

Tap, Tap, Tap, I kept playing around with the entire force against me, seems like this people are trying their best to keep the information that they have. "Rose, trigger the three puzzles" I roared in laughter as four keyboards were being used, one by me and the rest by Asura. Poor idiots don't realize that I already have their address.


"How does Ace know who we are?!" The old man got angry and began cursing everything he saw as everyone under him was trying to repel 4C3. "Call in everyone!" The old man ran to the closest desktop and began to help out, but he knew it was useless as the more he fought back, the more he lost.

"Everyone stop!" The ponytailed girl stood up and screamed at everyone to stop. Everyone did that, and they noticed that the attack stopped. "He is playing with us, he is bored" Shock was written on their faces.

Clap! Clap! A video appeared on everyone's monitor, a man with a horrifying mask appeared on it clapping while hands behind him were playing with the keyboards. "Good job! I haven't had this much fun in a while!", Every one of them knew it was 4C3, "Now, now… Do not be scared of me, I just want to know who solved the first piece of the puzzle that I created 12 years ago?".


I was smiling behind the mask, and Asura was dancing his arms all around while he held onto the keyboard. Looking at the people inside the darkroom, I knew someone was capable of solving my puzzle pieces, but it took too long which made me forget about it. A girl with a ponytail raised her arm "It was me, please do not hurt my people or family" She was shaking with fear as she answered.

"No, I don't hurt the innocent kiddo, tell me what did you find when you solved it?" I looked at the girl behind the monitor while smiling, the girl stayed silent and didn't speak. "Correct, silence!" My voice became cold, "I left this puzzle when I was a little boy, now you need to solve it as I updated it with more pieces… as for solving it, you will gain a key." I smiled and ended the call.

"Rose, update the pieces of the monstapedia that we created." I ended my conversation and played around with the pc for a bit, I am truly bored…

"Kuku, master that was fun" Asura cold voice, came out as he enjoyed what we did. I left the warehouse with my hood and mask before going around the city. My speed is capable of surpassing sound, but it is a pain to regenerate the wounds after that as I have classes in the morning.

Running around the city, I felt free. Jumping from one building to another, I found myself aimlessly searching for something interesting, "Hollow, tell me what do you see down" I asked, "Haha! Master, I see blood!" Hollow laughed as the mask began to have its own life in it. I nodded and disappeared in the night.


"Young lady, would you like to accompany us?" A man wearing a suit asked the woman who was walking on the streets at night. "No thanks!" The woman replied as she tried to avoid the man, but the man held her while his friends came from behind and shut her mouth before dragging her to a nearby SUV.

"The young master will be happy with this little gift" The men laughed as they drove off towards an unknown destination. What they didn't realize that they were followed, as they arrived at a manor on the hill nearby, they stopped at the manor and slowly dragged the woman inside.

"Young master! We got you a little gift!" The men laughed as they presented the young man with fear-stricken woman who was crying and shaking with fear. "Good job, I will make sure my father pays you to double the salary you get" the young man licked his lips as he approached the woman, he looked at his men and told them to leave.

Tearing off the girl's cloth, he began to undress before approaching her, she kicked him away once but got beaten a few times by him. "I will kill you but not now!" He growled as he was ready to rape her.

"I would stop that if I was you hehe" a hooded man with six arms and a bleeding face appeared in the hall mysteriously laughing. "Who are you?! Guards!" The young man backed away and called his guards.

Several men entered and surrounded the man, the man looked happy, but as they approached him, they began to suffocate before falling to the ground. "Eh, weaklings" The man lost hope and walked towards the young lady who was naked on the ground, "Young miss" The man gave a dignified bow before throwing a piece of fur on her, "You can leave through the door, I killed everyone."


Watching the girl leave, I smiled and nodded to myself, "You, take me to your father" I approached the young man that pissed on himself before pulling him by the hair and walking towards the main hall. I took a pistol from one of the guards and shot it a few times, over 50 men rushed out from within the manor and surrounded us. "Kid, do you know who I am?" I looked at his face to face by pulling his head to mine.

"No, but you will die! Spat!" The kid spat at me as he laughed. "Hmph, let us see how your people will react first haha!" I laughed as I continued pulling the young man. Bullets were shot at my body, but sadly they didn't even pierce through anything as they dropped to the ground.

I waved my hand with some lightning and fried all of the men surrounding me before reaching the biggest room. Knocking twice I opened the locked door by ripping the handle, "Good day everyone!" I strolled inside smiling and taking big steps before finding an old man, old woman and a little girl hiding before several guards.

The old man began to speak in Mandarin, and I nodded at him as if I understood and took a seat on the nearest couch. "Please, continue!", the old man was shocked, he stood up and told his guards to lower their weapons before coming towards me slowly and sitting on the nearest chair. "I don't know who my son offended, but please we can compensate you!".

I looked at the old man with a smile under the mask, "Do you know who I am?", the old man was shocked at the question before shaking his head. "Remember, there are three people in this world that you should never break their laws… 4C3, The Emperor and…" I stood up and let the black aura leak out a bit. "Blue Moon Butcher."

The old man was shocked, "You are one of them!" He began shaking as he knew, probably everyone knew that the reason why the crime rate went down was that of those two, now that the third appeared… Pak! The old man kneeled on the floor "Please, forgive my family!!!".

I smiled while I sat on the couch as I said casually. "I can but do you think the other two will do the same?". The young man who was shaking from fear looked around before running towards the open door, as he was about to leave he fell on the ground.

"I will give you one month, that is the deal I made with my friends, every family you or anyone of your family destroyed are to be compensated as well as remind all of the families in Shanghai that 4C3 is watching, within one month if no one does anything… everyone will die" I disappeared from the chair and left the manor before going back to my house.

I saw Emma still awake sitting on the couch chatting with Angela and Yu. "Hello~" I entered their conversation after removing my mask and hood. "Ace!" x3, I laughed and sat with them holding a cup of wine while watching Emma smile. "Master, the machines will arrive after two days, I instructed Jax and his men to prepare a place for you and the people with you to play in ease" Rose voice came out on my earphones before ending.

"Time to sleep, everyone go to your beds!" I respectfully asked them as I picked up Henry and Sophie on both hands. Angela kids are pretty good looking, I smiled as I took them to their beds before leaving the room and going back to my room with Emma. "Good night!"

This was the longest chapter as I had to rewrite it 5 times, I hate plot holes so I made sure to keep it neat and tidy.

2/2 chapters completed

DKQcreators' thoughts