
Bound by Moonlight

Dhalia: She meets a guy at school who resembles the strange being she saw that night. She can't forget his unusual eyes and captivating scent, but she's unsure if he's even human. Determined to uncover his true identity, she sets out to find the truth and understand her feelings for him. Henry: He is a man who has shut off his emotions after losing his love, encounters Dhalia, a pure and innocent girl. He finds himself unable to resist her captivating beauty, yearning to touch her skin and taste her tender lips. However, he tries to keep his distance, fearing the pain of losing love again. Despite his efforts, he can't resist their connection and must confront his feelings.

Tale_Teller · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

School Trip

Next morning, anticipation filled the air as everyone gathered outside the school building, ready to embark on their school trip. Alice, Dhalia, Jack, and Grace stood together, waiting for the rest of their group members to arrive.

Alice told Dhalia, I'm so excited that Henry is in our group, I think it's a divine sign.

But Dhalia couldn't get rid of the uneasy feeling that was bothering her instincts, a quiet caution that went against Alice's hopeful outlook.

As they waited, a luxurious RV pulled up, catching Jack's attention.

Jack: (in awe) Wow, that looks luxurious! Are we going in that?

To their surprise, Henry and Chris emerged from the RV, drawing the attention of the group.

Dhalia found herself unable to tear her eyes away from Henry as he approached them. His confident stride, white outfit with slightly see-through fabric, and his hands in his pockets exuded a magnetic charm that held her captivated. Dhalia felt a magnetic pull that both intrigued and unsettled her. However, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Alice, unable to contain her excitement, unintentionally let her thoughts slip out loud, causing heads to turn in her direction.

Alice: (blushing) He is looking so hot. I just want to f*ck him.

The surrounding group, including Dhalia, turned their heads in astonishment, taken aback by Alice's unfiltered words.

Alice: (embarrassed) Oops, I think I said that out loud.

Grace, always quick with her wit, couldn't help but tease Alice with a playful wink.

Grace: You're crazy, Alice.

Meanwhile, Jack, who had been observing the scene with a hint of skepticism, rolled his eyes dismissively.

Jack: (sarcastically) There's nothing special about him.

Despite Jack's remark, Dhalia couldn't deny the impact Henry's presence had on her, even if she tried to hide her growing attraction.

"Hey, all," Henry greeted the group as he approached them. Standing next to him was Liam, his driver for the trip.

Henry: "This is Liam, he's going to be our driver."

Chris, visibly excited, chimed in.

Chris: "His RV is amazing! I'm so happy to be going with you, Henry."

Henry returned the enthusiasm.

Henry: "I'm glad to have you as part of this group, Chris."

While the conversation unfolded, Henry's gaze lingered on Dhalia. Sensing his eyes on her, Dhalia tried her best to ignore his stare, not daring to meet his gaze directly. She couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation in her chest, but she chose to keep her emotions concealed, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Henry chuckled at Dhalia's reaction, finding amusement in her surprise. With everyone getting ready to board the RV, Henry called for everyone to get inside.

Henry: "Get inside, everyone!"

As the group started making their way onto the vehicle, Dhalia found herself becoming the last one in line before Henry. Stepping onto the first step, she suddenly felt Henry's hand gently placed on her back, intending to offer support. Caught off guard by his unexpected touch, she swiftly turned around, causing her to lose balance and nearly fall towards him. In that moment of urgency, her hands instinctively reached out and landed on his shoulders, bringing them closer together.

Their eyes locked, and a shared silence enveloped them. Dhalia's mind raced, captivated by the beauty she saw in Henry's eyes. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that Henry was feeling the same way.

Henry: "I'm thinking the same thing."

Confused by his response, Dhalia questioned him.

Dhalia: "Hun, what?"

Henry, sensing the need to redirect their attention, broke the intimate moment with a lighthearted remark.

Henry: "I don't mind your closeness, but I think we might get late."

Suddenly aware of their proximity, Dhalia hastily pushed him away and swiftly made her way inside the RV, attempting to regain her composure.

Inside the RV, the group settled into their seats, marveling at the luxurious surroundings. Grace's eyes widened as she entered the bathroom.

Grace: "Wow, this bathroom seems more luxurious than my home's bathroom!"

Alice, leaning closer to Grace, whispered in an amused tone.

Alice: "He must be very rich, right?"

Their giggles filled the air, sharing a lighthearted moment as they speculated about Henry's wealth. Meanwhile, Liam, the driver, informed them about the estimated travel time to their first destination.

Liam: "We will get to our first destination in almost 5 hours."

Alice, still smiling, reassured everyone.

Alice: "No worries, we'll have fun along the way."

Her gaze subtly shifted towards Henry, who was engrossed in his phone, unaware of the attention he was receiving. Alice's heart fluttered, intrigued by his presence and the air of mystery surrounding him. She couldn't help but wonder what adventures lay ahead on this trip, and perhaps even a chance to get closer to Henry.

Henry, comfortably seated on a sofa, found himself approached by Alice, who seemed eager to establish a connection.

Alice: "Hey, what's your number, Henry?"

Henry raised an eyebrow, curious about Alice's intentions.

Henry: "Why do you need it?"

Alice, with a mischievous smile, explained her reasoning.

Alice: "Well, I have everybody's number, so I thought I should have yours too."

Henry considered her request and proposed a condition.

Henry: "Okay, but only if you give me the numbers of all the people sitting here."

Alice, slightly surprised but willing to comply, agreed without hesitation.

Alice: "Deal."

With a swift exchange, their numbers were shared. Alice diligently fulfilled her part of the agreement by providing Henry with the numbers of all the group members, including Dhalia.

Alice, intrigued by Henry's aura, expressed her desire to know him better.

Alice: "Can we be friends? I want to get to know you more."

Henry playfully glanced at Dhalia, recognizing the closeness between her and Alice.

Henry: "Then who will accompany your friend?" he pointed at Dhalia.

Alice chuckled, displaying her inclusive nature.

Alice: " We can all be friends."