
Boundless :)

Origin, the creator of the Omniverse. Has been seriously betrayed by his children the Origin gods. Amaterasu, Libra, and Tsukiyomi. Three gods blinded by power and the want to control something of their own. Realizing that the power to do this lies in their father Origin they catch him off guard and “equally” distributes his power among eachother. Now as a plan for revenge Origin has been sent to the land of Omni a world which they created but had never explored. 500,000 Years Origin promised they would return. In these 500,000 Years the Origin Gods have made their presence known. Each shaping the history, laws, and culture of their land. Origin seeking revenge navigates across a world that wants nothing but the worse for him. How does one who spent their entire life being the absolute pinnacle of knowledge and power deal with being prey to the creations he never gave attention to. More importantly how does one learn to grow, care, and change. How does one know the importance of bonds. How does one know how their creations are living down here and what their power has done for their lives.

TC_Cloud · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Chapter 1 - When will I see you again?

Chapter 1

When will I see you again?

Long ago at the birth of the omniverse there stood one being. It was neither male nor female and took no shape. This being is the reason as to why the omniverse is even existing. It predates all living things even, but who knows where it itself originates.

  After 2 Billion Years the being obtained conciseness, and with this conciseness came along omniscience (the power to know all). Now knowing all that the future holds, the being goes along to create the said omniverse.

They go along to create Multiverse Alpha; you might know it as the one you live in as a reader. The being now bestowed with a name and a body due to its omniscience now goes as "Origin" for now at least.

Their body is the size of a universe itself and as black as the darkness, only having two gold eyes. Multiverse Alpha is a unique one because all imagined thoughts create their own universe to host itself in.

The trend followed all that inevitably followed. But sadly even for an omniscient being, this world was too hard to Origin. So not wanting to deal with this problem they reset it, then reset it, then reset it, and reset it. This continued for the next 1 Billion years until it ended up with Multiverse Zeta.

They created offspring to manage this headache of an issue called the multiverse. 3 children Amaterasu (Sun) (Male), Tsukuyomi. (Moon) (Male), and Libra (Balance)(Female).

Amaterasu is responsible for the lower deity's and mortal behavior. He influences their decisions rather than actually controls them.

Tsukuyomi being the other half is responsible for punishing said lower deities who don't follow Amaterasu guidance. Libra is the balance between these two, and she makes sure that they don't go power abusive. Origin distributed 15% of power to Libra, 5% to Amaterasu, and 5% to Tsukuyomi. Libra gained the most because they needed enough power to take down her two brothers. Origin, now satisfied with their successful work, decided to rest until they feel replenished from the after burn of creation. This time of rest would also give back the 25% power they lost. Origin gave the three each one awakening token that they can use to instantly wake up their creator when they require them most.

Eons pass and not a single pass has been used yet... until now.

The first person to use the pass was Libra Origin, knowing that if the embodiment of balance was the first to use the token something horrible must have happened. It turns out that Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi have had a great conflict against each other. Libra couldn't do anything because the two had taken on Libra together, knowing that one of them alone stood no chance.

The battle lasted 100 Million years. Due to the seemingly infinite size of the multiverse. Neither of the beings able to teleport anywhere yet other than to their creator caused this battle to drag out. Finally, the two managed to subdue Libra and seal them for 4.5 billion years, since this was the limit that their power could produce together.

Enough time for them to settle their quarrel efficiently. Their conflict was on how they should execute their order and judgment. Amaterasu creates the realm known as Heaven and Tsukuyomi creates Hell. Heaven is the realm for those of righteousness, and Hell was for those of immorality.

These realms work in favor for the two in the limited time that they have until Libra's release from the seal. Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi knowing that Libra would tell their creator once the seal has run out, they placed a precautionary trance on Libra making them agree with their wishes. This trance was only temporary because of how powerful Libra, thus making the trance only last 10 minutes.  They plot on taking their creator's power and dividing it between them.

Now to return to when Libra is awakening Origin. They contact each other via telepathy in order to organize a surprise attack utilizing their instant teleportation that they can only use towards Origin. The trigger word for the attack was "sky" when Libra would speak that word they would pounce.

Libra knows that she only has 5 minutes until Origin regains full omniscience. Origin moody after awakening shout's

"Who dares awaken me from my rehabilitation!" (Origin)

Libra, scared of the godly size and presence of Origin, stumbles over their words. Libra struggling!

