
Boruto in Naruto Era

Hello guys, today it’s going to be a new legend where Boruto soul and Talent was taken by an unknown yet Mysterious object which infused his all talent into Naruto with Boruto knowledge of future to create a new legend. Awakening to Naruto Era Boruto is here. Boruto who became the strongest ninja in the thousand Era after death of Naruto Researched and found multidimensional world of Ninja while he continued to find and explore new possibilities, found a cube of unknown origin and found that Ōtsutsuki clan was one of the major Clan which rule 5 Ninja village in one dimension. Ignoring other activities and indulging in only increasing there abilities while other member who attack Naruto and his universe were called rouge Ninja in that dimensions, while with the help of Boruto they were wiped out, but soon he realized that there were other Demonical Ninja who had art of blood and many unknown chakra to challenge. Soon Boruto with his talent took the top but found a cube which started his new journey. Hello guys I am currently working on 2 fanfic one is Pokémon and other is Naruto so if you have read the other one too.

Akash_Rathor_1836 · Komik
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Boruto to Naruto.


Hello guys, today it's going to be a new legend where Boruto soul and Talent was taken by an unknown yet Mysterious object which infused his all talent into Naruto with Boruto knowledge of future to create a new legend.

Awakening to Naruto Era Boruto is here.

Boruto who became the strongest ninja in the thousand Era after death of Naruto Researched and found multidimensional world of Ninja while he continued to find and explore new possibilities, found a cube of unknown origin and found that Ōtsutsuki clan was one of the major Clan which rule 5 Ninja village in one dimension.

Ignoring other activities and indulging in only increasing there abilities while other member who attack Naruto and his universe were called rouge Ninja in that dimensions, while with the help of Boruto they were wiped out, but soon he realized that there were other Demonical Ninja who had art of blood and many unknown chakra to challenge.

Soon Boruto with his talent took the top but found a cube which started his new journey.

" Huh, where am I." looking around he saw a huge scroll in his embrace while he heard

" Why are you saving him."

' ahh, ahh, ahhhh. ' screamed Boruto inside his mind due to infuriating pain he felt by sudden rush of memories of a kid called Naruto, " huh, Naruto Uzumaki, dad." Boruto thought when he suddenly felt time stopping.

" Hey, there kid." A man in his thirties spoke with an sparkling smile.

" Hello, wait who are you." Boruto asked as he looked at the man.

" to be in short I am the cube you picked, while I fulfilled one of your wish of knowing your dad more, hence I send your soul, blood and talent Into Naruto body."

" while you can say that you are Naruto and Naruto is you, while other part why I did it, to help you develop a new sense called Samsara, you had that latent talent but couldn't use it but if you train with me you will be able in 10 thousand life, I guess depending on talent."

Boruto was stunned as he thought and spoke " then where am I and why is my dad in this position."

" for that it was like this in his past where he lied to you and didn't told any one except all the previous comrades of his, now I think you should help Iruka because he might die today."

Suddenly Naruto senses were back and he stood up while he looked back.

" he is very similar as me because he will use it destroy this village in revenge for sure."

" Yeah a monster would do that( Boruto heart sank but he realized how his dad had gone through and every piece of his soul merged with Naruto.) But Naruto isn't a monster, because he is excellent student of mine."

" He is clumsy yet some time mischievous, but he is a great Ninja."

( Boruto eyes were teared finally he became Naruto Uzumaki.)

Naruto body suddenly brimmed with energy while he looked at Mizuki attacking Iruka while his body moved and all the taijutsu training of past after he searched many ancient civilization ruin to find a optimum taijutsu for himself came into his being and he suddenly appeared near Mizuki while he punched him flying.

" Don't touch my sensei or I'll kill you."

" you little brat, you got me good but I can destroy you in a move." Mizuki was enraged.

" Try some, I'll give thousand times back at ya." Naruto made a hand gesture as he called out " Shadow clone Jutsu, which made around 40 to 60 clones surrounding Mizuki who was shocked while he can only mutter " you." ( Beep : simply his ass was whipped by Naruto.)

" Naruto."

" sorry Iruka sensei I am late."

" Come here I want to give you something." As Iruka called him, while Naruto walked toward Iruka and closed his eyes while when he opened it he saw a head band of konoha Shinobi on his head.

