
Boruto in Naruto Era

Hello guys, today it’s going to be a new legend where Boruto soul and Talent was taken by an unknown yet Mysterious object which infused his all talent into Naruto with Boruto knowledge of future to create a new legend. Awakening to Naruto Era Boruto is here. Boruto who became the strongest ninja in the thousand Era after death of Naruto Researched and found multidimensional world of Ninja while he continued to find and explore new possibilities, found a cube of unknown origin and found that Ōtsutsuki clan was one of the major Clan which rule 5 Ninja village in one dimension. Ignoring other activities and indulging in only increasing there abilities while other member who attack Naruto and his universe were called rouge Ninja in that dimensions, while with the help of Boruto they were wiped out, but soon he realized that there were other Demonical Ninja who had art of blood and many unknown chakra to challenge. Soon Boruto with his talent took the top but found a cube which started his new journey. Hello guys I am currently working on 2 fanfic one is Pokémon and other is Naruto so if you have read the other one too.

Akash_Rathor_1836 · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 3.


Welcome to Boruto in Naruto Era.

A. Survival training.

Explanatory Meeting, the day when Naruto truly begin to feel like an ninja after back in this world, the world quite and peaceful air breeze's his room as he enjoyed the sensation of being alive in a peaceful world has it's own charm.

" So how do you feel Naruto." Kim suddenly appeared and asked.

" I felt like living again, thanks for that syrup it helped me have a nice changes." While Naruto stretch his body, and joint's.

" oh it's alright after all I am your Sensei." Kim grinned.

Naruto was clever as he already found Kim weakness, that was he loved being called sensei and would always reward him when he called him and appreciate him.

" Sensei, I will be going then."

" Oh right Naruto I will teach you your father teleporting technique if you could win against Kakashi today." Kim grinned as he said that, while Naruto was naturally happy because he always wanted to learn his father favorite technique.

Soon Naruto reached inside his class, while he saw many people looking at him weirdly while they all gossip.

" Naruto what's with hair style and look." Shikamaru asked while he continued " don't you know this is chosen class."

" Hey, hey buddy look at this badge, I to am an konoha Shinobi ya know." Naruto talked irritatedly, while he push his headband.

" huh, you passed." Shikamaru smiled.

" Yes, Iruka sensei gave me that on the examination day but I never thought I would pass in that examination." Naruto could only lie seeing the situation.

" It's a relief you passed, while sit down now." Shikamaru spoke in half ass manner but Naruto naturally felt much happier of getting acknowledgement of Shikamaru at least as a friend.

Naruto walked and sat on the side of Shikamaru, while he continued to poke joke on Shikamaru which made call " so bother some."

" yep, friends are bothersome Shikamaru." Naruto spoke causing Shikamaru to look at Naruto while he recall how people treated Naruto coldly causing his twitching brain to relax a bit as he thought ' Origin doesn't decide your fate. ' while he talked with Naruto more openly ( well openly mean Shikamaru type of openly.)

Naruto looked toward Hinata, who was smiling at him happiness clearly visible on her face, as he remember his future Naruto apologize to Shikamaru while he headed toward Hinata while he said " hello, Hinata."

" N-Naruto kun…. Hello-o." Hinata face was Red.

" Sorry, I didn't meant to startled you like that." While they ignored the commotion caused by Sakura and Ino but when the duo were passing Hinata and Naruto they were startled as they looked at duo weirdly.

" No, I wasn't startled at all but I was a little surprised, because you never talked to me before." Hinata explained with a blush.

" huh." Whole class exclaimed with a mouth open big enough to fit a egg.

" Yeah, that right because I was afraid to face the person who had been my motivation to work harder too.

You see I realized that you were watching me when I practice at shuriken, other practices but I also felt your presence helped me work more harder than ever.

I felt solitude is way more tougher then being hated, at least had some impression of you.

Thanks again and the way you practice daily I saw some of them too, so I felt motivated by your hard work and hence I guess I finally tore apart the labor of looser from my heart when I became Genin as I got this band."

" No, it's nothing I just happen to be there when you practice that's all." Hinata face was beet red but she felt happy inside.

" Any way I am happy for that coincidence was there and your presence was really helpful, so if you need help call me, I guess I am weak now but one day I'll become hokage and keep my today's word." As Naruto walked toward Shikamaru ( Kim : now that's my disciple. Kurama : you got guts boy.)

' of course even with out any one help I got two powerful people having my ass safe, how can I not be this confident. ' thought Naruto as he sat on the seat.

While whole class had pin drop silence while other Jounin looked thunderstruck as they look at confident Naruto in a different light.

