
Chapter 43

Vee shifted uncomfortably, rolling over and trying to find a new position. Then she rolled back, shoved her pillow underneath her head and closed her eyes, trying to sleep again. The bright light pouring through the pointless filmy purple curtains penetrated her eyelids like tiny burning needles.

It was impossible, she couldn't get comfortable.

Vee rolled to the side of the bed and sat up, swinging her feet to the floor and sliding them into the slippers provided. She pushed her hair off her face and stretched, yawning. Then she stood, reached for her bathrobe, also provided by her generous host, and headed out to the kitchen for her cup of morning tea.

"Morning," Danny said, entirely too chipper.

Vee mumbled something incoherent, took the herbal tea he handed her and plunked herself down at the table. She stared blearily at nothing until the hot liquid started to take wake her up.

"Where're Christine and Sadie?" she asked after a few minutes.