
Chapter 37 : Lost and Found


“So… you’re saying he just came in and took her,” I said, narrowing my eyes on Frank Russo, who was sitting on the other side of his desk.

Russo shrugged, examining the items I kept in my office. “I wasn’t about to fight him for her. She’s your bitch, not mine.”

Catalina was my bitch. MY bitch, not Mateo’s. I thought I’d made that perfectly clear at The Pound. Well, I’d tried to, anyway. Whatever supersoldiers Mateo had brought decimated my guards. It was all I could do to escape. “Thanks for nothing, Russo.”

“You’re welcome,” Russo said pleasantly. “Now, to business. I’d like to help you with Castillas. He broke into my home, killed my bodyguards, and ruined a perfectly good sex session. I’m a little put out.”