My name is Henley Douglas. I survived leukemia, and fell in love with the doctor who delivered the news. Now, he wants to marry me. In exchange, he will give me everything… except his love. He gave his heart to one woman who shattered it long ago. Now, I’m left to pick up the pieces. Five years ago, my sister, Ari, married Prince Grayson of Estrea in an arranged marriage. Now, neither could imagine their lives without the other. Will my arranged marriage be the same? Or will it end in disaster, leaving me shattered, as well? Can I marry and give my love to a man who may never love me? Will he love me, too… one day? Or am I condemned to live in a loveless marriage, a gilded prison? Maybe I can love enough for both of us. Or maybe it will destroy me. Only time will tell. Bound to the Billionaire Playboy is created by Theresa Oliver, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.
“Mom, although I appreciate your wanting to go with me, I’m an adult now, and I’d rather go alone.” I reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Trust me. You’ve done enough.”
When I was in high school, I was diagnosed with Leukemia, and my sister and mother sacrificed everything for my treatment... for me. In fact, my sister had even sold her virginity to pay for my treatments since my mother had no insurance. Thank goodness, it all ended well.
Now, Ari and Grayson, the Crown Prince of Estrea, were happily married with two children, but they had already given enough... and so had my mother.
Now, it was my turn to give back to them.
“Sweetie, I haven’t done nearly enough.” Mom squeezed my hand. “If only I had insurance—”
“Then all of us may have never met.” King Maxwell Pierce smiled as he entered the room. “Cecille, Henley’s right. She’s no longer a child and if she wants to go to the hospital alone this time, then let her go. I’m sure she’ll tell us everything when she returns home.” Then his eyes met mine, smiling in that fatherly way of his. “Won’t you, dear?” Although the calm in his voice never changed, he said it in a way that closed the subject.
“Yes, of course, Your Highness.”
I took a sip of my orange juice and nibbled on my bacon. Even though I knew it wasn’t really that good for me, one slide wouldn’t hurt. That was the way I got through life now… with moderation. And I was tired of it and ready to start living my life.
When Grayson and Ari brought us to Estrea to ensure that I would receive the best medical treatment that money could buy, Grayson’s family accepted us with open arms, and now we were a family.
My mother and Maxwell had hit it off and has been together since. I suspected that we’d be hearing wedding bells for them soon. He was a good-looking man, an older version of his good-looking sons, and not much older than my mother. But knowing my mother, she was probably waiting until she knew both of her daughters would be okay before she went on with hers.
Guilt rose it my chest once again. Mom had already given up so much for Ari and me. It wasn’t fair that she gave up more. It was time that she went on with her life, too… no matter what.
King Maxwell smiled as he wrapped his arm around my mother’s shoulders. “Please, call me Maxwell.” Then he sat beside my mother and raised her hand to his lips. “See? it’s all sorted. I’ll have a car drive her—”
“But what of the danger?” Mom’s eyes pleaded.
Several years ago, when we first came to Estrea, someone had killed Grayson’s ex-girlfriend and framed him for it. But the perpetrators had since been caught and put away.
“I’ll send my driver and a few bodyguards—”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake.” I rolled my eyes.
“But the perpetrators have been caught....” Maxwell shot me a warning look as he continued. “And she will be in no danger. I assure you. And it’ll give you and me more time together.”
“Okay, that’s my cue.” I downed the rest of my orange juice and rose to my feet. Maxwell chuckled, and Mom looked worried, but I knew if I didn’t leave now, I never would.
I slid the chain of my purse over my shoulder, kissed the top of Mom’s head, and headed down the hallway. “Bye!” I waved over my shoulder and then headed out the door before she could object again. I knew this was hard for her, but she had to let me go. It was time.
Although I appreciated everything she and my sister had done for me, I wanted to be in the position to do something for them, to give back to them. But in order to do that, I had to stand on my own two feet first. And the first step to doing that was walking out the door... on my own.
My short, flowered sundress swished back and forth as I skipped down the stairs headed toward the waiting limousine as my high heels clicked along the pavement.
One of the bodyguards opened the door and smiled. “Miss Henley.”
“Gerard.” I returned his smile as I slid inside. This was a far cry from my roots in the United States.
My father left my mother years ago with two daughters to raise on her own. Mom was a waitress and did her best to provide the necessities, but there was never enough for frivolities. Never in a million years did I ever imagine I would be living in a palace and that my sister would be married to the next King of Estrea, with two beautiful children, a boy and a girl. But none of us were in a hurry for that. All of us loved his father, King Maxwell.
