
Books that dreams...

Sometimes the book may not tell us the whole story...but my dreams does!!!

Zik_flash · Fantasi
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1 Chs

The new chapter...

That would be $115 'Mr.Mason'..said Miss Cloverfield ,a charismatic woman in her 30s and also the famous librarian of Altostay. "Yes ,thank you very much"- says the old professor after handing over the money with trembling hands in exchange of 3 books...and a 'smile'.I curiously watched the barter...'No, not of the money and books but of the kind smile of miss Cloverfield and old professor'..After being an audience for 3.18 minutes for the exchange, i climbed down the stairs of the library shelf. I was covered with filth which was dressed by the books of the three uppershelves. After gentle vaccuming and dusting those books...I dust myself and walk towards the history section preparing to battle the grime demon of "The Renaissance"...

As I slipped myself through the kingdom of knowledge...i look for the book with red cover to place a plume which was shed off from 'Rick'..my neighbour's pet peacock.This red book with a riveting title..."The death of parade" caught my attention 6 days ago..as I looked intendedly with my emrald eyes..I instantly knew it was a 'Demre' and this Demre appears once in 2 days and shift it's location from previous one , but this time it was easy to find it ,although who know about future ,and where this Demre may end up next.

'Nadli'...My grandma whispered as I placed my head on her lap.. "remember dear Demre can be located easily if you place those essentials which mother nature give away on its own and not by humans force"...I glanced at the book again after recovering from the flashback ,brisked off to the 4th hall.

I took a badger brush and start to stroke up the edges of history books, dust particles diffused and surrounded me but I was guarded by thick muslin fabric which i wounded three times around my face to avoid the dust and grime penetrating my nose refrained from making disastrous noice .You see,..i sneeze really loud enough to wake 'Sleeping beauty' up.

I took 2 volumes of "The Renaissance " by Frescher Groprev...and continued my cleaning process.

"Goprev indeed!"...I ignored the cranky voice and headed to the main arena to gather more books.

"Hey, don't ignore me like that ,I really need your help this time...pleaded Moosrie , my teenhood friend .Nadli ,please you are my 'only ray of hope'....don't leave me out. Okay!..i promise I'll pay you well this time!! I rolled my eyes and noded. She gave me a tight hug ,enough to burst me for sure like a pimple.

I headed back to keep my books..as I turned around i saw a figure . She was pleasantly dressed with beige shirt and maroon maxi skirt ,with bit oversized winter boots which was shabbly clean enough to get into library. I smiled and the figure smiled back.It was me,..and i was looking at my own reflection. I caught hold of the sight of rarer upper part of shirt which had hole. 'Hmm'!..it's not much noticeable ' i said to myself and went off to make some " Kombucha tea" for the librarian , which was in culture for at least 21 days.

I headed over to Moosrie's after my afternoon shift. On my way ,I fed A1 ,the stray cat ..who has been following me for couple of days now. As I walk through the alley i could feel a gaze over my shoulder , I turned around only to find abandoned trash cans and dumpsters. I speed up my phase ,but still felt that someone has been following me!..I took out the small mirror which Moosrie make me carry everywhere , so that I can check out who's been following me, saw a figure ,again I turned around to find nothing!!

Fear crept through my nerves and made a sprint to Moosrie's house.

"Pardon my intrusion Mrs.Orlson "..i said huffing off warm air from mouth..after entering 'Orslon mansion' which is a storybook manor.

"Oh! dear who we have here"?...Sweety!!..hurry up to Rie's room ! she's been a mess after she arrived says Mrs Orslon as she pet her Eurasian Lynx.

"Marty?..take care of Nad's boots ,will ya?..

A roll of paper fell down as I took off my shoes,..which i used to stuff my oversized shoes to fit perfectly. A sense of embarrassment flushed through my face as I took the paper and hurried up to Rie's room only to find out .....

(to be continued...)