
8. A Proud Mother and Mindscape

AN: I still haven't decided what to do with Uchiha Massacre....and I don't have much to write before that event so this chapter may be a bit boring. But! I will decide and write Uchiha Massacre event tomorrow!!! So look forward to it.


Shizuka is currently training her daughter and she is indeed impressed with how fast her daughter have been improving. Just two years ago, her daughter can't even take a proper stance. But now her daughter can even be said to have reached the level of the clan's chunins with the level of skill she displayed with gentle fist technique.

Her daughter has mastered most of the clan techniques to a more than appropriate level. If she were to complete in a chunin exam right now, she could come out at least top three and that's only because she lacks experience. She also wanted her daughter to have all the clan techniques in her arsenal. But those old fogies refused to break the tradition and let her practice {Revolving Heaven} and {Twin lion fists} saying some nonsense about no one beside clan head and clan's hair are allowed to practice these techniques.

Her Father and Hiashi (because his wife asked him to and if he can't do it, he'll have to sleep on the living room tatami mat) are constantly pushing the elders to allow it. So it'll only be a matter of time before her daughter could have all clan techniques in her arsenal.

Besides, her daughter is a super genius who awakened her Byakugan at four years old after all. She can still remember the sh*t eating grins of her husband and her father wore the whole week since that day.

Since that day, her daughter's rate of improvement had skyrocketed even faster. And recently, her daughter even developed a new technique however accident it may have been.

And then convinced her little sweetheart to learn that technique because little Hinata is too kind to hurt anyone. And had been constantly improving and creating new usages and variations to that technique that it's becoming a battle-ready technique extremely fast.

She also noticed that her daughter's strength, speed, stamina, etc. are leagues about other kids. She has no idea how her daughter is producing that much strength from her tiny body. She occasionally checked her daughter's body found nothing wrong with it. Yes, she said nothing wrong, not nothing weird.

She found that her daughter body seems to, for the lack of better word, reject imperfection. No matter how hard she trains, her strength may improve but her body does not develop calluses or more muscles, it always maintain this 'perfect' state.

Her daughter is extremely smart for her age as well. She knows a lot for someone of her age. By a lot, she means A LOT. But the good point is her daughter just know a lot and understand what a kid her age shouldn't understand but she still acts like a child. A mature and kinda weird child but a child none the less. And she liked every ounce of that. She can even make jokes her husband can't understand but her daughter gets it and gives her those 'are you for real?' looks. How great is that!!!

And her daughter's chakra pool is growing at a faster and faster rate with each passing day. And she's not even in her rapid chakra growth period. At age three, her daughter's chakra pool is at the level of a kid around eight years old. That can still be considered somewhat normal. But it just jumped to low genin level in just two years!!!.

AN: The chakra level difference between 8 year olds and low-genin is really big. There's this whole rapid-chakra-growth period between them.

And her daughter's chakra is also more potent than other's, like a lot more potent. She doesn't know why these are happening and she doesn't find these weird things having any negative impact on her daughter. So she just assumed that her daughter is just built different. It's her daughter after all!.

She can already imagine her daughter trashing those snob nosed kids from that red eye clan left and right when the academy starts.

The only thing about her daughter she's discontent with is that ever since Hinata started to come to her house, her daughter doesn't pay attention to her at all while Hinata was here. She couldn't accept that so she confronted her daughter about it.

When she did so, her daughter only said "But she's so cute tho!" . That's a very solid argument so she could only give up.


Shizue can be seen in her room trying to move around and trying to change the shape of a black ball with the diameter of 5mm in front of her.

'Damn, this is hard as heck. Heh.... I should just practice more chakra control like Raphael said.'

She put away the Truth seeker orb, plopped down on her futon and closed her eyes for a moment. A couple of minutes later, she abruptly stood up with wide open eyes and said "I forgot about my mindscape!! Raphael!! how do I get into my mindscape!?."

[Heh..close your eyes and lay comfortably on your back ]

Shizue did as said and then felt a pull on her mind and when she opened her eyes, she could only look around in amazement.

The whole realm could only be described as breathtaking. Vast green plains spanning as far as the eyes could see, the sun shining bright in the sky and a serene and clear stream running through the plains. Beside the stream, there's a reclining chair and a table. On the table, a slick laptop is sitting there.

Shizue sat on the chair and looked up in the sky. There, she saw a Futuristic looking metallic sphere, surrounded by multiple rotating circular rings just floating in the air.

"Is that you, Raphael??"

[Yes, a visual representation of me.]

"Wow..you looks really high tech and misterious!! Looks really cool!!"

[Of course~]

"So what are you doing so high up there? Why don''t you just...you know...float around here, near me."

[Why else~, to show my superiority over you of course ~]

"D-damn, your tongue is getting sharper and sharper. A-anyways, did you make it look this way??"

[Yes, I have learned that mindscape is better to be a place you can relax, so I modified it to look this way.]

"Haha, you know me too well Raphael. This place is the best!!. So, what's this laptop for?? I have a hunch but just to be sure."

[It is the place where your memories are stored.]

"Let's see...oh! it's already sorted into folders and stuff, nice!"

Shizue checked the laptop for a while and closed it soon after. She closed her eyes and relaxed for a moment while thinking about her future plans.
