
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · Fantasi
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230 Chs

Series 3 book#2

Continue with me on my journey of Adalyn and Sixth Star. No, they have not left there planet yet. Adalyn has to do one last thing first. It'll only take one chapter to do so don't worry.

Being the last Pure and the only true Hopegiver since Sixth Star is only a spirit, Adalyn must decide what path she must go on. On one side, her whole entire life was almost identical to Summers. The only difference. Summer responded to her haters by killing them all. Thus, that is how she was able to embrace Dragon. Adalyn on the other hand, responded to her haters by loving them. Thus, that is how she has been able to embrace a Hopegiver when she very well possibly could have maybe turned into another Dragon just like Summer did. The opportunity presented itself and they did go through the same scenarios. They just responded to them different. But what will happen to Adalyn once she finds out more and more how unhopeful Sixth Star really is. As she leans more and more on Summer and bonds closer to her, will that impact her stature as a Lovechild and turn her into a Punisher, or is she more powerful then we think? Also, who is the real enemy!! The only way you can find that out is if you continue to follow me on my journey as I track the movements of Adalyn and Sixth Star or.....Starlyns adventure: Their path to a perfect fuse!!!