I shot back out of irratation, who was she to judge me?

"Here you go boss and you can keep it. Consider it a thank you for my job." one of the security guards handed a silver case with a built in lighter into the case. I grabbed one and it dispensed it auto-matically an it lit the cigarette for me. I deep a breathe and I blew the smoke into the face of the female clerk. She waved the smoke away, the elevater door opened and she shoved her way off of the elevater.

"This way." she spoke coldly because I disrespected her, which at some point I owed her an apology. We all followed her to the medical wing of the Mega complex, she mtioned me to follow her into the room full of doctors and nurves an eve n a few cyborgs.

"This is Kolton Quarter-Maine he is getting 17 Mega B-P injections and if all goes well Mr. Quarter-Maine will be ther first recipient of the Crystalized Evo package. I will leave him in your hands and good luck Mr. Quarter-Maine." the female clerk left and she handed me the holo-pad she was carrying with her. The sech support group abd the security group stayed with me as I was motioned by the doctors to follow them and the four individuals

follwed me. I was laid down on comfrtable foamed chair and they injected a sedative into me which made me lose consciousness immediately. I couldnt tell you how long I was knocked for because it felt like seconds had only passed as I regained consciousness.

"Take it easy Mr. Quarter-Maine I am Dr. Chan, I am your live-in-medical specialist its one of the perks of being a VIP member." dr. Chan helped me sit up, she spoke to me calmly and softly so my axiety didn't shoot through the roof.

"How long was I out for?" I asked as I slowly got up to my feet with the help of Dr. Chan.

"2 days to be exact. Take one of these, this will help you with being disoriented and with the pain." Dr. Chan handed me green pill with a cup of water in the other hand, I took the pill and my hands started to shake as I took the water an drank some an spilling alot more.

"My apologies, Dr. Chan. Am I in my loft?" I apologized and I moved into the bath room slowly to take a shower. I sat down and warm water turned on immediately, I soaked my body under the water for a little while before I resurfaced.

"We are in your new loft at the moment Mr. Quarter-Maine." Dr. Chan voice came into the bathroom by the shower from a speaker.

"Perfect." I responded.

"You have clothes already laid out for you by the female clerk that helped you with you majore sale yesterday. The name is Shane boss." a male securty voice came into the speaker.

"Thank you Shane." I quickly spoke so I could finish cleaning my body before I left the tub, a few minutes later I left the tub and dried myself off with a towel handing up by the shower. I put a bath robe on that I found in the bainet by the sink, I left the bathroom after I brushed my teeth, as blinds opened, the temperature was at 55 degrees outside, it was October 1st 2215, my birthday, my preliminary match was in two weeks time and i had a lot to do from now until than. I got dressed and got my team ready for what trails lied ahead.