" Hinata Hyūga, Hyūga Clan Princess and Junchuriki of Nine tail what an powerful combo if that happen in future, while Hyūga with Uzumaki and Namikaze bloodline." Third Hokage shook his head. ( I know Sarutobi is the name of hokage but still I wanted it to put it like Hokage due to respect, shown in manga and anime.)

" Okay now everyone quite...." Iruka sensei was shocked as he thought ' what happened class looked very quiet. '

' Hinata, why is she blushing hard. '

' eh Naruto why he is looking, wait what with his hairstyle. '

' why all of them are staring Naruto and Hinata. ' Iruka processor was unable to process the situation so he assume a beautiful answer that, he is dreaming.

" you all will be joining a squad of three and one leader, among Jounin and Chunin while the team list are here."

Team 7




Team 8




Team 10




Soon everyone sat with there partners.

One by one every Chunin and Jounin came and took there team while Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura waiting for there assigned teacher or Leader.

" Say Naruto what kind of relationship do you have with Hinata." Sakura suddenly asked while Sasuke also looked at Naruto.

" Hmm, I guess friend's but for her at least but for me I guess I cant find word to express my feelings clearly." Naruto spoke as he looked at the sky outside of window while drowning in expression.

" love." Sakura could clearly feel that emotions as she thought inside her mind.

Naruto suddenly grinned and pick up the duster as it place in the manner of will fall if someone came in.

" Naruto, what are you doing." Sakura asked.

" Setting up trap." Naruto replied with a grin as he continued " you guys laugh of it fall on the head of teacher, alright."

" Why would we do that." Sakura spoke with anger.

" he is a Jounin, how would he fall for that." Sasuke spoke as he look at Naruto, while Naruto smile " just have to smile and we might get much better mission like C and B grade after this, as you guys know first few low level mission is for building team spirit."

Sasuke ponder and nodded while Sakura could not rebuke after Sasuke confirmation.

" I had a reason guy's, think about it why so many Genin are there when each time only three team get to be called Genin of course other team will be sent back to Academy, while what are thing remain to be tested is team work only, as our technique and over all stats has already been tested.

Number 2 point which is we will be attending many different dangerous mission and even a single mistake of our team mate will kill us.

And most of all ( both Sakura and Sasuke attentively listened Naruto because everything he said make sense if connected carefully.) Only a team can overcome a stronger enemy by covering there weakness."

Sasuke brow tightened but he also knew it was true, Sakura also nodded while her mind was disturbed by Naruto revelation.


Previously before coming to class.

Sakura talked with Sasuke, while remembering Naruto ruckus Sasuke couldn't ask " Sakura what do you think of Naruto….



" Ha-ha.,,,,,," trio laughed as they saw white haired guy falling for such a easy trap, then they remember Naruto request and started laughing more widely.

" Did they set up me together as a team already." Kakashi thought while he realized that Naruto was center of teamwork as Sasuke and Sakura would look at him time to time.

Kakashi smiled as he remembered his old team, a bit different but still the same while recalling his final word to Rin.

" My first impression, of you-u guys a bunch of puppies." Which caused trio to look at Kakashi weirdly. " but I hate those who abandoned his teammates are worst than scum." "Remember these word of mine."

" Come with me three of you."

Sasuke and Sakura sighed in relief while they look at Naruto with gratitude.

While they reached a roof top where all three of them sat at the stairs while Kakashi stood at the iron bar looking at trio while he said

" all three of you introduce yourself now like hobby like and dislike, future plans etc." as he took out his novel in one hand.

" Sensei shouldn't you introduce first."

" me ( as he pointed at himself.)

My name is Kakashi Hatake, my hob- hobbies are …., My likes are….. and my dislikes….."

" my name is Uzumaki Naruto my like is someone is didn't want to tell.. , why dislike are being ignored, and my ambition is to become Hokage who surpass every hokage there ever was." Naruto spoke while he sat.


" my name is Sakura, my like are tehe….., my future plan is ... kyuu!."

" Your dislike." Kakashi asked.

" …..Bother some people and Ino." Sakura was about to scream out but spoke with a guilty conscious.


" My name is Sasuke Uchiha, my likes are nothing much, my dislikes are sweet thing's and for my ambition is to revive my clan and kill a certain someone."

Hmm, as expected.

" For tomorrow we all will going for a mission only four of us could do. Tomorrow will be survival training alright as for tomorrow morning don't take breakfast."

" That's all class dismiss." Kakashi vanished and rushed away.

" Hey guys can you both tag along I think it's very seriously and it might depend upon our planning to continue to be Genin and tomorrow survival training isn't normal."