
Branded - (RWBY)

An arctic fox Faunus tries to make her way in a hard life of an international terrorist after being liberated from a mining camp by the same group. (This synopsis needs to be redone will hapen sometime soon.) This is the first fic I’ve ever written so please give any insight you have into making this better because i mainly wrote this to get better so i aim to increase the quality and length in each chapter:) This will be a yuri fic if you don’t like that its ok just know you probably wont like this. And i have a friend who I would like to shout out for helping with editing this but he refuses to give me his account name to do so but if i can coax it out of him i will put it here. Haha i got something out of him i would like to shout out my friend Mr.TheBaker on fanfiction.net his fic language of letters is really good you should check it out. (I do not own rwby or any of its characters and world i only own my original characters) Thx:) Btw sorry if the uploads are sporadic I’m kinda useless at being consistent This is also posted on fanfiction.net under the same name

Angel_1860 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Character Bios

So its been a while, sorry about that I was hit by a huge wave of writers block and that hasn't even cleared up completly which is why this isn't an actual chapter so im sorry about that but please be patient with me I've never been particularly good at keeping to things and this is probably the best I've done on anything like this, so yeah im sorry again but you may have to wait a couple more weeks for the next chapter unless I can get it done either tonight or tomorrow but dont get you hopes up im sorry again and hope this can tide you over until then.

Btw all these picture apart from Sienna's are ai generated and if you own the picture of Sienna I used and want me to remove it just ask Thx:)


Maru Arktis

Personality: Maru is a playful and hardly ever serious individual but is very loyal to the people who she deems deserve it.

Appearance: Maru has stark white hair and has orange red eyes. She wears her fathers old maroon Atlesian military coat, under her coat she wears a dark gray shirt that covers most of her neck, inadvertently hiding the SDC brand on the right side. Her faunus trait materialized as a pair of Arctic fox ears on her head.


Age (as of chapter 19): 20

Weapon: Maru's weapons are a katana and a bladed pistol named Shinsei and Reikon respectively, they were once owned by her father when he was a part of the military. Shinsei has a compartment in the hilt that she can put a vial of dust in to make the blade gain its attributes.

Semblance: Maru's semblance is called bloodlust, it allows her to travel to any blood that she is the cause of, whether it's her own or another's. The blood can't be more than an hour old for her to be able to teleport to it. Every time Maru uses her semblance she becomes more insane until she eventually loses control.

Likes: Fighting, Alcohol, Messing with people, Sienna and Origami.

Dislikes: Nyx (when he says or does something dumb), the Atlesian military, The SDC and betrayal.

Background: Maru grew up being trained by her father Kastan Arktis, a high ranking military figure in Atlas. When Maru turned ten years old her father was accused of treason against Atlas and was eventually killed and betrayed by his team and friends. Two years after her father died her mother died of illness causing her to have to look after herself causing her to have to turn to the Schnee dust mines. She stayed in the dust mines for six years until she was eighteen, during this time she met and befriended a lizard Faunus named Virdis Sylvan. She has been working with the White fang ever since she escaped from the mine with them.


Sienna Khan

Personality: Sienna is a stern and tenacious woman who is willing to do nearly anything to help the Faunus.

Appearance: Sienna has a dark complexion with amber eyes and wild chin length dark hair, on her forehead is a red jewel. Her outfit consists of a form fitting sleeveless top with white trims that has a large diamond cut out of its back that is accompanied by a smaller one above her breasts, her top shows off and accentuates the tiger stripe tattoos that run along both her arms, over her top she wears a red cape that is clasped using a gold clasp. Sienna's Faunus trait materialized as a pair of bengal tiger ears atop her head.


Age (as of chapter 19): 22 (she is roughly 10 years younger than the canon version.)

Weapon: Sienna uses a chain whip called cerberus whip, it has three blades at the end of the whip that each house a different type of dust, the blades can be unlatched from the whip to be used as a projectile.

Semblance: Sienna's semblance grudge activates when an enemy's aura either breaks or is weakened, it boosts her physical traits when she is going in for the kill.

