
Chapter 103 Affair

At the airport airport office, a group of people turned over Jennifer's suitcase and did not even let go of her underwear. They checked it very carefully. However, Jennifer's lame English level completely did not understand what they were talking about.

"Don't worry. They didn't find anything. They heard from our captain that you fainted in a dining car. They are a little worried." Hans comforted her.

From the infirmary to the police office, this young master Kong had been accompanying her, which made her feel much more relieved.

After the examination, one of the policemen came over and said something. Jennifer looked at Hans with a blank face. "What did he say?"

Hans gave her a comforting look, and then exchanged a few words with the police in fluent English. He turned to look at Jennifer and blinked mischievously.

"Well, it's settled. Pack up your luggage and we can leave."

When they got out of the airport, it was already dark outside.