
Bookmaster of the Library of Life's

When he was ten years old, Bayu suddenly found that he had narcolepsy. His life, which was filled with laughter, turned dark. Sleepiness always haunted him, making his childhood he spent more often in his room sleeping and reading books. Time has passed, Bayu has graduated from college at the age of 22. But one day, Bayu suddenly inherits an artifact in the form of a library embedded in his subconscious. In a world filled with fantasy and supernatural creatures, Bayu is a little excited to do something with his new powers. "Let's make this world even more chaotic! Haaa... but when I think about it, I'm too sleepy, it's better to sleep too."

hatentea · Fantasi
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85 Chs

Suicide? (3)

One day after Lesti Nastion's body was found, at one of the cafes in downtown Kembang. Fara, who managed to escape from the police last night, spent her time in the cafe until noon.

All night long Fara wrote articles about Lesti's suicide case for publication by The Mind of Times media. The news that Fara wrote made the people of Nusa quite uproar. The aspiring myth historian was an important asset to both the country and the guild. Every year in Nusa, less than twenty people graduate as myth historians.

These twenty people will be contested by the guilds, government organizations, or other institutions. Losing one of the seeds for the future would be a blow for the people of Nusa.

Fara looked at the street in front of the cafe from the window next to her desk, several news station cars had begun to be seen passing by going towards Lesti's boarding house towards Lesti's boarding house. Fara saw the watch in her hand showing eleven o'clock in the afternoon. Her office told Fara that the police would hold a press conference at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, to announce the results of the investigation and the autopsy results of Lesti's suicide.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Kembang Police Station, journalists from various news portals had gathered. Fara sat in the crowd side by side with one of her acquaintances.

"You are so lucky to get the news first! Just so you know, we went to the location but everything was closed. Information from around the place also seemed to have been silenced. From your article I know that there were three witnesses who found the victim, but it seems that now the police are keeping their identity a secret. I suspect there is something behind this case."

"Don't just assume, it's better to hear the results of the investigation first."

"Fara, can I have the name of the witness, please?"


"Just one!"

Fara saw her acquaintance, a fellow journalist, who wore a pitiful face, but Fara still shook her head. His acquaintances could only surrender and then looked at the podium in front of him. The head of the police investigation was ready to start the explanation.

The journalists had prepared with their tablets lying on each other's thighs. The eyes of all the journalists were fixed on the projection screen from their tablet, their fingers were ready to press the keyboard on the tablet screen. When the results of the investigation were revealed, the fingers of these journalists quickly typed the information they heard.

The Police have concluded that Lesti Nastion's case was purely a suicide. There was no trace of violence on Lesti's body. There were also no traces of drugs or poison from the victim's body. So the possibility of criminal acts can be eliminated. There was also no evidence of the presence of another person at the scene when the victim breathed her last.

The police assumed that the victim committed suicide due to the stress accumulated as a student of world history and myth. Several journalists asked about the identity of the person who first discovered the body. The police argued that the witness did not want to reveal his identity.

The conference lasted for an hour and a half. Fara, who had finished writing and submitting her article, did not follow the other journalists who were still crowding in front of the podium.

"Fara, come on, just tell me one name, I'll treat you to a meal later."

"No need, I already got a bonus from the boss, bye!"

Fara then walked quickly out of the building. After hearing the police explanation, Fara was sure that this case was indeed a suicide, from all the evidence she saw at the crime scene last night, it did not appear that anyone else had interfered in this case. But Fara felt something stuck in her heart.

'There's something missing'

Fara grabs her phone and calls her best friend, Maya. The call was not long until connected, Maya's voice was heard from the earphone in Fara's right ear.


"Hey-Ya, Maya! Have you read the autopsy results?"

"Already read it."

"Is it true that this is just suicide?"

"If based on the autopsy results, yes, this is a suicide. There is no indication of violence occurring before the victim dies."

"Are you sure? I feel there is something strange about this case, not to mention your brother's statement last night. Hmmm, looks like I have to see your brother again."

"Don't get Bayu involved, I'm warning you!"

"Come on Maya, I'm just going to meet and ask a few questions, nothing more. I need a lead! And I think your brother has one."

"Why Bayu? Isn't there another witness? Or shouldn't you go to Adi Hamerfid's place?"

"Adi Hamerfid? Who is that? Why do I have to meet this person?"

Maya, who was lying in her room, was stunned. From her friend's reaction, Maya felt that the police had not disclosed Adi's identity. Maya then took the tablet from the table beside her bed, she looked for the latest news about Lesti's suicide case. Maya was quite surprised when she found that the identity of the witness who found the body was also hidden.

Last night, Maya asked the police not to disclose Bayu's identity to the public. However, what Maya did not expect was that all the witnesses were kept secret by the police.

'Looks like there's something behind this case.'

"Maya? Hello! Maya? Test! Test! Test!"

Fara's voice was heard from the bed. Maya forgets that her cellphone is still connected to her friend.

"Sorry, there was something I wanted to check first."

"Okay, that's fine, but please give me your brother's address?"

"Later. Now you should look for Adi Hamerfid. In the autopsy results, although there are no indications of violence, the police statement that there were no other people is a lie. In Lesti's genitals, sperm fluid was found that matched Adi Hamerfid's DNA. Most likely Adi was the last person to meet the victim before her suicide."

" … "


Tut tut tut tut tut

Fara silently processed Maya's words. Then she tried to look for information about Adi Hamerfid on the internet. It didn't take long for Fara to find things about Adi. A bronze-class adventurer, a genius at his university, his home address, and of course his identity as Lesti's boyfriend. After learning about these things, Lesti immediately ordered a flying car and went to the Hayam Mahkota guild headquarters.


Restu Kencana Street, Kembang City.

At four o'clock in the afternoon in a house painted red, Adi Hamerfid is eating dinner while reading the news on his cellphone. After Adi reached Kembang, he did not expect that his girlfriend's body had just been found. For the past three days, Adi has intentionally left his cell phone at home, because he doesn't want to be disturbed by the press when Lesti's body is found.

However, he did not expect that Lesti's body was found so late, plus his identity as the victim's girlfriend was not exposed to the public. Adi immediately imagined the silhouette of his brother who was on another continent. Adi smirked and laughed.

Towards dusk, Adi heard the sound of the bell from the front of his house. Adi was pensive for a while, then looked at the surveillance camera. On the screen, a woman with shoulder-length hair tied up was looking at his yard. On the woman's neck hangs an identity card, Adi enlarges the image on the screen and then his expression hardens when he finds out that the guest is a journalist.

Adi then went to the bathroom, dripped his eyes with water in the sink until his eyes were red. Satisfied, Adi then walked to the front door with a gloomy face.

In the yard of the house, Fara carefully looked at the yard of the house that had been neglected. The grass was calf-high, then there was some cat litter that seemed to have dried up, not to mention there were also pieces of rusted iron. Fara felt that the owner of the house was not very diligent and clean.

The front door opened, Fara saw a man standing at the door. To Fara, the appearance of the man was handsome, with a triangular face with angled cheekbones and a pointed chin. His long black hair was tied back. His pair of brown eyes looked red and wet. His athletic-looking body now looked sluggish, his shoulders slightly down.

Fara saw the man in front of her still sobbing. Fara's face started to wrinkle, she felt that the condition of the man in front of her was unnatural.

"Good evening, I'm Fara Blairheel from the editor of Mind of Times, may I have a minute?"