
Chapter 7

He gave my body the slow once-over and smiled, showing more evidence of his disdain for oral hygiene. I figured the old guy had to be Makhmud Gurzhikhanov. He had an air of authority about him, and everyone was treating him like the big boss.

He said something incomprehensible to me in a language I didn't recognize. I looked at him blankly. He raised his voice and tried again, but I shrugged my shoulders. That seemed to enrage him.

He turned and shouted at a nearby man, who approached and tried to calm him as much as he could. It didn't work. Gurzhikhanov hauled off and punched him, screaming the entire time. He punched him until the poor man fell to the ground.

By now, I had a nice buzz going from the Valium that Brodie gave me. I was still scared and disoriented, but I didn't much care. I was floating. I made a mental note to ask for more Valium as soon as possible.