
Born into the world of Eleria

A typical guy gets reincarnated in another world.

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1 Chs

Chapter 1

In a small hospital room, a 60-year-old man named Takeshi lay on his bed, surrounded by his loving family. They were all distraught, knowing his time in this world was nearing its end. Takeshi's mind drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness, and during one of these fleeting moments, he felt a strange sensation overwhelm him.

Suddenly, Takeshi found himself standing in a vast, ethereal realm. The air shimmered with divine energy, and he could sense the presence of powerful beings all around him. Before him stood a group of gods, emanating a sublime aura that instilled both awe and reverence within him.

One by one, the gods introduced themselves to Takeshi. There was Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, whose radiance filled the realm with warmth and light. Susano, the god of storms, crackled with electrical energy as he reached out to Takeshi. Hachiman, the god of war and craftsmanship, exuded an aura of strength and wisdom.

They explained to Takeshi that his time on Earth was coming to an end, but his journey did not end there. The gods saw something special in Takeshi, a spark that set him apart from other mortals, and they decided to grant him an extraordinary opportunity.

They presented Takeshi with a choice, offering him the chance to be reincarnated into a fantasy world, where he could start a new life as an infant boy named Yuichi. Takeshi's heart swells with excitement at the prospect of exploring a realm of enchantment and wonder.

With the approval of his family, Takeshi embraced the opportunity with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. The gods channeled their power into Takeshi, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his being.

As Takeshi merged with the essence of his new form, he was reborn as Yuichi, a child destined for greatness in a land brimming with magic and mythical creatures. The gods bestowed upon him their blessings, ensuring that his journey would be filled with endless potential.

in a world filled with magic, there existed a land known as Eleria. Eleria was a place where humans, elves, dwarves, and various other magical beings lived side by side. However, their coexistence had not always been peaceful. Centuries ago, Eleria was plagued by a devastating war that divided each race, tearing at the very fabric of their society.

The war, which came to be known as the Great Divide, was born out of fear, greed, and a thirst for power. For years, tensions simmered among the different races, fueling resentment and animosity. The humans coveted the elves' ancient knowledge of magic, while the dwarves sought control over the rich underground mines that the other races relied on for resources.

But amidst this chaos, a band of heroes emerged from the ashes of destruction. Legends spoke of their bravery and selflessness. They were the ones who realized the futility of the war and foresaw the destruction that lay ahead. These heroes, representing each race, set aside their differences and united to restore peace to Eleria.

The heroes, named Talia the Wise, Aran the Valiant, and Gromm the Mighty, embarked on a perilous quest to find the mythical Amulet of Unity. The amulet possessed the power to dissolve hatred and mend broken alliances. It was said to be hidden deep within the treacherous Whispering Woods, guarded by enchanted creatures and ancient spirits.

Their journey was fraught with hardship and danger, as they faced off against enchanted beasts, treacherous traps, and their demons. Yet, their determination and unwavering belief in the cause spurred them on. They traversed through mystical forests and scaled treacherous mountains, all the while staying true to their mission.

Finally, after months of tireless searching, the heroes discovered the Amulet of Unity. Its radiant glow and powerful aura gave them hope and renewed strength. They returned to Eleria, where the war still raged on, and presented the amulet to their respective races.

As the heroes began the arduous process of healing old wounds and building new bridges, an extraordinary transformation occurred across Eleria. The Amulet of Unity emanated a wave of magic that gently touched the hearts of every being in the land. A profound realization dawned upon them - that their unity and cooperation were far more powerful than the divisions they had clung to for so long.

Slowly but surely, the war faded into history, becoming nothing more than a distant memory. Humans, elves, dwarves, and other magical races began to work together, sharing their knowledge, talents, and resources for the betterment of Eleria. These once-warring races now flourished and built a society based on mutual respect and understanding.

Generations later, Eleria became a utopia, where magic flowed freely, and harmony reigned supreme. The Heroes of Legend were celebrated as heroes for all time, their tale passed down through the ages as a reminder of the power of unity and the triumph of love over hatred.

In the land of Etherea, a fantasy world beyond imagination, magic flowed freely and mythical creatures roamed the untamed wilderness. The landscape of Etherea was awe-inspiring, with towering mountains that disappeared into the clouds and lush, vibrant forests that whispered secrets to those who listened closely.

