
The begining

Hey everyone this is a story that i have been thinking about for a long time now. things in this story will make since as it goes on like every story. i have been trying to give this book a name so how about ask this book is being made you help me give it a name.

So let me start off by telling you all my name a and why i want to wright a book. Well my name is cody and i have done a lot of interesting things in my life but i have never fully finished a book yet so now i want to. Also im a YouTube but with everything going on these days i am stuck in Arizona working and have not been able to get back home to my pc and make videos. So I decided to wright a book instead of making videos. Also give your love and support to my friend that is editing and posting this for you guys

So lets get started with the book then that's why your all here. In a world far different from are own. This world is magical but has wars all the time here and a lot of people die. since there are wars all the time and usually there's not a lot of people alive. there are parts of this planet that are beautifully and overs that have been destroyed from war. and people usually don't live past the age of 30.

So after thousands of years of war and not going anywhere in technology. A city designed to wall off there city and live in the walls only. The gurds and the scouts are the only people that could leave. The best of the best are the only people that became scouts and the people that gurd the city. Became the gurds lived in the wall. There are two other types of units actually three but you will learn about them later on.

100 years after they set this all in place a kid was born with no powers that was not visible to the eyes. So everyone that he was a unknown his name is Jeb. this is where the story begins and everything changes for everyone. We are going to start this story in a field about a half a mile from the city hall. There are two kids playing hide and seek. And Jeb is the kid we are going to be falling on this adventure. He is hiding in a crate in the middle of the field. He is saying to himself "I don't want to be found this time can I win one game." Then he hears something outside of the crate hes in and the top comes flying open and his friend says "got you I win again and you lose." Jeb says "its no fare you have a power and I don't im the son of the strongest people here and I don't have anything." Jeb looks at his friend and starts to cry a little. His friend looks at him with concern and said "you still have the rest of today and part of tomorrow to get your simble and your power." Jeb looks up above is friend and seems is symbol its glasses that are shrouded in yellow smoke that if you follow the line that comes from them it lets to his friend and everyone else that here powers.

As they continue to talk I will tell you about Jeb's parents and what they are and what they can do. Jeb's mom and dad are the strongest the city has and are the highest rank that you can get in there city. Before they meet one another they commanded there own group of people. They never lost a battle ever and when they meet and fell in love they where unstoppable. But one battle proved them wrong that they where stoppable and that is the only time they lost a battle. It also came at a price of losing there first born and always living with that. They have the title of god reapers.

Back to Jeb and his friend talked until it was getting dark they ran to there own houses. When Jeb walked inside he did not hear anyone and he said "Same old same old they have always been gone since I turned 9 years old." As he walked up the stairs he hears something in the kitchen and runs and says "mom you're here." When he got around the turn to the kitchen he saw it was there house keeper. He started to cry and she walked up to him and says "its ok they will be back tomorrow for the picking and they will see that you will make them proud." Jeb looks up at her and sees her symbol and it's a broom. Its bright and it looks like its just hovering over her head but everyone has something that lets from there symbol to there body but Jeb could not see hers. He looks at her in the yes and asks " don't you feel useless because your power is weak and it does not do much at all?" She looks at him and says "no I don't follow me and I will show you what I mean." They walk outside to the training grounds and she stands as far as she could from the farthest targets.

After that Jeb found out that no matter what your power can be very strong the next day he walks to school alone. When he gets there everyone is showing off the powers and symbols. As Jeb is half ways to the schools doors a kid miss fires a fire ball in the air and when Jeb looked up it was heading for him. He stood there just looking at it and it started to snow and it vanished. He keeped on walking and when it was time for all the kids to sit down and get ready for the picking. They did and when they where all sat down they parents walked throw the doors. Jeb was looking for his but he could not see them right before they started his parents walked throw the door and waved at him.

first time wrighting something like this tell me what you all think

gaming_fish117creators' thoughts