
Silot Stronghold

Walking out of the basement, I noticed Rose waiting next to Emma who was smiling as she held the towel on her hand. "Thanks" taking the towel away to wipe my head, my eyes were still full of madness, and I needed to fight soon as I don't know how long will I be able to control myself.

"Master, there have been some attacks on our servers," surprised at Rose words my eyes changed to anger, "Who was it?" while walking towards the server room. "Ace… you go sleep first, you can deal with it later…" Emma asked me as she was playing with her fingers.

I patted Emma who was following me and proceeded in the server room. "Rose, start up the main pc" As I sat on the only chair in the room. Sitting next to the data centers next to me, I waited a second before the CPU was launched before typing down a few codes and starting up the hack programs.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Intel? Huh, I went to look at the things they did the previous 24 hours and was surprised to see how they are defaming my company for not using the VRM machine in a good way…

"Rose, set up the 24 code defense system and trigger all the viruses." As my fingers began to dance on the keyboard. 'SUPER SPEED HACK!'


"Pfft, he can't do anything to us, he thinks he is someone special in here? This is our world hahaha!" A fat man sitting next to the round table laughed.

"Of course, he thinks he can play around without paying us?" A blond haired man laughed while taking a sip of his wine.

"Destroy him, if the media can't do anything, send someone to kill him" A thin man stated as he was writing on his paper.

"A puny character like him always gives us the greatest surprise, it seems like we need to oppress him before asking him to give us his work! Hahaha!" A bald man who had his legs on the table laughed as he was playing around with a cubic box.

"Ah yes, we can share this with all of …." BOOM! The door was opened as a young man rushed next to the fat man whispering something to him, the fat man stood up straight with a pale face.

"I need to leave now, hope you enjoy your time boys" Running outside the fat man began to scream at the young man.

Everyone looked shocked and began to call their employees after their employees answered they all escaped towards their companies…

"HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN! WHO IS DOING THIS?!" The thin man screamed at his phone while entering his car before leaving. He drove with speed but didn't know that this would be the last ride in his life. BOOM! His car exploded.

Similar incidents repeated on the other roads. The top dogs of the biggest companies have been dealt with, even if they hid from the public no one can hide from me.


(Breaking News)

- We have confirmed reports of 4 companies losing 99% of their stocks as well as the company shareholders escaping from this predicament. From our reports, it was discovered that all the confidential information of Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Intel had been leaked to the public by 4C3.

(Is this 4C3 newest method?)

- Within 1 hour 4C3 has been targetting the world four major companies, we also confirmed the deaths of the four presidents, the Interpol, the governments and the white hats have begun to move from our reports.


"Rose, pressure them for 1 month until the closed beta begins, I need to leave for a while" Walking out of the room that caused a world calamity, I had a poker face, and Emma was giggling as she watched me, surprised as she was for discovering I was 4C3, she only smiled as she watched.

"Ace, you are a multi-billionaire, an underworld boss, and a world-class hacker? Haha!" Emma couldn't hold it and burst out from laughter, I had a smile on my face and didn't reply to her. Walking out the server room I went towards the tavern while walking I equipped the Woolen Set and entered the tavern.

"Emma, tell everyone that I will be gone for a month, I need to prepare some things" Picking up the first quest I had a smile as I gave Emma some instructions. "Yes… tell me when you are back" She turned gloomy after I told her that.

[Would you like to begin on 'Slime Extermination'?]


[Prepare to be teleported to World 102, X10, Y52]

The light engulfed me as I was sent to darkness before I appeared in a forest. I took a deep breath and then silently walked in a straight line. The walk was long, and I haven't seen any monster on my site. My eyes were closing as I was tired but I kept moving as I want to know what it feels to fight in a tired state.

After walking for 3 hours, I noticed there was a settlement, a large wall with archers standing on top while people came in and out of the dirt road. I walked in, but a guard stood in front of me and screamed.

"Halt! Identify yourself!" The guard raised his sword as he looked at me, "Calm down, I am a traveler can't you see?" I looked at the guard with a carefree attitude and said sarcastically.

The guard looked shocked and then got angry again "Do you have anything to identify yourself outside?!" As his voice got higher, the archers on the top have drawn their bows at me, I took out an adventurer card and threw it to the guard.

The guard looked at the adventurer card shocked, "Please, wait here, I need to call my captain" His face pale, his hands shaking as he ran inside the room next to the wall. A minute has passed, and a fierce looking man ran back at me with the lousy guard behind me.

"We apologize for our misconduct, we hope you enjoy your stay at the Silot stronghold" As he gave me a way to walk, the other people around me who were interested were shocked. I entered the so-called stronghold and laughed at how bad it was, the moment I entered I can smell some bad hygiene and can see the thieves everywhere of all ages.

"You, come here" I pointed towards a kid who was about to steal someone, he looked at me with surprise, he slowly walked to me "...what do you want?", I smiled and took out ten copper, I gave the kid ten copper "Take me to the adventurers guild."

After a few minutes we arrived at the Silot adventurers guild, the kid left, and I entered the lousy made adventurers guild. Surprised that the place looked different from the outside I went and sat at a table alone. I looked around and sat quietly for an hour, during this hour I heard useful things and important things such as where the slimes are.

What surprised me is the findings of a sphinx, I stood up and walked outside the adventurers guild, but I was stopped halfway through the exit. "Stop right there, do you think you can sit around without paying? Huh?" A tough looking man blocked the entrance while his companions were around me. Looking around I noticed everyone was looking away including the counter staff.

"Yes, what will you do about it?" Smiling I stood without care. "Follow us" The tough man smiled mercilessly as he walked outside. Following them for a few minutes, we reached the slums, it was funny as this entire territory was considered an F zone.

F zones are filled up with thousands of Iron rank adventurers which means F in stats. Some might be strong, but luckily someone mentioned about the identifications back in the tavern as he was drinking with his buddies. F zones are filled up with weak monsters while the farther away you get, the higher the grade of the zone is.

"So, tell me little boy" the tough man looked at me as he was smirking, "Which bones would you like cracked first.". I pointed at his legs, "I want this one turned to ashes first" Sweeping my leg towards his legs which ended up sending him flying lifelessly.

"Ahh! Boss! Please don't kill us" the tough man companions began kneeling as they cried. It was that easy… Crack! Boom! I killed them all and took away all of their valuables before leaving the slums. In this world, the silver ranked adventurers were counted on two hands while the gold is only one person.

I walked in the streets while looking at the layout of the place and the shops within. I had some food at a stall which was quite horrible but ate it without a care as I will be leaving this world soon. After filling up my empty stomach, I paid three copper and walked towards the nearest Inn.

"Hello, welcome to the night lulu inn!" A small girl rushed and greeted me. I patted her head and looked at the woman behind the counter, "7 nights" I paid 30 copper and entered my room which is on the second floor of the inn. The bed was made of hay, and it was dirty… I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.

1/1 Chapter of the day

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