At the heart of Etherea stood the Great City of Eldoria, a majestic metropolis renowned for its grandeur and architectural marvels. The buildings stretched toward the sky, adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with sparkling gemstones that glistened in the sun. The city's streets were woven with cobblestone, each stone engraved with ancient symbols, and lined with bustling market stalls selling enchanted trinkets and exotic fruits.

In Eldoria, the people were blessed with magical abilities inherited from their distant ancestors. Wizards and sorceresses who had honed their craft for centuries practiced their spells in grand academies, while the streets resonated with the clinking of armor as valiant knights and fierce warriors trained relentlessly.

Beyond the city's walls, vast expanses of enchanted forests sprawled in every direction. These ancient woodlands were home to fantastical creatures, such as graceful unicorns whose manes shimmered like stardust and majestic dragons whose scaled wings soared through the skies. Sprightly fairies danced through the air, their tiny wings creating a symphony of tinkling bells, while mischievous goblins made their homes in hidden underground tunnels, plotting tricks and pranks.

Deep within the forest, hidden beneath its lush canopy, lay the Enchanted Lake. Its crystal-clear waters glowed with soft ethereal light and possessed rejuvenating properties that healed wounds and replenished energy. Mysterious merfolk inhabited its depths, their melodious voices said to hold ancient knowledge and wisdom.

To the east of Eldoria, a sprawling desert known as the Sands of Seraphia stretched as far as the eye could see. Gigantic dunes, shaped by the whims of invisible winds, dominated the landscape. With each step, the shifting sands whispered as if holding secrets from time immemorial. Ancient ruins and forgotten temples rose like mirages from the desert's embrace, veiled in mystery and guarded by powerful sand sphinxes.

In the west, the land gave way to the sparkling Azure Coast, where gentle waves caressed the white sandy beaches. This tranquil paradise was home to graceful mermaids who sang enchanting melodies as fishermen sailed by. The waters teemed with colorful fish, and coral reefs created intricate underwater mazes, begging to be explored by daring divers.

Every region in Etherea had its own unique beauty and wonders, an enchanting tapestry woven by the hand of magic itself. It was a world where dreams thrived, where legends came to life, and where the impossible was merely a challenge waiting to be conquered.

In Etherea, the possibilities were endless, and the realms of fantasy became more than mere stories; they were a tangible reality that forged a connection between the whimsical and the ordinary. It was a world where hearts beat to the rhythm of magic, where dreams took flight on the wings of imagination, and where, no matter how impossible, anything was possible.

Hai! Hai! Hai! Yuichi was now 7 and training with his sword his father a skilled knight commander. ( Im finally seven just five more years then I can finally head towards Eldoria and register as an adventure). Yuichi talking in his head throwing in the last swing of his sword. That should be enough experience. Stats open! A holographic board with a bunch of numbers and names on it appeared in front of him.

Yuichi Kenchi.

Age 7.

Level 6.

Strength 35.

Speed 56.

Intelligence 20.

Magic attribute. Lightning lv2, Earth lv1, and dark lv1.

Spells Lightning bolt.

Class Magic Swordsman.

2 skill points.

Hmmmm! I want to level up my lighting magic but I would like to learn more skills and level up my other attributes. Yuichi was thinking about which magic type he should level up. ( I got two skill points. Dark magic will boost my attacks and give me a skill and Earth magic will give me some defensive spells). Yuichi finally decided to level up his dark magic.

[Dark magic is now level two New spell, called Dark Cloak].

Yuichi, dear! It's time to come inside and have your dinner," his mother called.

Yuichi raced back to the house, his small feet carrying him swiftly across the familiar path. The aroma of his mother's delicious cooking wafted through the air, filling his senses with anticipation.

As he washed his hands and took his seat at the table, Yuichi's eyes twinkled with excitement. He couldn't help but ask the question that had been burning in his mind all day.

"Mama, do you think Father will be coming home tonight?" Yuichi asked, his voice filled with hope.

His mother turned to him, her face etched with a mixture of melancholy and love. She took a deep breath before responding, knowing that her son's innocent heart deserved an honest answer.