Likes: loyalty, order, justice for the Faunus and watching the antics of the other white fang members.

Dislikes: disloyalty, the SDC and when she has to deal with idiots.

Background: Sienna grew up in Mantle and with both her parents being Faunus rights activist she often experienced first hand the oppression and discrimination against Faunus, Sienna's parents instilled in her the importance in being resilient against oppression and also a fierce sense of justice that helped her rise through the ranks of the white fang, during a protest that ended particularly violently both her parents ended up getting killed, this loss of her parents only fueled her desire to fight for Faunus rights and she soon joined up with the white fang, after quickly rising up through the ranks and taking over The White Fang she quickly changed the once peaceful Faunus rights protesters into terrorists and freedom fighters.



Personality: Nyx similar to Maru is playful and hardly ever serious, he is often the but of Maru's jokes and can sometimes be quite cowardly though even if he is the oldest member of the Maru's squad.

Appearance: Nyx appears with a light complexion, he has black hair and hazel eyes, around his chin is a small amount of stubble that he is convinced makes him look cool, Nyx's outfit consists of a navy jacket with a mix of silver, bronze and black trims. Nyx's Faunus trait appears as crow feathers growing throughout his hair.


Age (as of chapter 19): 25

Weapon: Nyx's weapon shadows divide is a dual scythe that is able to split into two sickles, on of the sickles haft is longer than the other, close to the blade of both sickles is a place to be able put dust into it allowing the blade to gain the attribute of the dust.

Semblance: Nyx's semblance is called shadow cloak it allows him to cloak himself and others around him in a certain area in shadows and move them to another place as long as it is either dark or a shadow, once the cloak of shadows appears all people inside of it are impervious to any damage, shadow cloak allows Nyx to travel decently long distances as long as he knows the direction that he needs to go.

Likes: jokes, alcohol and video games (especially horror games).

Dislikes: Maru (when he says something dumb.), the Atlesian military, The SDC and Awkward conversations.

Background: for as young as he could remember Nyx lived on the streets, he got by through a mix of stealing food and valuables from a market in mistral, Nyx got his name from a young girl he met whilst on the streets, she was a human girl who lived in a fairly good part of mistral, she would meet up with him and ask questions about what it was like living on the streets and he would answer in exchange for food, one day the girl didn't show up again so he took it upon himself to try and learn what happen, upon reaching the girls house he learnt that it had recently burnt down causing the family to move away, tied to the front gate of the house was a small pendent and a note that was from the girl saying that she wished she was able to say goodbye in person and that they will meet again one day, not long after the girl left the white fang held a protest for Faunus and he decided to join up on the off chance that the traveling they do would allow him to meet the girl once again.


Virdis Sylvan

Personality: Virdis is a quiet and introspective person, he is incredibly patient and is the person people usually go to when Maru and Nyx are fighting.

Appearance: Virdis is a tall and lanky man with short green hair paired with similarly green eyes, his outfit consists of a green and black coat that has bits of metal plating in different spots all over it, his Faunus trait manifested as scales running over his hands and up his forearms.


Age: (as of chapter 19): 23

Weapon: Virdis' weapon scaled grasp is a pair of clawed gauntlets, usually he only wears one so that he is able to use his semblance in tandem with Maru, though he does sometimes use both.

Semblance: Virdis' semblance is called dead weight, it allows him to be able to heal and regrow any damage done to his limbs at an enhanced rate.

Likes: reading, reminiscing on fun memories and bingo

Dislikes: using his semblance, seeing others suffer and the SDC

Background: Virdis grew up in an SDC mine that his parents worked at, they worked incredibly hard so that he could grow up with some sense of normalcy, the hard work they put in allowed him to go to a small school in mantle and live a relatively comfortable life, until one day his parents got caught up in an incident, there was a cave in at the part of the mine that they were working in, his father died almost as soon as the cave in occurred but his mother survived the initial incident and was able to make it to a hospital but has been stuck in a coma ever since. Since that incident he has had to work hard to pay off the medical bills in the hope that she would eventually wake up.

Word Count: 1457


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