The palace gates opened, and we were on our way to the hospital within a matter of minutes. On the way, I gazed out the window at the cherry blossoms now in full bloom lining the long drive from the palace to the main road. They had been a gift from the Emperor of Japan several years ago, and Maxwell had them planted. Now, every spring they bloomed, filling the air with beautiful blossoms and a lovely fragrance.
On the way to the hospital, spring was definitely in the air in Estrea. Tulips, daffodils, and the colors of spring flowers were in full bloom, promising sunny days ahead. At the palace, Ari and my mother had been planning an Easter celebration coming up complete with an egg hunt for my nephew and niece and the other children of friends and royals.
Yes, it was a far cry from our roots. Now, it was home.
“We’re here, miss.” Samuel glanced up at me in the rearview mirror and smiled.
“Sam, you don’t have to wait for me.” I returned his smile. He was an older driver and had been with the Pierce family for a long while. One thing about Grayson’s family was if you were loyal to them, they were loyal to you. Gerard already had my door open, and his hand extended, but I ignored it. “I’ll call you when I’m ready.”
Sam smiled so that the wrinkles around his eyes deepened. “No need. I’ll be waiting.”
I nodded as I took Gerard’s hand, and he helped me out. He started to follow me inside, but I shook my head. “Gerard, I’ll be fine. If I need you, I’ll text.”
He gave me a slight bow. “As you wish, miss.” Gerard slowed, but I could hear the frown in his voice.
As I headed toward the hospital, I let out a deep breath, finally able to breathe again. It was the taste of freedom, although how small a taste it was.
I skipped up the steps, and a hot, sexy young man dressed in new jeans, a dress shirt, and boots held the door open for me and smiled. I nodded and then headed inside toward the elevator and punched the button.
He stood beside me and smiled. “So, how are you today?” He arched an eyebrow, giving me a sexy smile. He had light brown hair with streaks that probably turned light when he was out in the sun. He had a smooth British accent, gorgeous blue eyes, and he was tall with muscles that played under his plaid button-down shirt.
“Fine, thanks.”
One corner of his lips curled into a sexy smile as he arched an eyebrow, and I couldn’t tell if he was laughing at me or coming on to me, but I wasn’t going to find out.
As I waited, I tried my best to keep my eyes forward, but I couldn’t help but sneak peeks at him. I could feel his eyes on me continuously, not even trying to hide his interest.
He caught me glance over at him once and chuckled. “So, do you work here, just visiting, or are you a patient?” Then he brushed a strand of my light auburn hair away from my face.
I pulled abruptly away as my heart pounded. Even though it ws simple, the gesture and the look in his eyes was too intimate, too familiar. “I can’t see how that’s any of your business.”
He took a step closer, obviously enjoying my discomfort a bit too much. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve never seen you here before.”
“And then you touched me—”
He smirked, taking another step closer. “And you don’t like people touching you?”
I stared into his eyes, standing my ground, determined not to let this arrogant SOB get under my skin. “Not people I don’t know.”
“Well, then go out for a drink with me then. Get to know me and we will no longer be strangers.” He took a step back. “I promise I’m not as bad as you think.”
“And why should I take your word for it?”
He shrugged. “You shouldn’t. That’s why you should let me take you out for a drink... as a peace offering.”
Suddenly the doors opened, and I took off out of the elevator quicker than I should have, having no intention of going anywhere with this arrogant playboy. Obviously, he was used to turning on the charm and getting whatever, or whoever, he wanted. Well, not this time, playboy.
I let out a deep, cleansing breath as I approached the front desk. His intoxicating manly scent combined with his expensive cologne in the close quarters of the elevator was nearly too much to resist.
So much for not letting him get under my skin.
“Henley!” Rachel, one of the nurses, greeted me with a huge smile. “You look fabulous! I’m surprised to see you here!”
A smile lit my lips, the jerk in the elevator forgotten. “I’m hoping that today might be my last visit. They checked my levels last time, and today I get my results, so please keep your fingers crossed.”
Rachel walked around the desk and pulled me in for a hug. “I’ll do more than that. I’ve been praying for you since you first walked through those doors four years ago.”
I nodded, my eyes growing misty as I released her. “Thanks, Rachel. But don’t start crying, or I’m going to cry, and then we’ll have a flash flood.”
Rachel laughed. “And that’s all we need. Right?” She motioned with her head toward one of the rooms. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your room. Dr. Pierce will be here in a few minutes.”
“Thanks, Rachel... for everything.” As we walked into the room, I was surprised that the doctor had the same surname as Grayson and the Royal Family, but I quickly brushed it off. After all, just because they had the same last name didn’t mean they were related, right?