"Well Yuichi, your father's mission as a knight commander requires him to be away for long periods," she explained gently. "But he has promised to return as soon as his duty is fulfilled."

Yuichi sighed, his young heart yearning to see his father's proud face and hear his encouraging words. However, he knew deep down that his father had an important role to play in protecting the kingdom, and he was filled with pride for his hero.

Although saddened by his mother's words, Yuichi turned his attention toward the food before him. His mother had prepared his favorite meal – steaming bowls of miso soup, fluffy rice, and mouthwatering tempura. As they ate, Yuichi and his mother shared stories of their day, filling the room with laughter and warmth.

sunny morning, as the first rays of sunlight painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Yuichi sprang out of bed, full of energy. Today was a special day, for he had planned an exciting adventure with his friends. Determined to become an honorable warrior, Yuichi carefully chose his attire for the day, opting for a black shirt and shorts that allowed him a full range of movement.

As he put on his clothes, Yuichi fastened his precious metal sword, which he had received as a gift from his late grandfather, onto his back. It was a symbol of his determination and bravery, and it made him feel invincible.

In a neighboring village, Yuichi's friends anxiously awaited his arrival. Daiki, a skilled archer with a sharp eye, and Mei, a cunning strategist, stood eagerly at the village entrance. The three friends had promised each other to find a lost artifact rumored to be hidden far within the depths of the dangerous forest.

Upon reaching the meeting spot, Yuichi excitedly greeted his friends. "Today, we embark on a quest like no other," he declared, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Their journey began with them venturing deep into the labyrinth of ancient trees that constituted the enchanted forest. They encountered mythical creatures along the way, dodging mischievous fairies and casting protective charms to ward off evil spirits. Despite the trials, Yuichi's unwavering determination kept him going.

As they delved further into the forest, a sense of foreboding lingered in the air. The friends knew they were inching closer to the artifact, but a high-level monster stood between them and their goal. This creature was said to be a fierce guardian, with only the bravest warriors capable of standing up against it.

Undeterred by the risks, Yuichi led the charge, showing unwavering courage. Drawing his metal sword and holding it aloft, he gazed fearlessly at the monster. His friends backed him up, each employing their unique skills to aid him in the battle. Daiki's arrows flew true, finding their mark, and Mei strategically planned their every move.

With every strike, Yuichi's determination grew stronger. The resounding clash of metal against scales filled the forest, creating an intense atmosphere. The monster, sensing Yuichi's unwavering spirit, began to falter.

The high-level monster. Towering over him, with eyes that gleamed like embers and claws that could shatter mountains, the monster exuded an aura of pure malevolence.

Fear gripped Yuichi's heart, but he knew that running away was not an option. He summoned his courage and conjured his dark cloak, enveloping himself in shadows that twisted and contorted around him. Instantly, Yuichi disappeared, his form blending seamlessly with the dimly lit forest.

With his senses heightened, Yuichi listened intently to the monster's movements. He felt the tremors beneath his feet as the creature prowled closer, its hot breath brushing against his face. Sensing the perfect moment, Yuichi unleashed a powerful lightning bolt, blazing through the air toward the monster's massive frame.

The bolt struck with unparalleled force, illuminating the forest in a frenzied display of sparks and electricity. The monster recoiled in pain, bellowing out an ear-shattering roar. But Yuichi knew he couldn't stop there. Exhaustion be damned, victory was within his grasp.

Bolts of lightning continued to rain down upon the monstrous creature, each strike weakening its colossal form. The forest surrounding them grew increasingly frenetic, as trees trembled from the force of Yuichi's power. The ground crackled under him, the very air electrified with tension.

Finally, with one last awe-inspiring flash of lightning, the monster fell to the ground, defeated and lifeless. Yuichi stood panting, his clothes tattered, his body bruised and bloody. The battle had taken its toll, casting a shadow of exhaustion across his young face.

Yuichi's vision became blurry and distorted his body was falling. His friends grabbed him and carrying him to the village. Five hours passed and woke up in his bed. Getting up to see a wooden box in the middle of his room. Opening it revealed a black cloak putting it on seeing his stats being boosted.


