
Chapter 56: A Certain Death

Hearing Stephanie's name, Jennifer frowned suddenly.

It would be more polite if Hans called her "Aunt Stephanie". However, even disregarding the politeness issue, his question was still somewhat confusing. Was he asking about Stephanie's death or about how she felt?

Perhaps it was because she was used to analysing Hans's every word and every action, his straightforward question sounded like a trap to her.

Hans slowed down the car and looked at her calmly as if he was just asking casually.

"It felt like the whole world was collapsing in on me." She answered honestly.

When Stephanie was alive, her relationship with Hans was not that close, but it was amicable. When he didn't come home for dinner, she would ask Jennifer to pack up the food and send it to him. During the festive season, she would also call him to come home for dinner.