

G_Master_8296 · Seni bela diri
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 Koito's best friend

Aella, sped the car in the city like a madman. Going past red lights, and in between and past cars. She was going faster than she'd ever gone before in her life.

" Hey, slow down! He's not following us anymore!" said Koito who was starting to wish there was another sit belt.

" But, ..." Aella exclaimed teary jacked.

" Calm down, there's no one on our tail, check for yourself" Koito said as he placed his hand on top of hers on the steering wheel.

Aella checked behind her, through the review mirrors and the back view mirror and for sure there was no one there. She then began to calm down.

" I thought I was going to die back there" she said as she wiped the tears off her eyes.

" Well, good thing we're still alive" said Koito with a cheery voice. " I'm relieved"

They both breathed a sigh of relief and started laughing in an attempt to forget what had just transpired. Though, Koito's wounds would hurt every time he did. Aella then asked" What was that about back there."

" What?" Koito procured

" You looked like you were very shocked when Fredrick or whatever his name is started lifting the car. Did she really talk, this girl" Aella said whilst peeking over the shoulder at Kari.

" Oh, that's right. She said something back there. I saw her lips move." Koito said.

" Well, did you hear what she said?" asked Aella.

" Well, ... I'm... not.. too sure" Koito said thinking very hard " But I'm definitely sure she said something, I'm serious".

" Ha ha ha, what the heck!!" Aella was laughing her lungs off " You just assumed,... that she...said... some..thing just because you saw her lips moving, seriously dude what the heck" Aella said trying to control her laughter. Koito pouted a bit.

" So, we got out. What's the plan now?" Aella asked after managing to hold her laughter at bay.

" Let's go to Brandon's house"he said hesitantly.

" Wha!!! No absolutely not!" yelled Aella.

" Come on honey, it's just for today. He is a doctor so he can treat my wounds, his house is closer and we're all pretty tired too. We literally ran our way down a five story building. There's just no way we wouldn't be. We'll leave early tomorrow morning. Please " Koito pleaded.

" I really can't stand that guy! He seriously pisses me off" she raged.

" Please!, pretty plweaase!" Koito said whilst desperately trying to make the puppy dog eyes.

He was terrible at it. But he was still handsome nonetheless. Aella sighed.

" Ok, fine" finally, " since he seems to be our only option that BENEFITS us, since there's someone injured, let's just go there" she said whilst in self denial.

After both agreeing to go, they made their way to Brandon's house. They arrived around midnight. The house was a ten roomed apartment complex. It was just too big for a person living there alone. The house was surrounded by a buck load of trees. Most of which contained medicinal properties. The main entrance door was double sized, automated and had hooks for handles. They bang on the door a couple of times and the door opened automatically after a few moments, then they made their way inside. Brandon was waiting for them in the living room. It was massive. Brandon was around the same height as Koito but he wore glasses and had long brown hair. He at the time was wearing a white lab coat.

" Brandon!!!"

" Koito!!!"

The two man cried out, overjoyed as they embraced one another. Koito's wounds began to act up, he staggered a bit and held himself around the chest area.

" What's happened Koito? I see you're heavily wounded." Brandon procured, worried.

After calming himself down. Koito then placed both his hands on Brandon's shoulders and said," Hey Brandon, there's nothing wrong with my face right."

" Huh!!?"

" Please at least spare my face from this torment. I don't care about the injuries. Give them some time and they'll heal. But a scar on the face is unforgivable!!" Koito mourned.

There was a brief silence in the room.

" Don't worry my brother, leave it to me!" Brandon said with one of his hands on Koito's shoulders and the raising his forefinger with the other one whilst simultaneously winking too

" Brandon!!!" a teary Koito said.

" You idiot!!!!" Aella shouted as she slammed her hand on Koito's head. Koito became unconscious almost immediately.

" Crap, maybe I overdid it" Aella contemplated.

" Don't worry, he'll be fine. He's been through worse." Brandon said to ease the uneasiness that was coming over Aella. " But please, do help me carry him to a bed" he then proceeded to say.

The two Brandon and Aella then carried Koito on their shoulders and made their way to the nearest bedroom. They laid him down there. Brandon didn't hesitate, he immediately began treatment. He was done in about 30 minutes.

" What the heck happened to him? Those injuries, they're not normal." Asked a puzzled Brandon " It's a miracle he survived, let alone to walk or talk. He sure is something."

Aella who had also been in the room just remained silent and kept fidgeting whilst looking over at Koito.

" It's okay. He'll be alright. Takes a lot more than that to kill the guy. Ha ha ha ha" Brandon laughed hysterically trying to brighten the mood.

" I'm well aware. That's why he's still alive after all." Aella blatantly replied.

There was an awkward silence in the room.

" Hmm, what was that? How did Koito and I meet you ask?..."

" I didn't ask" Aella quickly implied.

" You're terribly honest as usual. " Brandon lamented

" And you're annoying. Get lost!" Aella replied.

Brandon just tried to laugh it off and sighed. " Did you in know, Koito used to be a bully" he then proceeded to say.

' What?' Aella questioned in her mind. She was really surprised. Where did this come from? This was her first time learning of something like this.

" Aren't you curious at all as to what he was like as a kid?" Brandon asked.

She was! She was curious. After hearing that anyone would be curious.

" Use your psychology tricks one someone else, they don't work on me" she said. She immediately regretted it but she couldn't bring herself to ask.

" Hmmm. Well, it's true though. He was a bully. But he was a different kind of breed. You know like those lone wolf kind of guys. His bullying methods were really..., weird to say the least, laughable in fact. He grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth after all." Brandon said. " It's weird that we're friends now since he bullied me too but do you wanna know what made him change?" He said as he looked at Aella with a really saddened gaze. Aella stared back at him with eyes gleaming with curiosity.

" Well, that's a story for another time" Brandon said with one finger pointing upwards.

" Tch!" Aella clicked her tongue in disgust. ' That's why I really don't like this guy.' She thought.

Brandon chuckled. ' You got yourself one heck of a girlfriend right there Koito.' he thought.' You always had this mysterious power of drawing others to you after all. Even me...'

" Well anyway I'm gonna go ahead and sleep. Koito probably won't wake up for some time anyway" Brandon said as he began to walk away.

" Thanks" Aella said hesitantly. " You helped him so thanks"

" No need to be so thankful young lady. I can't help it whenever I see anything beautiful suffering. This outcome was inevitable " Brandon said full of pride as he had his middle finger pushing back his glasses.

" Tch. I take it back." Aella said with disgust" I guess birds of the same feather do flock together." She added.

Brandon then smiled and said, " I actually starting to wonder how he got you to fall for him. You guys are literally complete opposites of each other. It really is such a mystery. But what can I say, opposite sides do attract after all." He said as he turned into the darkness of the passageway.

" I wonder why too..." Aella questioned herself as she lay her head in-between her knees in thought. What he was saying was right. What could it have been that really had her so entranced by him. Was it his positive nature. Or maybe his money, he was rich after all. Or was it actually something utterly different. Something unforseen. Just something about him... Aella soon dozed off where she lay.

In another room, in the same apartment, Brandon was making a phone call.

Ring ring ring. The phone was answered.

" He's here just as you said. Together with the girl too. Will this be enough?" Said Brandon.

" That'll be plenty." Came a reply and the phone was cut off. Brandon kept looking intently at the phone, before tugging it into his lab coat pocket and heading to his room. Kari who had just happened to be passing by, bore witness to all this.

Now, what will she do?