"M-My L-iege S-S-Sorry For Awakening You, But A Serious Matter Has Occurred." (Libra)

Origin annoyed over Libra's stuttering exclaims


Libra, scared of the overwhelming presence, hurry's to explain.

" So sorry for my incompetence. The matter on my hands right now is the sky." (Libra)

Origin confused as to what Libra speaks looks up to the endless sky but sees nothing. Until shockingly, the three offspring of Origin all attack at once. Their unified attack along with the element of surprise managed to actually work. Origin struggles, but they manage to execute their plan by subduing Origin and taking the share of power.

But as soon as Origin began to fall from the damage, their omniscience came back to them. This allows them to plan out their revenge effectively. Now using the rest of their power, Origin then took the realms of Heaven and Hell and added them to a mortal world along with two new ones Limbo and Origin, these 4 lands. Come together to form a land known as Omni. This world split in 4 borders is where Origin places the three for all eternity. Amaterasu resides in Heaven, Tsukiyomi in Hell and Libra in Limbo.

Each land with their own religions and laws went through their own struggle as time passed.

Origin, unable to forgive his subjects and plan's to be born into the world after 500,000 years. Origin, knowing that they will lose their memories, creates a system for him dubbed "Sera" (Sophisticated Eternity Recorded Analyzer).

This all happens before they seal and take the powers of their creator. The split in power was Libra 35%, Tsukuyomi 34%, and Amaterasu 30.9%. Leaving Origin with only 0.1% of their power.

They all shout in their success before they are instantly teleported to their new world.

After the battle between Origin and their offspring. The three gods all were all separated into their own piece of land. Heaven(Mortality), Hell (Immorality), and Limbo (Equality).

Origin (Independence) was a separate nation from the three because it had a barrier around it that only the three gods together could break. But none would agree on doing so, since they never understood the point in doing so. The people acknowledged them as all powerful beings. Those who reside in one of the god's respected lands looked up the same said god whose land they lived in. Although not all people liked the way their god operated.

These 3 lands never got along and always engaged in war. The three gods later known as the "Origin God's" spearheaded these wars. The reason as to why is that the planet's population and land doubles every year. This caused a never ending war for land and resources. That even immortal god's needed. These wars lasted in a span of 400,000 years. Until a peace treaty devised by Libra was created. The treaty was made because of the amount of lives lost in every war. The treaty also denied any entry into other lands unless it was for business reasons, i.e. trading of resources or negotiations and deals upon company's.

Regardless of this law, many people still sneak into other lands in order to escape their own. All citizens have a one time citizenship pass in order to migrate where they want to. Most people move to Limbo or Origin because they host the lowest crime rate. There are 4 races: Humans (Majority Race Global), Demi-Humans (Sub-Majority Global and Majority Origin), Angels (Majority of Heaven), and Deity's (Minority Global although most reside in Limbo).

Counts are the power that binds this world; your count is the embodiment of your strength and your way of fighting. The fighting style or power your heart desires most is given upon winning your first battle. To grow your count, you must win in a set duel or kill those you dub as enemies. When you win in a duel, your count goes up by 5. When you kill, it goes up by 2. Counts are divided into classes ranging A-Ω. Every being on Omni has counts, even the three Origin God's. This power gave a power balance to the people of Omni. Origin made this power because he knew that once he returns that he'll need an army of people of great strength to take his revenge.

– World Count Scale –                                                            

A - Wall Level

B - Small Building

C - Large Building

D - City Block (2)

E - Large City Block (4)

F - Small City Level

G - Large City Level

H - Mountain Level

I - Large Mountain Level

J - Large Island Level

K - Small State Level

L - Large Country Level

M - Continent Level

N - Multi Continental Level

O - Moon Level

P - Planet Level (Earth)

Q - Large Planet Level (Jupiter)

R - Small Star Level

S - Large Star Level

T - Solar System Level

U - Large Multi Solar System Level

V - Galaxy Level

W - Multi Galaxy Level

X - Universe Level

Y - High Universe Level 

Z - Multiverse Level  

Beta - Low Outerverse Level

Alpha - High Outerverse Level

Ω - Extraverse  (10^100 Kills)

;) I wonder what this is. Seems irrelevant