
Booking Glory

#Wrestling #Sports #Business #Showbiz #Booking "When the lights turn off, the ring becomes empty, and the fans walk away, I want to see their anger, hate, tears, joy, frustration, and vindication. In short, I want them to remember those 90 minutes they paid for." Rob Williams has one goal in his life. To bring pro wrestling to the heights he had experienced in his previous life. Unfortunately, it is not that easy to do. In a world where pro wrestling is considered to be a niche sport, that barely receives any recognition, Rob Williams has his job cut out for him. But, his passion and bold ideas alone won't help him much when he has to battle on all fronts. Some called him a madman. Some see him as a delusional fool dreaming of something impossible. But, there were others who called him a genius, even a visionary. But, Rob was just a man who worked towards a single dream. A stadium full of fans, cheering and booing as he envisioned!!!

kirupakaran · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
109 Chs

Feedback Required

Hi Folks,

I have recently come across some complaints regarding the fastpass pricing of the story, as well as when the novel went premium in general.

In an effort to address these issues, I am using this opportunity to let you all know what exactly is happening and what I am doing to address them.

Let's first address the fact that the novel went premium much earlier than it was normal for other novels.

First and foremost, for a novel to go premium it must require a minimum of 25,000 words and has to be contracted by the platform. This contract is solely decided by the platform, and hence as an author, I have limited input apart from meeting the basic criteria they have.

The issue with this novel is that the basic word count I put out for each chapter is around 2,500 words or above it. Usually, web novels have a word count ranging between 1.2K to 1.7K per chapter. And mine is around 2.4K to 2.8K per chapter. As of now, I have been averaging around 2.7K per chapter as per statistics after 100 chapters.

So, my novel met the basic criteria to go premium fast and the platform also saw potential in it to contract it. Moreover, this novel was entered into a contest and got the contract through that.

When I signed the contract and put the novel in premium, I was really new to the platform and all this stuff. This one was my mistake as I didn't make an informed decision at that time and put the novel in premium before it was advisable. A basic rookie mistake from my end here.

By the time I realized the fuckup, the novel already went premium and I haven't found any way I can change the chapter in which it went premium after that. For that, I apologize to readers who were inconvenienced by it.

This is something I don't know how to correct and I am afraid it would remain the same.

Moving on to the second complaint regarding the fastpasses, there is something I can do here. So, I would like your input instead of just deciding on my own and making another mistake that would disrupt your reading experience.

The basic premise of unlocking a chapter using a fastpass is based on the word count of that chapter. On average, a chapter that ranges between 1K to 2K will need one fastpass to unlock. The next tier requires 2 fastpasses and so on.

The issue once more travels back to the word count of each chapter I shell out for this novel. As my chapters are usually above 2.5K words per update, it means you will require 2 fastpasses to unlock. This is the basic platform rule and I haven't done anything particular about it.

Sometimes, a few chapters reach above 3K and they require 3 fastpasses from your end to unlock. This creates the illusion that the novel is charging more. While I can't do anything regarding the fastpass requirements, I can change the word count I shell out each chapter.

From now on, I will keep the word count below 2.7K so that it doesn't accidentally crossover Tier 2 and require an extra fastpass.

However, the issue still remains regarding 2 fastpasses required to unlock each chapter. Here is where I would need your input...

I can see two options readily doable at this juncture from my end. I just need you guys to let me know what you would prefer.

1) I keep the current word count of 2.5K and make sure it always falls under the 2 fastpasses requirement. This way, the chapters will not suddenly appear shorter and you can carry on with how it is already.

2) I can ensure the word count is around 1.5K for each chapter. This way you will only need 1 fastpass to unlock the chapter. However, the tradeoff will be a shorter chapter.

I would be immensely grateful if you can let me your thoughts know in the comments. This will help me tailor the novel to your reading preferences. So, be frank and let me know what you prefer.

The changes will start to effectively take place from the First of January, starting from the new year. I will consider your comments for the next few days until the end of the year in general and see which is the most requested option and follow it.

I am doing this to be as transparent as possible with you. So, help me out here.

Thanks a lot for you people to patronize my novel until now. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for your support and love until now.