" congratulations for graduating into real Shinobi."

" thanks."

Soon Naruto was taken back by Iruka as he was lecture by hokage while being sent to his room, looking at worn down clothes, food and especially milk which had been expired.

Naruto rubbed his nose as he lay down on the bed and his conscious was pulled

" so how does it feel to be Naruto." Kim asked.

" it felt great, but hey I want to become stronger so that I can go back to stop rogue Ninja of Ōtsutsuki and search more world while making this village the strongest among them all." While he looked at the sky full of stars and hope.

" Well how about getting help of Kurama and listen carefully." While he explained all the knowledge he head and various thing to make up with Kurama.

Opening his eyes Naruto looked at the cage of Kurama

" Hmm, Interesting you can came inside." Kurama spoke with a disdain

" hmm, ill be direct Sage of path send me to help you." Naruto spoke with no lie inside his soul.

" you know old man Sage."

" Yeah, I had meat him and he asked me to help you search all other beast to relay a message while I won't be able to because Madara is planning to seal all the tail beast chakra to make 10 tail live back again."

" You, said Madara right." Kurama eyes squinted as he Thought " how did this little brat know so much, that mean he did meet Old Sage."

" how do you want my help." Kurama spoke knowing that both of them might die as jinchuriki with out tail beast will die.

" I want to you to release my chakra from your grasp and let be friend as a fellow monster."

Naruto reached out his hand.

" wait don't unseal that your body might burst if you release me, I'll send some of my chakra to temper your body then we will release it slowly." Kurama shouted as he looked at Naruto without a doubt.

" Oh okay thanks Kurama."

As Naruto vanished

" What a kid….."

Opening his eyes Naruto stood up, as he made a sign seal and performed clone Jutsu.


Another Naruto appeared and it exactly look like him, what's all the chakra needed to perform that was very low, Boruto use of chakra was o the basis of minimizing control because unlike real Naruto he didn't had a massive amount of chakra to begin with.

Smiling Naruto clutches his hand and slept for the night, next morning he got up and went to hair cutter, after which he asked it cut the way he looked like In his past.

Umm, that's like Boruto style Naruto Uzumaki.

Walking away he saw people gazes that penetrated his skin was akin to hatred, loathing and even anger, Naruto smiled as he looked at fourth hokage statue while he thought ' grandpa is this your fault to seal Kurama in me or it's a ticket for me to become stronger. '

" I sure am hated."

" You are right, that's how monster are treated brat welcome to my world, Naruto Uzumaki right." Kurama spoke out from his inside.

" But I had you, didn't I and for other opinions will change for sure because I am going to be the greatest hokage there ever is." Naruto said as he walked while continuing " hatred grow hatred, and love destroy hatred from it's very core."

" huh, you sure can say nonsense." Kurama belittle

" then tell me why did you love Sage, and why are still sealed inside me even after you had become this strong." Naruto asked

" That's."

" You don't have answered, but think it from my point of view like people is hated by you and you hate people for that, but if there is a child who is not afraid of you and became your friend, will you'll be able to harm it that is someone as closer as old Sage." Naruto stopped talking and walked toward a training ground.

He bought some medicine which could help him strengthen his physics while he vanished from the shop.

Soon he was sitting on the face of hokage as he looked at Danzo man searching for him here and there, while he remained calm about it.

Soon he jumped in the jungle area where he was sure, Black oops won't be able to search him and sat to perform a clone technique leaving it here and vanish again to another area.

Filling the form and had taken a photo Naruto submitted the form with proper photo this time.

" Naruto Uzumaki, where is your konoha Shinobi band."

" That's I thought I would wear when I will be assigned with the team as a proper Ninja."

" This form is very important, even for you Naruto."

" Well, that hair style looked great on you." Old man Hokage said as he looked at Naruto figure.

" He-he, thanks."

"Old man, it's time for a fight." Konahamaru jumped and rushed toward his old man with a shuriken in his hand.

Yo I know this chapter is snobbish and quite boring but coming chapter will be great as I also didn't had a clear idea how to write this chapter and could only do my beast, plus English is not my forte Lang so consider some mistake as small.

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