
The life outside the walls

As the Principal started to explain everything to all students I started to dose off and try to make my power emerge and come forth. Then I felt a tap on my arm and I looked over and it was Tess poking me in my arm I said "stop" and she looked at me and started to laugh about something. I looked at her with a stern and intense look. I asked "why are you laughing at me and poking me in the arm?" She looked me and said "you still don't have your power do you? Everyone has theres and you don't sad." Before I could say anything I hard "TED" over the speakers. I stood up and walked down the side of the room and as I got closer to the front of the room everyone was giving me that look of disappointment. And as I got to the front of the room my mom and dad looked at me then looked away. The Principal took one look at me and said "There is no need to do the testing on you nothing has shown up yet so your going to be useless to everyone here." As he took in a breath and drink some water "you are from this day forth banished to the outskirts." As one person came to my left and another person came to my right I looked up at there symbols and they where chains.

I looked in the back for my mom and dad They where gone and I started to cry. I looked down and I was off the ground and I could not talk or move I only could breath. I looked around and I tried to find someone that would help me and stop them from taking me but no one did and everyone just sat there and watched me get taken away. As they walked me throw the town I tried to move and fight my way out but it was no use. As I watched the gates open and I saw the outside. They walked for a few and dropped me at the edge of the woods and walked back and closed the gates.

I stood there not knowing what to do but I know I had to stay alive so I can take my revenge. As I walked around feeling the trees and the leaves and everything else. I was trying to find a place where I could make camp I felt like I was walking for miles. My body was so weak my legs felt so heavy so did my arms. I came acrossed a tall tree that had a opening in it I curled inside. "Im so hangry and thrusting." He past out from exhaustion he woke up the next day to someone standing over him. His eyes where still blurry so he could not make out what they look and what they where. I tried to scream but they covered my mouth and said "shut up you don't want to tell everything we are right here do you." I started to think I recognized that voice anywhere.

"Why are you here? I thought you had a power and a symbol?"... I looked up and there was nothing there and no sign of one. As his eyes got focused on the person in front of him it was not who he thought it was but a person that he had not seen in years. His adopted sister she had long dark hair and dark black eyes that looked in to your soul when she looked at you. She took her had off his mouth and said "It seems like that family is a curse….." "it seems like everyone from that family loses there power to fight and everything." I was listening to her words but I jumped and put my arms around her. As Ted and his older sister got reunited and she should him what she has been up to. For the past 2 years she has been getting everyone that has been banished from the city and building one of there own far from where there home was. Ted looked around for hours looking at everything seeing what she has done. He was so happy for everyone. But he had this sad feeling over him that was not going away even by looking at everything. He stood on a box and started to speak "Even if im young and don't know much about the real world but I think everyone here wants to return to there life's one day." "im I wrong probably not." "I know non of us have powers but we have the will the will to live and fight for what we want so lets train and get strong and one day we will join everyone else." As he finished his speech everyone clapped and was screaming "ya lets don it."

As years went by more an more people joined them and the kids that got thrown out they went in to classes for school. And I helped train people and went out hunting. After 15 years have past we had over 10,000 people following us to go back to are city. As Ted has been away from his old life for years now and has been a new one and has trained for years he has 1 kid with a girl that joined them a year after he did. Her name is.... TO BE CONTINUED