
Bounded by the shackles of fate

It came as a wonderment, that the elves were able to find a weapon strong enough to enter the realm, without them being apprised. This served as an advantage to them, as they were thriving in infiltrating a lot of space and managed to seize the important capitals, which served as pillars of the realm. They were well aware of where they should attack, and what stood as the support system of their Empire. It was prominent that they had a helping hand from within the realm, the individual must be someone who knows the secret which their enemies must never and they were after something, something within the palace walls, that was their main target. However, the battle only took them a month or less to end although a lot died, they somehow managed to conquer the elves and forged a new protective Impediment for the realm. The protective impediment that had been keeping them till someone found her mate. Sighing she couldn't help but wonder how he managed to do that, the spell they used to trigger the impediment was a very emphatic one, they had their best mysticism intellectuals conjure the powerful force field which had kept them for decades in peace without the intrusion of external forces. abruptly, she felt a familiar energy, one that was protruding from none other than Elder Burton, it was the energy of a furious light hyde, his entire body glowed white and he seemed like he was going berserk as he was carrying a crazy look like he had lost his mind. he launched a ferocious attack towards Xavier aiming with full speed and the beast bearly managed to doge because he was lost staring at his blossom. But Burton didn't end there, he created a spear out of his proficiency and summoned Attulac, his beast, and merged fully with it within the blink of an eye he was charging towards Xavier again as he roared in rage. Since Xavier was distracted Bacillia took this opportunity and snapped out of her daze as the rest had also joined in, Ekila had also resumed her stance. Xavier dodged his next attempt with little effort and frowned at the distraction " How dare you to bewilder the conversation between me and my blossom! " he seemed pissed and gritted his teeth harshly glaring at Burton, who didn't seem to care as he charged amuck towards Xavier, only to be thrown by him without much effort, " weakling!" he spat in disgust as his eyes searched for his mate frantically. #extractedfromchaper34

Missy_Ti · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Report on the princess

Knock! Knock!

Garrett was pissed by the annoying sounds that were coming from the door, as he was busy enjoying his Mistress's company. There were five of them that surrounded him while giving him satisfaction as sounds of moans echoed in the huge and spacious room, anyone who was there should better have something reasonable to give, or else he might turn the person into an acephalous being ...

He signaled for Zed who was by the corner to check, who it might be that dared to do so. He then continued to have fun with his Mistresses as they were still all over him like pythons, totally naked. Zed came back in and announced " your majesty the report you asked to be provided before mid-day, Achillius is here with the information". Garrett instantly dismissed his Mistresses upon hearing the news. They were a little hesitant, but he ignored them and slid into his silk robe" get out now!!!" his voice thundered, which sent chills down their spines. They immediately scurried out of the room not even bothering to get themselves fully dressed."Let him in" Garrett said.

Zed obliged, and he went to bring In Achillius. Garrett then took his place on the red-leathered couch that was far from his bed and picked up a glass of wine from the table in front of him, he took a sip and dropped it back as Zed walked in with Achilius, Alphonso, and Samuel who has now transformed to his normal self as Derek.

"Good marrow your highness" Achillius greeted and bowed crossing his arms behind him "Well I was told you have some information on the princess"

Garrett waved his hand and went straight to the point as he picked up the glass of wine again and sipped.

"Well yes your highness" he replied still standing

"Hmmm" he nodded for him to proceed as his mouth was occupied with the wine which he gulped right after " disclose it "

I'm still making my findings but this is what I've found so far " he brought out some kind of paperwork and a scroll attached to it from the brown leathered bag he was carrying and handed it to Garrett snatched it from him in a hurry and untied the scroll. The more his eyes scanned the more his smile grew and he gave the scroll back to Achillius "you're doing a great job but I'll need more information"

"Yes your highness " he bowed again placing his left hand on his chest to show his dedication "Mmmmm" he placed his hands on his chin thoughtfully " Derek you Know what you have to do"

"I'll be on my way now your majesty "

"Don't screw up Derek! this is a warning " Garrett gave him a Stern look...

Achillius still waiting for Garrett's approval to leave "may I take my leave now your majesty?" mentioned. "You may have your leave now" he waved his hands. Achillius then turned and used the door on his way out.

"Mmmm then I guess I should also leave now"Derek teleported out of the room "What now?" Alphonso asked curiously"

."Oh, they think they are so smart each?"Garrett chuckled darkly by now his pupils had already turned completely black, he teleported out of the room and left Alphonso hanging there alone wondering.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Missy_Ticreators' thoughts