
Bound by Knowledge, Freed by Silence

In a world plagued by the Carrington Event, where communication collapses and chaos reigns, a select few individuals find themselves bestowed with extraordinary abilities, each represented by a tarot card. Among them is Eros Hermes, a determined seeker of truth, whose quest for forbidden knowledge leads him to unravel the mysteries of the hierarchy of the universe. Guided by his insatiable curiosity and the allure of power, Eros embarks on a perilous journey, navigating the paths of both the physical and metaphysical realms. As he delves deeper into the secrets hidden within the fabric of reality, he discovers the existence of 21 contract holders, each harboring their own ambitions and agendas. With allies and adversaries alike vying for control over the fate of humanity, Eros must outwit them all. Bound by knowledge yet freed by silence, Eros's fate becomes intertwined with the very essence of existence itself, leading him on a thrilling odyssey of discovery, danger, and ultimately, godhood. In the wake of the Carrington's cosmic sway, Lost are the voices that once guided the day. Gifted with might beyond mortal ken, Each soul marked by a tarot's golden pen. How shall humanity dance in this twisted fray? Will they hold fast, or scatter away? Amidst the chaos, the contract holders stand, To wield their power, or with a higher purpose, band? Enter Eros, seeker of truths untold, Bound by his quest, his ambition bold. Through realms unseen, his path winds and twirls, Yet shall he emerge, or be lost in the shadows' swirls?

Kyuseishu · Fantasi
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45 Chs

XXXXI - D-Day 2

The crowd's thunderous applause rang in my ears as the president finished his speech, their shouts of adulation masking the ominous crack of Lucky's rifle. In one swift motion, I whipped off the guard's uniform, feeling the familiar weight of my katana in my hand.

"Time to take the stage," I growled, my voice dripping with malice.

Before the stunned guards could even react, I was upon them, my blade moving with a blinding fury. One by one, they fell, crimson sprays painting the pavement around me.

The president's eyes went wide with terror as I seized him from behind, my katana pressed against his throat. "Greetings, my fellow Americans," I bellowed, my voice cutting through the chaos. "I am Diablo, a child of the Church of Truth - a seeker of the forbidden knowledge that you and your ilk have hidden from the world."

The crowd fell silent, save for the choked gasps of the president. I could feel his pulse hammering against the edge of my blade.

"For too long, the truth has been buried beneath your lies and deceit," I spat. "But no more. Today, the curtain falls, and the world will see you for the hypocrites you truly are."

With a flourish, I bowed low, never once taking my eyes off the terrified old man in my grasp. "Farewell, citizens. May the truth set you free."

And in a swirling vortex of razor-edged poker cards that I conjured, Psyche's portal opened beneath our feet, drawing us down.

As the vortex of cards dissipated, we found ourselves in the familiar confines of my apartment - a dingy, cluttered space that felt more like a hideout than a home. Lucky, Lavinia, and Psyche were already there, their faces a mix of anticipation and concern.

"Well, well, well," Lucky drawled, his eyes gleaming with a feral intensity, "look what the cat dragged in."

I flashed him a razor-sharp grin, my grip on the president tightening. "Gentleman, and ladies. I do believe our plan went off without a hitch."

Lavinia arched a perfectly sculpted brow, her gaze lingering on the trembling old man at my side. "Is that so? You had us all a bit...concerned, for a moment there."

I let out a dismissive snort, dragging the president forward. "Concerned? Please. I had those fools eating out of the palm of my hand. Didn't even see it coming."

Psyche moved to stand beside me, her expression a perfect mask of calm. "And the speech? The crowd?"

I chuckled, the sound dark and menacing. "Confused as all hell, I imagine. One moment, their precious president is blathering on about justice and resilience, the next - wham! I'm slicing through his guards like a hot knife through butter."

Lucky let out a low whistle, his fingers drumming against the grip of his rifle. "Damn, Diablo. Gotta hand it to you, that was one hell of a show."

The president let out a strangled whimper, his eyes darting around the room in a futile search for an escape. "You...you're all mad," he rasped, his voice trembling with fear.

I leaned in close, my breath ghosting across his cheek. "Mad? Oh, no, no, no, no, no Mr. President. We're not mad - we're enlightened. And it's high time the world saw the truth, don't you think?"

