
Chapter 109 Puppet play

Jennifer only felt that her body was as heavy as if it had been tied with lead. After her skirt was soaked in water, her weight increased and she kept sinking. She couldn't use any swimming skills. In a panic, she had already drunk a few mouthfuls of water.

A scream came to her ears. Her body seemed to be pushed by someone in the water. Her toes touched the bottom of the pool. After struggling for a few times, she stumbled and stood firm.

The pool was not deep, and the water only reached Jennifer's waist. As soon as she stood firm, there was a noise in her ear.

There were laughter and discussion. She wiped her face and reluctantly opened her eyes.

The swimming pool was full of people who were looking at her with different expressions, like monkeys who were visiting a zoo. They looked at her with sympathy, surprise, sex, or shyness.