
Chapter 9

Brodie threw his bags on the floor and took a seat at the table in the middle of the room. He opened his laptop, keeping his cellphone glued to his ear. He had disappeared hours before, and I had waited for him, trapped in the hotel room with only my robe, sure that he had abandoned me.

I was about to open my mouth, but he put his finger up to stop me and pointed at his phone. He was listening to somebody, and it was important. I stood with my arms crossed in front of me, tapping my foot for a while before taking a seat across from him.

"Thirteen hundred hours. Very good. No, I'll contact you. Right." Brodie hung up and tapped on the keyboard.

"I don't mean to be whiny," I started. "But-"

"I couldn't be more grateful, Princess." Brodie interrupted. He closed his laptop and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a thick envelope. "I've managed to get your papers."

He handed me the envelope. In it were my passport, plane tickets, and a wad of cash.