Strength 35+200.

Speed 56+200.


abilities exp 2 ×.

Wow, I wished I found something like this sooner with this I should be able to become the strongest adventurer. These next 5 years are going to become exciting. Yuichi said having a slasher smile getting excited for the fights he's going to have.

Yuichi ventured into the dense woods, and a low growl echoed through the trees. Unbeknownst to him, a band of mischievous goblin monsters had set their sights on the village, causing mayhem and unrest wherever they went. However, their intentions were no match for Yuichi's indomitable spirit.

Drawing his trusty sword from its scabbard, Yuichi tightened his grip and advanced toward the sound. His heart raced with adrenaline as he approached a clearing, where three goblins stood, their gnarled faces contorted in wicked grins.

With a fearless smile on his face, Yuichi invoked the power of his spell, Dark Cloak. A swirling cloud of shadows enveloped his small frame, rendering him nearly invisible. The goblins hesitated, unable to detect the young hero standing before them.

Seizing the element of surprise, Yuichi lunged forward, his sword slicing through the air with precision. The first goblin shrieked in pain as its arm was severed, causing it to stumble back in shock. The second goblin, realizing the danger, brandished a rusty blade, attempting to defend itself. But Yuichi swiftly dodged the feeble attack, delivering a swift and decisive blow that sent the second goblin sprawling in defeat.

Now, only one goblin remains, its eyes wide with terror. It frantically searched for its comrades, unable to comprehend the swift defeat they had suffered. As it trembled in fear, Yuichi conjured his most powerful spell yet. Raising his hand high, he summoned a lightning bolt from the heavens.

With a resounding crack, the lightning bolt struck the ground, causing the earth to tremble beneath their feet. The final goblin, unable to escape the wrath of nature, was vanquished in a flash of blinding light.

Yuichi stood amidst the defeated goblins, his dark cloak dissipating into thin air. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he allowed himself a moment to revel in the victory. The smile on his face spoke volumes, filled with a sense of accomplishment and a hunger for more challenges.

Next day. As he explored deeper into the forest, Yuichi could feel the presence of the Giants lurking nearby. Their heavy footsteps shook the ground, sending tremors through his tiny frame. Wiping the blood that trickled down his temple, Yuichi courageously continued forward, a determined smile etched upon his face.

Suddenly, the forest fell silent. The rustling leaves ceased, and all that remained was an eerie stillness. Sensing danger, Yuichi instinctively gripped his sword tighter, ready for whatever challenge awaited him.

A deafening roar erupted from the distance, shattering the silence of the forest. Yuichi's heart raced as he caught his first glimpse of the monstrous Giants emerging from the shadows. Towering over the treetops, they possessed immense strength and a hunger for destruction.

Without hesitation, Yuichi activated his lightning body spell, his tiny form shimmering with electric energy. A bolt of lightning zipped across the forest floor, propelling him toward the nearest Giant. Moving at incredible speed, Yuichi's agility allowed him to effortlessly dodge the Giant's massive fists. With a swift movement, he plunged his sword deep into the monster's vulnerable side.

The Giant howled in pain, but Yuichi wasn't done yet. Channeling his inner darkness, he unleashed a devastating dark slash, a swirling vortex of energy tearing through the air. The blade of his sword sliced through the Giant's flesh, leaving a gaping wound in its wake. As the monster collapsed, Yuichi's smile widened, his face now splattered with both his own blood and the blood of his vanquished foe.

But the battle was far from over. More Giants charged towards Yuichi, their monstrous roars echoing through the forest. Undeterred, the young warrior continued to fight, his sword dancing through the air with prowess far beyond his age.

Wave after wave, Yuichi took on the Giants, using his lightning body and dark slash to his advantage. With every strike, his determination grew stronger, fueled by the knowledge that he could protect the forest and its inhabitants from these rampaging beasts.

As the last Giant fell beneath his blade, Yuichi stood amidst the fallen giants, his chest heaving with exhaustion and his face smudged with dirt and blood. Though battered and bruised, his unwavering smile remained, a testament to his unwavering spirit.

With the threat eradicated, the forest reclaimed its peace. Yuichi, a hero in his own right, sheathed his sword. falling to ground passing out.