Lavinia stepped forward, her movements lithe and predatory. "So what happens now, Eros? Where do we go from here?"

I straightened, my gaze sweeping across my ragtag band of co-conspirators. "Now? Now, we prepare. For the next phase is already in motion, and this is merely the beginning."

I turned to Lavinia, my expression hardening. "Alright, sweetheart, time to get to work. We need to find out everything this old bastard knows - about the contracts, the contract holders, everything."

Lavinia's eyes glinted with dark anticipation, a twisted smile curling her lips. "With pleasure, Eros." She stalked towards the trembling president, her movements fluid and predatory.

The old man tried to backpedal, panic written across his features. "No, stay back! I won't tell you a damn thing!"

I let out a derisive laugh. "Oh, I think you will, Mr. President. Because if you don't, Lavinia here is going to make you wish you had."

Lavinia raised a hand, her fingers twitching with arcane energy. "Seven Devils, heed my call..." she murmured, her voice dripping with malice.

The air seemed to shimmer, and suddenly seven small devils materialized around her, their forms flickering and distorted. The president's eyes went wide with terror as they converged on him, and entered his body, reaching for his mind.

"No, please!" he screamed, his voice rising in pitch. "I'll tell you everything, just make them stop!"

I gave Lavinia a curt nod. "That's what I thought. Now, start talking."

The president's words came tumbling out in a frantic, terrified torrent, his face contorted with agony as Lavinia's devils tore into his psyche, darting around the room as he struggled to regain his composure. "The...the contracts. They're gifted to a select few - Four of them are Vatican members. They call themselves the Four Horsemen."

I arched a brow, my expression one of feigned interest. "The Four Horsemen, you say? Intriguing. And who might they be?"

He swallowed hard, his voice trembling. "There's Justice, the leader. Tower, the strategist. Judgment, the bishop. And The Hermit, the oracle."

Lucky let out a low whistle, his eyes narrowing. "Sounds like one hell of a crew. And they're comin' to the good ol' U.S. of A?"

The president nodded, his face ashen. "Yes, they're...they're on their way from the Vatican. Gathering support, and resources. They plan to support us, straight order from the Pope."

Lavinia's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Well, we can't have that, can we?"

Psyche stepped forward, her gaze unwavering. "What can you tell us about them? Their strengths, their weaknesses?"

The president licked his dry lips, his eyes darting between us. "Justice is a master of combat, believed to be gifted by The Eyes Of The Lord. Tower is a brilliant tactician, able to anticipate and counter any move. Judgment is a powerful entity, a ruthless judge against all sinners. And The Hermit...she predicts everything. Nothing escapes her gaze."

I felt a chill run down my spine at his words, the gravity of the situation sinking in. These were no ordinary foes - they were seasoned veterans, wielding both physical and mystical power.

"Sounds like quite the formidable team," I murmured, tapping my chin in thought. "But then again, so are we."

Lucky let out a derisive snort. "Damn straight. Ain't no Four Horsemen gonna stop us from gettin' what we want."

The president's eyes widened in alarm. "You...you can't be serious. You don't understand what you're up against. They'll destroy you!"

I leaned in, my voice low and menacing. "Oh, I think we understand perfectly, Mr. President. And we're more than ready to take them on. As you can tell, we are contract holders too."

Psyche placed a hand on my arm, her expression grave. "Eros, we need to be careful. These Four Horsemen - they're not to be underestimated."

I offered her a reassuring smile, squeezing her hand. "Don't worry, my love. With the four of us working together, I have a feeling we're about to give those Horsemen a run for their money."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction. Finally, the truth was being dragged into the light, no matter how much this pathetic old man tried to bury it.

When the president had run dry, Lavinia dismissed her devils with a wave of her hand. "There, Eros. We have what we need."

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the trembling, broken man before me. "Excellent. Now, it's time to put that information to use."

Crossing the room, I placed my hand on the president's shoulder, feeling him flinch beneath my touch. "Don't worry, Mr. President. Your suffering is far from over. In fact, I think it's just beginning."

With that, I closed my eyes, focusing my will and energy. Slowly, my form began to shift and change, until I was the spitting image of the man I had just moments ago held at the edge of my blade.

I flashed him a vicious grin, my voice eerily identical to his own. "Time to pay the White House a little visit, don't you think?"...