
Chapter 80 Do You Think We Should Start Over?

Even if Jennifer didn't say it, the upper management present could recognize who it was.

"Mr. Bomer, what else do you have to say?"

Hans leaned against his chair. His gaze was cold as a sharp knife, sweeping over the management team.

Ray Media's capital was provided by the Joy Group. Every single expense they made, from renovating the broadcast room to subsidisation for the live streamers, every penny was paid for by Joy Group.

But now it seemed that none of that money was used properly.

The four managers of the artist management department colluded with each other and regarded the live streamers as their source of mistress. Those who slept with them would be rewarded and those who didn't would be punished, just like the female streamer who got arrested. They were either waiting for their contract to expire or for them to become popular overnight miraculously.