
Looks, huh?

Nowadays... It's so boring.

I was in the cafeteria, eating breakfast without interacting with anyone. It wouldn't be a lie to say that I was, as a matter of fact, bored.

Hiashi, along with Hanabi was on a vacation trip. So I didn't have any sparring partners either. But I didn't skip on my training just 'cuz of that.

"Why are you eating alone Boruto?"

Shikadai's voice brought me out of my daze. He... Was a good... Friend. To be honest, he's the least annoying person I've met until now, aside from Uncle Shikamaru and Grandpa Hiashi… and Hanabi… Sigh, the list goes on.

"Yeah, about that... What's happening there?"

Just as I was about to respond, my attention was snatched by a small argument between the students. To be more specific, Inojin and Iwabe.

"Ah that, Inojin wanted to know how Iwabe looked without his beanie. Naturally, he declined. But Inojin won't back down"

"I see... Forget it, what's up on your part"

"Not much... It's fun I guess"

"Fun? Oh, lazing off is 'fun' for you. Am I right?"

He just shook his head in response. Shikadai sighed, the young Nara looked toward the arguing duo and shook his head.

"I'm gonna stop them from fighting. See ya Boruto"

Waving his hand in the air, he left. I, on the other hand, finished my meal and got up, leaving the cafeteria, I headed toward the library to read some books.



Gasps resounded in the area by the students around me. The reason is Konohamaru Sarutobi, the grandson of the third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

We were currently on the training grounds of our Academy. Today's lesson was Summoning.

And presenting us was the previously said person. Konohamaru. He just summoned an enormous frog. Almost every student had their eyes widened in surprise.

*Clap* x3

"Just leave it to Konohamaru Sarutobi, to perform such a magnificent summoning Jutsu"

Shino clasped his hand while praising Konohamaru.

"The reason's that he is the grandson of the third Hokage, the genius ninja who was the pride of the hidden leaf"

Shino's statement made Konohamaru proud, he rubbed the bridge of his nose with a prideful expression.

"I'll go anywhere for you, Mr. Konohamaru!"

The ginormous, yet gentle frog said. Konohamaru knelt down and patted its back.

"As always, thank you, Gamagoro"

After Konohamaru's grateful words, the summoned disappeared, leaving only smoke. Which soon faded away.

"This is a good opportunity to ask questions, line up—"

Shinbo was cut short as several girls rushed at Konohamaru. They circled him and attacked him with countless questions.

"Why are you so silent, Mr. loner boy"

Cho-Cho asked me. I could feel a vein popping out of my forehead, this girl is gonna feel my wrath one day or another if this is the way our relationship goes by.

"Nothing in particular"

"Anyway, you lose hands down when it comes to substance and looks, So, I don't blame you for being jealous"

What is she trying to imply here? I don't see any connection between this conversation and the lesson at hand, and what's more, why do my looks even matter to her? It's not like we interact much anyways.

"May I ask why you're so bothered with my looks?"

"No, you may not"

Her tone was of mockery. Expression of confidence. Sniff, Sniff... Yeah, smells like a bitch.

"Ok! Now everyone, please line up!"

Konohamaru said, making the students around him to get into their previously stood position.

"Now, for the first part. You can't use the summoning jutsu without a contract with the Summoning Animal, signed in blood"

He stopped for a moment to observe us. I guess it was for to confirm everyone was paying attention.

"But once the contract is made, you can summon the animal anytime, anywhere from their world"

Konohamaru grinned proudly.

"Do you understand, Boruto Uzumaki?"

I nodded.

"The contract can't be made by anyone. The hard part is making the Summoned animal listen to you"

Shino Sensei added to Konohamaru's information. Our teacher isn't all that bad, huh?

"What's important is mutual trust. If there is acceptance on both sides, an animal can be a valuable partner, eh!"

Konohamaru was grinning through the whole explanation… Was he aware? Probably not.

"Still, it's too soon for you to try Summoning an animal… So we'll start off by Summoning Ninja tools"

Everyone nodded along with me. Some were happy, some disappointed.

"Hey Namida, good thing we didn't start with Summoning a frog"

"Yes, I can't touch frogs"

The cat girl near me spoke to Namida. The latter nervously approved with the former.

"Aren't Summoning Animals usually slimy and seriously creepy"

Cho-Cho voiced, Her tone containing disgust.

"Reptiles aren't the only things that can be Summoned. Lord third summoned a monkey and lord sixth a dog"

Konohamaru replied to her question.

"Oh yeah, I think my mom used to Summon a weasel"

Shikadai voiced his thoughts. A weasel? How does a weasel help in combat... Unless it lived through the dinosaur era. I chuckled. That's not even possible... Right?

"I wouldn't mind a dog"

The shy girl, Namida stated, well...

"A cat would be nice too!"

Of course, the cat girl preferred a cat.

"A cute animal would be better, huh?"

Not really. If you only go by looks, you'll die on the battlefield, filled with regret.

"You guys! A summoning Animal isn't a pet, it doesn't matter what it looks like!"

Iwabe strongly refuted to their opinions. His words do contain facts. Why should looks matter if you're getting what you want?

"It can be ugly, as long as it's strong"

Inojin supported Iwabe. Naturally, both the cat girl and Namida were dissatisfied with their words. But chose to not speak any further whatsoever.

"I have to go with a gorilla, for power!"

Metal Lee enthusiastically kicked the air while voicing his preference. I wasn't surprised by his choice considering his personality.

"If you want to creep them out with appearances, how about a spider?"

Shikadai... Bruh. Never knew you had a thing for spiders.

"Damnit, bugs and snakes?"

Mrs. Cat girl was quite unpleased I guess. Sucks to be a cat girl.

"Boys this age are so childish. We're in an age where looking cool matters"

The one being extremely childish is you and your allies, Bitchy girl. This girl rants about looks when she is not even average! Does she not see that?

"You should talk... When you're the farthest from being cool"

Damn, that inojin sure knows where to strike.

"I may be chubby, but my moves are agile and extremely cool"

"I guess you got a different education than us, as you don't the know difference between being Chubby and fat"

I differed. She was about to argue, but shino's words brought her to a stop.

"You guys! Get started with the Ninja tool summoning"