
Bound To The Mafian Lord

Arianna's life as a promising upcoming artist is cut short as she is forced to go into an arranged marriage with Leonardo DiCaprio, a ruthless mafia lord in the place of her elder sister. Life with Leonardo is a living hell as he is cold to her and dangerous when things don't go his way. Will she be able to break him and get his love? Will their new found love stand a chance to overcome the storm and temptations ahead of them or will they be destroyed by it?

Onuwa_Solange · perkotaan
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Arianna's POV


Six days later

The day I dreaded so much was finally here and I could do nothing to stop it.

For the past six days I tried everything I could to convince dad to please change his mind but he barely spoke to me. 

Francesca avoided me the whole time. Coward

Mum always came to my room to make sure I wasn't crying a lot and make sure I ate my food. I love my mum but I just wish she could stand up to dad more.

Michael hasn't called since he left that text,Ella was busy updating her social media with Michael's clothes on and she made sure to tag me in them.

Last night I went out to get laid by a random person as I couldn't risk giving my virginity to that jerk but I couldn't get myself to do it. 

I always saw Michael taking my virginity as his on our wedding day but right now everything seems blurry.

Instead I am being forced to get married to a stranger, a complete jerk who looks like he could suck out my soul anytime soon

He is mean to me. He is worse than dad. 

Tears filled my eyes as a million thoughts ran through my mind at the same time. 

"Ma'am you wouldn't want to smudge your makeup now" The makeup artist said with a smile on her face as she noticed the tears that filled my eyes.

I sat in a room filled with people walking around and busy doing something.I don't know who they were or where I was. 

"Do you like it ma'am?" She turned me to face the mirror. 

I looked beautiful, very beautiful. I never knew I could look like that since I'm not really a fan of makeup.

The makeup was light and fresh, highlighting my features without overpowering them.My hair which was usually straight, was now elegantly coiled into a sophisticated updo,soft strands of hair cascaded gently around my face, framing it perfectly.

"Yes I do, it's perfect" I said as I flashed a smile at her. 

"Let's get you in your wedding dress now" She said she pulled out the chair I was sitting on and directed me to another room where the wedding gown stood.

The dress stood in its magnifying glory as they were putting some final touches on it. 

"Come on" She said she ordered her workers to put it on me.

A few touches were made and finally I stood looking at myself in the mirror.

It was beautiful. Although it wasn't what I wanted, the wedding gown was a delicate masterpiece of lace and silk and it flowed around me like a cloud, the intricate beading twinkling in the light like tiny stars. 

Anyone other than me who wanted to marry that jerk would definitely feel like a queen as she walked down the aisle in this dress.

"Oh my God!! you look astonishingly beautiful my baby" Mum exclaimed as she walked in the room,her hand over her mouth"

I simply smiled at her. " Thank you mum"

"You look really beautiful Arianna, just like your mother at our wedding" I turned around,shocked to see my dad who had a smile on his face and was now walking towards me.

It's been eternity since my dad smiled at me.

"Thank you for doing this in place of your sister"He said as he folded my hands in his." I promise you it's all for the best and for yours and our family's good"

I couldn't bring myself to get angry right now or say something. I just stared at him happy to see him talk affectionately to me after so many years.

"Leonardo dropped by the house yesterday evening when you were out to give you this" He said softly as he opened a box. 

It had the most beautiful pair of jewellery I have ever seen. The diamond sparkled and looked like it cost a fortune.

"He said it would go well with your wedding dress," Dad said as he put it on me.

That was thoughtful of Leonardo but it doesn't clear the fact that he is a jerk.

"It's time!" Someone yelled from outside.

"Are you ready?" Dad asked and I nodded.

I put on my heels and took dad's arm. Mum followed closely behind.


Pachelbel's Canon started to play and the doors to the cathedral opened.

Dad took a step forward but I froze at the spot. 

  Cameras flashed all over me, making me lose my sight momentarily. 

The church was full to the max.

My breath accelerated and heat flushed through my body. 

"Come on" Dad whispered softly and I nodded with a smile. 

I took a step forward to be on the same line as him and we slowly made our way into the Cathedral

I looked around to see if I could recognise a face and spotted Francesca smiling stupidly at me. 

I rolled my eyes at her and turned around to see if I knew someone else but they were all strangers except for Leonardo's parents.

The women dressed elegantly. I couldn't help but smile at the sight, while most of the men looked scary which made me shudder . 

I wish Ella was here but she didn't care enough to know what was happening in my life and was busy meandering with my boyfriend. 

I looked ahead and saw Leonardo standing there without a smile on his face. He had a best man who looked really good with his blond hair while I had no no bridal train. 

It hurt me knowing that a jerk like him had a friend while right now I had none.

His hair was styled to perfection and his pair of blue eyes almost pierced through my soul. His perfectly sculptured face, pink plump lips , straight nose and well defined jaw and high proud cheek bone stood out even in the midst of all the men present here. His suit clung to his torso perfectly and he stood tall in a way that exuded intimidating power.

We reached the top and dad let go hand while handing it over to him 

" Guard her with your life" dad said

"I will" he said softly and stretched out his hand to me.

I bit my lips as I remembered how big of a jerk he was at the bridal shop.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes before walking up next to him without taking his hand. 

I knew it got him upset as he clenched his jaw and rolled his hand to a fist before facing the priest.

I chuckled lightly at myself as I knew it would be embarrassing for him if anyone saw.

"Let us begin" the priest started "We are gathered here today to witness the union between Arianna Lombardi and Leonardo DiCaprio "

We exchanged rings and repeated our vows

"Arianna Lombardi, do you take Leonardo DiCaprio to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked as he turned to me. 

"I do, " I said almost immediately.

A round of applause was heard across the church.

He turned to Leonardo " Leonardo DiCaprio, do you take Arianna Lombardi to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

He hesitated for some seconds before answering."I do"

That jerk.

I cursed under my breath as I saw him develop a smirk on his face.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride"

My breath stopped for some seconds as I watched Leonardo draw closer to me.

I closed my eyes and immediately felt Leonardo's soft and warm lips on top of mine. 

He kissed me for about 7 seconds and I heard him let him a soft groan before slowly withdrawing.

"I am sure this is your first time kissing a real man" he whispered into my ears before facing the cheering crowd and Cameras" 

"Jerk!!!" I screamed within myself.

"Let's party," Mr. Matteo shouted and we all laughed.