
Bored: The novel- idk I honestly don't know

"What the heck is the synopsis?", Terrence asks. "I don't know. You're the one who thought of making this web novel crap", his friend answered. "I'M NEW TO ALL THIS OKAY. Making a web novel seems fun. I wanna try it out", said Terrence. "Do you wanna just leave the synopsis blank?", his friend suggested. "Yeah Lol wtf are you supposed to write here anyways." and that's how this legendary story began.... LOL TO BE HONEST I DON'T KNOW SQUAT ABOUT WRITING HAHA, BUT I DON'T CARE. LET ME BE.

T3rrence_ · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

05: My childhood lore.

It's been 5 chapters, but you still only know surface-level information about me. Let's take a trip back to my childhood, shall we? Technically I'm still in my childhood since I'm only fifteen, BUT PRETEND I'M OLD AND WE'RE COMING LIKE CENTURIES BACK TO THE PAST.

Fifteen years, twenty-eight days, 8 hours, and about 20 seconds ago. I was born. Nothing special. I was literally just born.

Now, from the very beginning of my life until today, the present, I've never had one hobby that I loved and stick to. You know how professionals tell their backstories like, "Ever since I was a child, I had loved doing (something) and I always dreamt of becoming (someone)." Well uh, sadly I don't have that (something). I've tried almost every hobby there is to exist, but I've never found my (something). Until now, I haven't found it; this is primarily the reason why I'm trying this web novel thing.

I've done everything. From video-gaming, YouTube streamer, chess nerd, collector of many different things such as Gundams or legos, even Star Wars figurines, heck I even collect different board-games before, mountain-biking, basketball, soccer, I was even a dancer before, Marvel and DC geek, speedcuber, Trading-card-games addict, music production, anime binge-watching, video-game developer, bot-coding, Discord server moderation, singer, to becoming a web novelist. And hey, I loved every single one of those hobbies and I would say I still am all of that to this day, but I just don't see myself having any of those as a main hobby, let alone having those as a job.

One of the main reasons why I don't particularly last very long with my hobbies is my dad or both parents I should say. I've had many hobbies in the past and it often either gets in the way of my studies or they simply just dislike that hobby. So usually I would get grounded or even banned from my hobbies; only to find another hobby that would then get banned in the future as well. That was when I was younger (5-13-ish years old). I wasn't able to progress much with any of my hobbies nor even get good at them. I learned to savor the hobby before they disappear forever.

Believe me OMG, my parents hate all my hobbies. Before I became musically inclined, they would have me guitar lessons or practice piano daily, but now that I play guitar 24/7, they often ask me to stop. Sometimes they even take the guitar and hide it somewhere. They say it's irritating and their ears are dying. BRO, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PUSHED ME TO DO GUITAR. Not just that, they believe my hobbies is the reason why I'm not the perfect child they intended to raise. Every time I would make a mistake or do something bad I guess, they would always say, "You're so stupid because video games rot minds" or "Your hobbies are pointless. Instead of finding ways to make money, you're always wasting your time on such bull crap" or even "All your hobbies do is suck every last bit of logic in your mind. You're plain dumb." And yes they really said that to me. They still do haha.

Nowadays, they're not as strict anymore since I'm older now, but that doesn't mean they support me with my hobbies. I don't even think they know that I'm trying to become a web novel author.

With all that said, I don't regret it though. I really enjoyed every single one of my hobbies and because I've had experience with almost everything, my friends often ask me why the f*** I'm so good at everything or how I know a lot. Breh, one of them even calls me a prodigy. Please- have you seen my school grades? Speaking of school, I don't even give much effort to my schooling, but I can say I have okay grades. The faster I finish my homework, the sooner I'll be able to annoy my parents- I mean to enjoy my hobbies yes, yes. As long as my grades are fine, my parents won't take away the things I love, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN MY GRADES ARE GOOD. My grades are garbonkers. If the average is 80/100, I'm around 70-75. I'm not that low, but My grades aren't really anywhere near good either.

I hope this helps you understand me and my motive for making this web novel better.

Anyways we're at the part where I start talking random crap about writing a web novel. I may have overdone myself on the first day (by the time you're this, that was five days ago, for me only two days ago) and the second day (for you it was four days ago, for me it was yesterday), but today I didn't do much work. I did 2k words on my first day and 1.6k on my second day. Today I only did this chapter which is only eight hundred words. After overworking myself for two days, eight hundred words became so easy. To be honest, I kind of feel like writing some more. This web novel challenge thing is really fun. I really enjoy it. I hope you enjoy reading it too :D

A gift from you guys would really mean a lot to me :>

T3rrence_creators' thoughts