
Two Brothers (2)

I thought Xaros was a hopeless God.

But now, I have to change my thoughts.

He knows how to dance.

At that, he dances probably better than me.

Well, I was only taught by my sister just in case, but I never used it.

"So, Reyn, what are you gonna do after the ball ?"

"Well, I think I will return to the adventurers guild from time to time but I don't know what I'll do next."

Lark had a gentle smile on his face, for once, he really seemed like a noble.

"By the way Lark, who is the girl surrounded by many people wearing a beautiful dress ?"

"Well, at every ball everyone talks to her, since she's always kind, every men and women want to be in good grace with her. She is the second Princess, Iris Auyr Rayshald."

"Oh... Let's not talk about her anymore, you'll bully me with what I could say next."

The princess, unlike her older sister, had dark brown hair and brown eyes. The two seemed to have approximately the same amount of mana around them. In physical conditions, they were practically the same, though you could tell the second was 1 or 2 years younger.

"Oh, look who's returning."

Xaros having finished his dance with the pretty Laura walks towards us.

Will he slap me ?

"What are you mumbling about Reyn ?"

"Oh nothing."

"So, what do we do now ? Will you perhaps dance ? I heard you two talk about the second princess, no ?"

Xaros made a small grin while thinking he could take his revenge.

"What about practice Xaros ? I heard the courtyard was where the guards trained, would you spar a little ?"

Instead of a small grin, he made a wide smile hearing this proposition.

I walked towards a guard to ask where to find the courtyard.

He said it was at the end of the left corridor as he also said that there probably wasn't anyone there, but that's exactly what we want.

We headed there while trying to not let people notice us go there, it would be too troublesome if it turned into a tournament while we could probably win easily.

I already tested my swordsmanship against Eleanora at the academy, by putting some magic or focusing on the fight, I could almost slow down time, the attack of the princess back then was at a point where I could probably summon 5 magic before being hit.

But I still don't know if magic can help me if I face someone with the speed of a God like Xaros, so I need to test that.

Facing face to face together, I summon two katanas enchanted to not break by pression.

I also changed our clothes to be more free in movements, the usual clothes I have are easy to move in for fight, so, I made them for the two of us.

We both took our stance.

And a practice fight between Gods started.


--Second Princess, Iris POV--Alusia's castle--


New people arrived every year, but for this much people to notice it, it must be someone famous no ?

"They're like two princes, I assure you, I saw them at the entrance !"

"Yeah, I know ! There's no way no one can know them right ?"

As I talked with nobles and rich families, I heard whispers from ladies and gentlemens apparently talking about two new faces. I ignored it of course.

But I couldn't ignore it if even the persons talking to me saw them and were expressing all kinds of emotions towards two strangers. I decided to go to the main area to see by myself.

And I saw exactly what they were talking about... two rich looking men entered the castle while one of the two was already dancing with a woman and the other was talking with the heir of the Sinnis Family.

My eyes froze when I saw the two, especially the one talking since the other was apparently a ladies man. I can't think of falling in love right ?! Well, it must not be that, but he is.... much better, well, they both are ways better than all the nobles or princes I already encountered, it probably counts for my elder sister as well.

As he was talking, he turned his gaze towards me, I don't know why but I felt a little of shame looking at a stranger for so long, I hid my gaze by talking back with my guests.

And when I looked again, he was talking with the other man that finished to dance and went to talk to a guard.

They went to the left corridor, that's not my problem. Well, I should go find Eleanora since she was apparently talking with the guild master of the adventurers guild.

I also went to the left corridor since their meeting is organized in the barracks, near the courtyard.

As I went to the corridor, I could hear two distinct voices from the courtyard. When I saw who it was, I couldn't help but to hide behind the pillar of the door.

The two handsome men changed their clothes although they are still beautifully made too.

The two men were in fighting stance just like what knights do during practice. I already watched sparring in the courtyard, even nobles do it from time to time, but those two are insane.

They are both holding katanas, swords made in an extremely long time by professionals smiths while the cost of one katana was absurd. The only country making them is the Yarusen Kingdom, our neighboring country, I saw only two katanas in the hands of warriors in my stay of one month there.

It is also said that those swords were way sharper than the ones we have here, yet, they intend to practice with that ?!