
The dilemma

One foot is bolder and another is timid. I have a mixture of feelings that i couldn't express, i wasn't that bold to accept all the comments and go easy. How could I completely changed my look in a day like ranveer singh?. You have to be bold to face everything, subconscious added. As i entered inside, i felt everyone's eye on me, i just want to run back to my room and hide. But, how long?. I acted like courageous girl on the corridor. I just felt how many people know me because of my big salwar. Actually, i am not different. All girls in this college wears whatever they like. No strict conditions. but, still everyone looked at me different and few complimented.

"i feel different today to come with you meera"riya said in hoarse voice.

I happened to see deepika and her friends near laboratory, they looked pale and dejected.

"they surely worried for messing up with you.", asha laughed and i joined. My class came first, they hugged me and went to their respective classes. Asusual dinesh came late, but today my bench was preoccupied by someone. He easily exchanged the seat with the person beside me and winked considering it as a victory. my heart shook and without my knowledge i seen him many times. Tough teenage life!.

i barely listened class, again he came to take my notebook. But this time i holded it harder, i dont want him to comment or tell me anything. He began to give his little force to get my notebook, i too did the same. In sometime, we forget that we are in class. he began to deceive me with simple cheap tricks to get my notebook, but i didn't give up. We both holded the notebook harder and dragged on our respective side.


He is too strong to compete with me. he almost got it from my hand, but i wont give up. I gave my full strength, but he seized it. how dare?

"meera and dinesh, follow me to the principal room", professor yelled and waited for us outside. we glared each other in disbelief , tried to convince and apologize our professor. But, he didn't hear us. He left us near principal and gone for class. I practised to keep my face as pity as possible . i made my lips downturned and made my eyebrows lowest.

"hey, please don't keep your face like that inside. he is almost 70 years , He may die anytime",he laughed at his own stupid joke.

We were called inside. its a highly furnished air conditioned room and an old man sat in cushioned black rotating chair, paired up with a green marble table. What a life!

He had our past records in hands analysing.

"dinesh foot ball champion

Meera badminton national player

Both are department toppers", he muttered and kept our files on table.

so, give me that note book.", principal got it from him and scrutinized every page for something he didn't write. This is my new notebook so, i am sure it don't have anything other than todays note which i took before he coming to class. After searching, he looked at us blankly.

"so ,why did you fight for this?", he asked dinesh with little irritation. I looked at him because i have the same question in mind.

He hesitated a little and looked at me. i am aware that we made a first eye contact.

."you are uniquely beautiful", he blurt out. These few words from his lips made my whole body to tremble. I lowered my gaze from him.

"what?", principal got both of our attention.

"sir, actually i was late today just to check what professor taught. I tried to get her notebook But everything is messed up", he said by glancing both of us.

Principal looked not satisfied with his answer and looked my side,

"why you didn't give?"

"sir class was going on and already i missed few notes", i blabbered.

"don't behave like kids. Do something bigger this is the most silly and ridiculous case i dealt in my history."

"fine, listen classes and don't disturb teachers again. then, i need to suspend you people. This will be your last warn", he told us and we dismissed.

If dinesh spoke all this before my school principal, he definitely call our parents and delivered TC. Here , they just warned us. And my mind shifted to the notebook i was holding.

Do he really came to write beautiful. If i known this before, i would have given him my notebook and this would have not ended like this. I cursed myself and followed him to class smiling at him. He turned suddenly on the way

,"hey, don't take anything serious what i said to prici,i was just........ kidding", he stressed the word kidding for some reason.

He changed my whole good mood to irritation in a single sentence. i wanted to punch him harder for all the mess he did. but i just decided not to talk with him, all the glitters are not gold- he is harmful to my mind and studies. I packed all the belongings from class and moved


My legs automatically stopped in midway.

"you looked good in salwar too"

I continued walking.

~mobile beeps~

New number:"hey i looked at your records, you are a real pro in badminton(".

I am hardly trying to forget him , but now he came in my mobile too. I saved his number as injuriousD. I don't want to reply him. i kept my mobile aside so i couldn't reach when it vibrates again.

injuriousD:"why you stopped playing????", mobile beeped and i tried to peekout.

Riya looked at my activity."Are you playing hide and seek with your mobile?",

she tried to study my facial reaction.

"no.. i was just...", i took my mobile as it vibrates.

Me: "i used to play from 5th grade. My parents don't want me to continue outdoor games from my 11th grade. So , i quitted."

injuriousD: oh. Fine i sent you some pdf for analysis. Check your mail.

I checked my mail after sometime.

"a lot of papers?", i whispered. I just glanced everything. It was like some business company analysis paper. Why doesn't that company hire person to analyse this. almost 1200 pages, it nearly takes me this whole semester to complete this paperwork. I found why he gave me this idiotic stuff.If i spend time in analysing all this, he will be the definite topper this year, subconscious added.

But,I wondered Why i like him?. no one in my life came across like him and i never felt this weak. There are few people in my life i can comfortably speak from my heart without any filter. Because, i trust or like them much. I have a feel they will be my side anytime. Few people break it and few strengthen that feel. When they break it, i never trust or allow people in my life for few months and when they strengthen it it, i cherish every people with love. I don't know how he will be? But my heart wants to trust him even my brain don't want to.